Strife Lately 1+2

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EDIT: I just realized I didn't even make that typo...

lmao. damn you dog.
Is it wrong to think that Sean Bean's poetry recital in Equilibrium was kinda sexy?

That crap is like a siren song
New years day and am really buggered... why so many people being banned? Are they bastards? :p
Is it wrong to think that Sean Bean's poetry recital in Equilibrium was kinda sexy?

That crap is like a siren song
As long as you're not aroused by the part shortly following that.
I think I know what pet I want to get. A Sugar Glider.

Will post info later, I'm too lazy.
So hungry... To hungover to cook, Pizza wont be here for another 20 min...

What the hell am i supposed to do?!?
How 'bout you wait 20 minutes you impatient bastard!
Yeah let's do that.
Not enough meat on that sucker anyway.
Just for Raz.

Oh man it's so awesome Shamrock! I'm so jealous.

If I had the money I would have so totally gotten myself one. The hedgehog or the Panda for sure.
There are moar pictures in the Post pictures of your room thread which is what I was telling you to do.
I just realized that I that about 50% of my thoughts are expressed in Koola's voice. Disturbing and awesome.
Just got back from the hospital. What a way to spend a ****ing new year.

Also whenever I try to read something in Koola's voice I only get chopped up bits of dialogue from the Stalkers in STALKER.
Nearly every day for as long as I can remember I get these random headaches ranging from passing to migraines that have made me want to kill myself from the pain. Wednesday night at about 2 in the morning I had the worst headache I've ever experienced. The back of my head felt like someone was steadily punching it, the sides felt almost like muscles contracting and the inside of my skull was on fire. The pain was so intense it spread down my neck and spine. Moving made it feel a million times worse. No amount of pills or medication could curve the pain the slightest. Sometime later that morning my dad took me to the hospital worrying that these headaches might be because of something wrong with my brain or whatever. Doctor found nothing wrong and said I need to stop watching so much tv or playing video games. Who pays these ****heads?

Pain persisted until about 3 o clock this afternoon. I really wish I was dead from the experience.
I just realized that I that about 50% of my thoughts are expressed in Koola's voice. Disturbing and awesome.

You poor bugga! :LOL:

Shit Willeh. I hope you're ok mate, couldn't imagine living with something like that. Have you gone for any tests, or don't they allow black people the right for CAT scans?
I actually have something similar willie, i haven't had any big one for almost a year though. But **** do I know the feeling of wanting to kill yourself when it's at it worst.
It's really worrying when the doctor can't even pick up any disturbances or unnatural things causing it.
Willie, did you ever think it could possibly be some sort of infection? Maybe you should look up something about your symptoms and see what you could find out, sometimes doctors miss the problem entirely..
Hell Yeah


Haha quality.

And sucks willie, I don't really get headache but when I do they are the most annoying thing ever, to get them that bad I can't even imagine D:
I called Koola earlier today, and daaaaaaaaayum
his voice is so sexy, tho he kept yelling "oh my god, oh my god"
^this man is an absolutely ****ing awesome guy. Words cannot explain it, and the human mind cannot begin to simplify it.
Willie, did you ever think it could possibly be some sort of infection? Maybe you should look up something about your symptoms and see what you could find out, sometimes doctors miss the problem entirely..
Not really. I always thought it was my own stupidity making my brain hurt, but never and infection.

Also I love you Steam Chat. Calling Pesmerga, Gemma and Digi and having Calhoun AIM Relay messages to me through a phone operator about me being on drugs and being a politician while the operator asked me if I was ok was the highlight of last night. That guy probably thinks I'm insane.
mchammer75040, how much snow (if any) do you have at your place now?
^haha I remember having this conversation with you where you thought I lived where you did. Dude I live in Texas, the weather is actually very fair here. Where do you live again?
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