Strife Lately 1+2

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The thing is I think just being in her vicinity gives me bubble herpes.
huhm... Turns out i might actually be in trouble for taking down that guy who punched me in the ear.
Redicules. I'll find out tonight.
About 3 o clock last night my right spermatic chord got tangled up and I epxerienced what is called testicular torsion. My mom would not drive me to the hospital to get it checked out, so I went to sleep thinking "**** it I'm not having kids anyway."

I woke up this morning my balls slightly swollen but going down and the chord untangled. What.
For some reason I found that hilariously disturbing.

Currently have an ice pack on my left elbow after slipping outside Tesco due to the snow and ice patch I failed to see whilst walking back to my car.
It snows, a bloody miracle of joy and wonder, and I fall arse over tit with my hands full of shopping.

Disillusioned with my A2 subjects, and with the course choices i've made for university. Exams in the next few weeks, along with an interview in Birmingham in which i have to effectively feign interest and enthusiasm in the course (even though i have a conditional offer).

I'm goin' to New Zealand for a week. See you guys.
Woke up at 8am yesterday. Went to bed at 4:30am this morning, woke up at 7:20am, went to school, then went to work, now I'm back.




My balls are starting to swell and the lump is coming back.

This had better not be ****ing starting up again or I'm going to have to break my foot off in someone's ass. No really, I will go to my neighbor's house, kick the shit out of their annoying ass cat and break my foot off in his daughter's ass. I don't give a **** call the police.


My friend told me she was going to the hospital to work tomorrow. My first thought was, "I should warn her about picking up ammo in the sewer."

I need to get out more.
Does anyone know where Naudian is? He was supposed to be in or around London a few days after Christmas, but he hasn't called me or signed on to MSN. I'm a bit worried...
I can either join this band and not go to college or go to college and not join the band. The band's pretty successful as of late, with some pretty high venues coming up plus some radio play locally. I'm too lazy to learn any of the songs though...or do any schoolwork for that matter.
too lazy to do schoolwork is understandable. Too lazy to learn songs? Inconceivable.
Just got back from Kamikazie's house.

Epic bacon pie is epic. Fun for the whole family (especially his mother!)
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