Sulkdodds Artwork ( The Comic)

Holy crap this is awesome (still). Haven't checked on it in ages... I got another cameo! :D

/me brings back the clop
Comic Page 18!

Hey put me there somewhere, if you ever read my posts you will know my personality by now.

Consider it done. I think there's room on the next page...

I think that's me in the goggles and balaclava, right next to the escargot with a bandana...

Indeed it is. :D

EDIT: Oh yes, I think it was EdCrab who asked about sequel ideas. Well, a sequel is planned (but not for a while yet). If I told you about that I'd have to kill you. My next project will either be hard-hitting docu-comic 'A day in the life of the G-Man' or ...yep, The Arena. ;)
WOO another cameo, btw the comic is still grrreat!! (although you already new that, silly me lol :) )

hey alex ill have that "all your base are belong to us" theme
cos it kicks arse.
Sulkdodds, you are awesome. Just seeing all these forum members mixed with a great idea and plenty of humor is the best thing ever!!

Don't ever stop!

(And thankyou VERY much for making me a member of the "team" thing :))

But I don't feel worthy lol.. Everyone else in there are long time members... But don't you dare take me out ;)
Had some catching up to do, I just read page 17. Man, that Cats appearance is priceless. Completely out of the blue. I almost expected them to re-enact the entire all your base scene :p Genius
Already dead.
Yeah about that - one appearance and I'm instantly banned!? :hmph: That hurts.
I'm NOT a spammer I tell you! :naughty:

Attention whoreage aside, this is an awesome cartoon (I only just picked up on it) - it's unlike anything I've ever seen in a community. It's beautiful.
whats the big deal whit the "all your base belong to us"?
I believe it was from some old Japanese video game (no idea what it was called). Basically, it was really poorly translated and so instead of saying "We have taken over your base", or whatever it was supposed to be, it said "All your base are belong to us." I believe the Warez community picked up on it, reviving it as "All your Warez are belong to us." And thus a phenomenon was born.
el Chi said:
I believe it was from some old Japanese video game (no idea what it was called). Basically, it was really poorly translated and so instead of saying "We have taken over your base", or whatever it was supposed to be, it said "All your base are belong to us." I believe the Warez community picked up on it, reviving it as "All your Warez are belong to us." And thus a phenomenon was born.
Ahem, it's called ZeroWing.

W00t! One geek point for me! :dork:
Hehe. I just read the last post in this thread the first moment I saw it, so I really didn't know what this was all about.

Awesome comic, I must say. Keep up the good work! :D

Oh, and request to feature in the comic, please, my current "Gordon = G-Man" avatar will do. ;)
Lol, the All Your Base idea was mine, i'd seen it and got addicted and annoyed sulk until he decided to do it :P
Don't ever stop!

there are only about 3 pages left...

It's true...but don't worry, I'll keep doing comics after this one, even if the place is destroyed. Cosider them prequels. ;D You're on the team because I liked the avatar and I liked isometric bugbait. ;)

Oh, and request to feature in the comic, please, my current "Gordon = G-Man" avatar will do.

I think I can manage it. It's getting rather overcrowded. ;)

thats brilliant.

And you're in it. ;)

It's beautiful.

Aw, shucks. :cheers:
I love this thing.

Who cares if the next storyline will be a bit behind this one?! Well, I do, but I'll live with it!

Like the look of the forum car too. Hell, I like the whole forum-is-an-online-metropolis interpretation too, where high-class members (i.e., 2000+ poster maniacs) are the upper echelon of society...
Page 11 is the greatest achievement in art, ever.
Yes, since no one else has commented on it, I better say again that I really like that generic forum car :p

Hmm. Need someone who's good with Flash to animate them really, and then make an entire HL2 modification based off the forum :laugh:

Argh! Paradox! A game about a game that's about the forum about a game (with a forum)...
Edcrab said:
Yes, since no one else has commented on it, I better say again that I really like that generic forum car :p

Hmm. Need someone who's good with Flash to animate them really, and then make an entire HL2 modification based off the forum :laugh:

Argh! Paradox! A game about a game that's about the forum about a game (with a forum)...
That got an eyebrown raised.
Ha! If you have any room, Ill wager you couldn't actually fit me in anywhere Sulkdodds :P
Holiest of crap! So... genius idea :O

Sulkdodds said:
Jangle said:
thats brilliant.
And you're in it. ;)

You're all like

Druckles said:
Ha! If you have any room, Ill wager you couldn't actually fit me in anywhere Sulkdodds :P

And you're all like

So like, in the comic, you could fuse or something, and be all like

You can thank me later ;)
You can't go wrong with Jurassic Park. Probably the finest cinematic achievement of all time. Bar none.
Comic Page 19!

Is this the end for our gallant heroes? Find out, next page!

Ha! If you have any room, Ill wager you couldn't actually fit me in anywhere Sulkdodds

Want a bet? How do you like getting ripped in half by zombies? :D

Crap, I'm sorry Murray, I forgot to put you in there...uh...I'll find somewhere. ;(

Thanks everyone for reading and posting your comments. It gets me through these harsh winter nights. :cheese:

EDIT: I seem to have lost my hat...
darn that awsome cliff hanger, i'm so anxious now, this seriously owns dude.

btw, if you didn't mind i'd greatly appreciate it if you'd just put my avatar pic in like somewhere in the background or something.....

your seriously talented.
I'm just so heroic, that catchphrase was top- notch.

"stfu, n00b!"

that's so like me
Erm... how can I be ripped apart by zombies if Im dead? I hope I escpape :(. Yeah, no doubt though Ill then be ripped apart :rolleyes:... anywho

Amazing! i love that Sulkdodds :D, especially the cliffhangar. What would be funny is if the bomb failed... and 42 was sat there looking stupid with the button going.... "erm, yeah...."
(no offense 42 :P)
Suicide42 said:
I'm just so heroic, that catchphrase was top- notch.

"stfu, n00b!"

that's so like me
I applaud your bravery sir :)
I also applaud Sulkdodds :cheers:
I'd applaud him more if SpongeBob made a shock return, but hey whaddya gonna do :)
Dont say that, he'll rip you apart by zombies :P
I wonder is the bomb gonna have a little white flag come out when he presses the button or will everyone die? all will be revealed in the next page dun dun darrrn
You should write some theme music :P. Anywho, snail, are you by any chance that snail dude that keeps popping up?