Strife Lately 1+2

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mother ****er punshed my ear today at work.
He said he wanted to go home to his mom. I couldn't stay mad. Pathetic got a new meaning. I called him a stupid son of a bitch and let him go. Then, when im back inside, he starts telling people how he's gonna sew me.

Wait, what? Could your post make any less sense? From the way you described it, it sounded like you got your ass kicked in a fist fight with a 9 year old.
you mean punched? Also why?? What the hell did you do, it sounds like you were holding him against his will. :LOL:
Yeah... punched thats what i said :p

I toke him down after he punched me. And then he actually said he wanted to go home to his mother. First i thought he said my mother so i placed my knee on his throat. Then when I asked him to say it again, he either corrected me or changed his mind quickly.

Hence why he thought he could sew me I guess.
He was a bit drunk, and I had asked/made him leave. Then he came back. He used one of the back doors. I toke him outside and then went back in to get his coat.
I came back outside to give him his jacket and when a girl asked me why he had to leave he punched me.
lol thats an impressive amount of spelling errors you got there. So wait how old was this guy, what do you do as a job?? Beat children?
Yeah well, screw you grammar nazi. :p jk

I work at a childrens hospital. I like to serve them alcohol, but sometimes they get a bit out of control. (See previous post.)
lol thats an impressive amount of spelling errors you got there. So wait how old was this guy, what do you do as a job?? Beat children?

Just because he's not from the US doesn't mean that he has to have English as his first language. :dozey:
Its a freakin joke, I know he isn't from USA.
edit: rizzo you just became my hero lol.
What the fuck, you work at a children's hospital and you're putting your knee on kids' throats? Who the hell hired you?
Asked a girl out, no reply as of yet.
That's my strife,
Also, a girl who i am friends with hates me because of one thing (willeh will know what i'm talking about)
I am really, really ****ing tired. Also I do know Alex. Also I need to shit.

Also my friend has really hot 14 year old friends. I'm becoming a pedo.
Doing? Nah bro you got it all wrong.

Pedophilia is merely appreciating.

Touching and doing are for sex offenders.
May I direct you toward the last line of your signature.
Oh man, I hadn't seen that before. The expression on the last frame is just priceless.

Like $0
Im getting enoyed with facebook... I mean, groups that try to invite everyone on facebook to it. Why? It's like we, heard u like facebook so we put a facebook in yo- WHY SHOULD EVERYONE ON FACEBOOK JOIN? Seriously? Everyone already has facebook, so why join that group? Social experiment? To see if they can?

Well they can't. Becouse there is one person who will never join those groups.

No point to those groups. Now i hate facebook.
JUst got back from holiday and am so damn tired from this travelling

South Africa - Dubai : 9hrs.
Dubai waiting : 2 hours
Dubai - London : 7.5 hours
London - Exeter : 4 hours
Exeter - Cheltenham : 2 hours

All in the space of 24 hours...and NO sleep since 8am friday morning in South Africa.

Now ive got less than 24 hours to write an 1800 word essay due in tomorrow...


Though I did get to go skydiving and cagediving in Cape Town which was always nice.
^haha I remember having this conversation with you where you thought I lived where you did. Dude I live in Texas, the weather is actually very fair here. Where do you live again?
oop - California. I thought you lived over the pass, in the eastern Sierras. We have a fair amount of snow and most of the passes are closed,so I always imagine that neck of the woods being snowbound until May (but can't believe it's true).
Damn you Domino's Pizza, let me order online. The store clearly does deliver to my postcode because we have got pizza delivered from there before, so that's no excuse to stop me ordering.

I am this close to sending an angry letter.
I've just discovered that I've got an extra day off college! I thought I was back tomorrow but it's Development Day so I don't have to be in! Woo!!! \:D/
Life. You can drink and **** it up, or you can stay sober and let other people **** it up for you.

Realizing this, is my latest strife.
Got some wired texts tonight from someone who got my number of a tram...

Im curious to who left it there.
Life. You can drink and **** it up, or you can stay sober and let other people **** it up for you.

Realizing this, is my latest strife.

That's a shit attitude.

School tomorrow. Bleh.
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