Strife Lately 1+2

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Haha. Yep, those are on the counter.

I'll buy you some when I head up there.
i'll make it my personal duty to find at least 2 people who play L4D so we can truly lan this shizzle.
If my computer actually worked and CybrMan wasn't a lazy bum, we would've LANed. What we can do is find four more people to LAN a versus match. >:3
You guys met? D:

That's scary.

I'm so antisocial the thought terrifies me!
Want and capacity are entirely different things ;(

I wanted to meet Shamrock too when he was down here, several times! But... the terror...

Bah I need to find some hl2.netters here in dallas and lan.
BTW totally unrelated, but I've been meaning to ask you whether you were going to college here in Dallas or not? j/w.

I washed before, during and after.

It was very messy. :naughty:

You cant wash off previous semen with more semen it doesn't work like that.
Want and capacity are entirely different things ;(

I wanted to meet Shamrock too when he was down here, several times! But... the terror...

Which reminds me, I was down there for 2 weeks at the end of December, but didn't bother telling you due to the fact that I knew you'd react as such.
I'm not gonna lie, my dick moved a little when I saw Kami for the first time. And then it moved a lot when we went into his bedroom.
Bah I need to find some hl2.netters here in dallas and lan.
BTW totally unrelated, but I've been meaning to ask you whether you were going to college here in Dallas or not? j/w.

Nope, I'm not.

And yeah I want to have people to LAN with as well.

I've never LANed with anybody in my life other than a couple family members.

Which reminds me, I was down there for 2 weeks at the end of December, but didn't bother telling you due to the fact that I knew you'd react as such.

I thought you told me that, but you were like in a dark mood. Evil Shamrock had come out. But yeah I know, I'm sorry :(
Whats up shamrock, you got family here in Texas or somethin?
Yeah. My brother and sister moved down there not too long ago, and I took a trip down there to spend time with them for Christmas.

I thought you told me that, but you were like in a dark mood. Evil Shamrock had come out. But yeah I know, I'm sorry :(
Probably. I've been depressed lately.

I'm sure I'll be down there again soon. It's rather dull up here.
Yeah. My brother and sister moved down there not too long ago, and I took a trip down there to spend time with them for Christmas.
Wow Pennsylvania must really suck for them to want to be in Texas :p. What is it for work or somethin?
Wow Pennsylvania must really suck for them to want to be in Texas :p. What is it for work or somethin?

Yep. That's just where they got job offers, and they both got them in Texas and in almost the same exact area. My brother lives in the actual city of Dallas about 15 blocks away from the American Airline Center, and my sister lives about 3 blocks away from the Galleria Mall in Addison.
Probably. I've been depressed lately.

I'm sure I'll be down there again soon. It's rather dull up here.

Tell me about it. I get depressed all the time. All I do is sit in my room. I've done it so long, that I hate it. I hate all the free time.
AHHH I see, I used to work at jack in the box. God I hate that place, I bet hes making the monies though in marketing.

EDIT: Am I the only one who hates their tacos?? They look like someone sweat in them :|
Tell me about it. I get depressed all the time. All I do is sit in my room. I've done it so long, that I hate it. I hate all the free time.
Heh.. You and I are one in the same. That's all I ever do. I need Zoloft or Xanax or something to be honest.
AHHH I see, I used to work at jack in the box. God I hate that place, I bet hes making the monies though in marketing.

EDIT: Am I the only one who hates their tacos?? They look like someone sweat in them :|

Yeah, they make great money.

Their tacos do look shitty but they taste great.
Heh.. You and I are one in the same. That's all I ever do. I need Zoloft or Xanax or something to be honest..
Just whatever you do dont take serquel, that shit will make you fatty mcfatterson quick (happened to me).

Yeah, they make great money.

Their tacos do look shitty but they taste great.
Yes indeed they are.
EDIT: wait what why am I agreeing with you...sometimes they do, sometimes they smell like someone rubbed it on their taint before serving it.
But then again thats Texas for you I guess.
Just whatever you do dont take serquel, that shit will make you fatty mcfatterson quick (happened to me).

Yes indeed they are.
EDIT: wait what why am I agreeing with you...sometimes they do, sometimes they smell like someone rubbed it on their taint before serving it.
But then again thats Texas for you I guess.

From what I can remember, they taste good. I mean I've had them one time ever and that was about 2 years ago.
Tell me about it. I get depressed all the time. All I do is sit in my room. I've done it so long, that I hate it. I hate all the free time.
Man, whenever you post shit like this I swear it's like staring into a living internet text mirror.

F*cking stomach cramps again. I went to my doctor about the meds that are causing it and he's like "keep taking em." Fuuuuuck.
Just whatever you do dont take serquel, that shit will make you fatty mcfatterson quick (happened to me).

I think somebody slipped me some.

Man, whenever you post shit like this I swear it's like staring into a living internet text mirror.

F*cking stomach cramps again. I went to my doctor about the meds that are causing it and he's like "keep taking em." Fuuuuuck.

That's because doctors want your money. You're a cash generation machine for them, except when you malfunction and sue.

Oh and you mean about my depressive posts?
Depressive, anti-social, take your pick. :p

My doctor's actually pretty good, been our family GP for years, and I got the meds cheap on prescription. Just kind of pissed there isn't another way about it, cause it's ****ing uncomfortable.
I just stayed up the whole night for the first time (well 9:30 am latest ever). Planning to fix this crap sleep cycle by going to sleep relatively early today.
I just stayed up the whole night for the first time (well 9:30 am latest ever). Planning to fix this crap sleep cycle by going to sleep relatively early today.


First time?

I stayed up for 2 nights once. Studied for exams that is. After completing them i went to sleep and slept for almost a day.
I fell asleep in the middle of an exam because I pulled 2 consecutive all-nighters studying for it. HA! :E
9am-5:30pm working (Booooring)
6:30pm - 8pm (relax at home)
8:15pm - 10:00pm (Gym)
10:15pm - 12pm (PC game, movies.....torrent)

sex ---- then go to sleep.

I just stayed up the whole night for the first time (well 9:30 am latest ever). Planning to fix this crap sleep cycle by going to sleep relatively early today.
Haha, good luck. That's basically become a part of my regular "cycle" now. If I can't get to bed early enough, I just stay through in an attempt to right myself, but half the time I won't be able to get back to sleep at the right hour because my second wind will kick in at just the wrong time. So I'll end up going to sleep way too early and waking up at some ungodly hour of the morning, or go to bed too late and be back to square one. I have no self-control when it comes to sleep...

Speaking of which, woke up at like 4am just now feeling like total shit. Had about 3 hours sleep total but now I'm completely awake. Goddamnit, body.
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
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