The Arena

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/me sits back down in his origional seat just after hearing thenerdguy's request for a Code Red.

Silence infidel! You are not worthy of this nectar of life!


Screw it.

/me fishes out a Code Red from 'Mr. Cooler' and hands it to thenerdguy.
/me laughs at the air shield, because it is funny. he then goes over to the hidden slush machine and makes himself a slush.
/me drinks a nice drink of frijj Chocolate milk. The nicest chocolate milk.....ever.

(who needs advertising when you've got us eh?)
/me sucks up all of The Mullinator's spilt beer and popcorn with his "nose" :).
/me then starts sucking up The Mullinator's popcorn since his eyes are glued to the screen heh heh heh :cheese:
thenerdguy drinks the code red that Mitoboy gave him. thenerdguy laughs so hard that code red blows out his nose.(the part where they are ring fighting :) )
Man the Arena is really going down hill. The worst thing that happens is thenerdguy gets beer or what ever code red is in his nose.
Code Red. Mountain Dew with cherry flavoring. :) :cheers:

Ok thenerdguy jumpes up and pulles his dual .45's and shoots Farrowlesparrow in the thumb.
/me gets mildly annoyed at this and stands up and begins to walk towards thenerdguy

*thenerdguy fires off several more shots. All of them impacting on FarrowLeSparrow, making no difference to his advancement.

/me Pulls out his Gurker knife and hacks off thenerguy's arm.

"Dont do that again."

/me Hacks off the other arm to make sure he doesnt shoot him again.
thenerdguy uses his toes to makes a gas bomb out of and old MRE (tobasco sause and the heater bag) and flings it at Farrowlesparrow.
Farrowlesparrow gags and falls over Fat Tony who is still trying to get all the pop corn.
/me helps farrowsparrow up and revives him
/me shoots tubby custard at thenerdguy for being silly :laugh:
/me finishes watching Space Balls, realizing his popcorn was stolen he pulls out a violin case with a tomy gun in it and shoots Fat Tony in the foot.
/me thanks Fat Tony! for the help and takes up his....tin whistle case. Out of it he pulls a gluon gun and uses it on thenerdguy causing him to simultaneously implode and explode. Which leaves quite a mess in the thread.

/me realising his new partner has been shot in the foot, turns on the mullinater and uses the secret secondary fire of the gluon. The secondary fire acts like the manipulator only it pulls things in four directions at once. The mullinator ends up in all four corners of the room.
thenerdguy was not being silly! (thenerdguy has nocked people out with that little bomb!) (the heater bag has a heating element in it that reactes to liquid. the tobasco sause works great at getting the heater going. the heater creats steam and the tobasco sause turns into a gas and if you tape the plastic bag up so that nothing leakes. it will take a minute or so for the pressure inside the bag to over come the strenth of the plastic. boom tobasco sause steam goes every where in a 20 foot area. ) (I know im not supposed to tell you people how to make bombs but what the hay) :cheese:

thenerdguy ducks the tubby custard and jamms the code red can into Fat Tony's hose and watch has fat tony swells up and bloes up into a million little blue pices :)

thenerdguy crazy glues his arms back on and sits down and opens his secret cooler. Code Red and Live Wire for everyone.
/me writes down the instructions for making a Tabasco gas bomb and stores it for a good end of year high school prank.

Now I need to collect around twenty MREs with the stuff.

/me takes another Code Red out and mixes it with orange Gatorade to make the ultimate pick-up drink.
thenerdguy mixes the code red and live wire and Gatorade and V-8 Fruit splash. the nonalcolic alcolic drink :cheers: and gives every one a drink :eek:
unfortunatly for the mullanator
/me with his incredible reflexes unsheathes a sword and deflects the shot
unfortunatly for thenerdguy
/me removes his "nose thingy" and puts on his spare
remember kids always bring a spare "nose thingy" just in case:cheese:

/me laffs threateningly as all have forgotten the badly-spelling badger... for now

/me pulls out a biology lecture and starts to read

*Everyone Else falls asleep

/me gets out a pernament marker and writes on everyone's faces
thenerdguy could not fall asleep if he had too. (side afec of the drink :) )
thenerdguy waits for MrBadger to walk up and mark on his face. thenerdguy grabbes MrBadger's marker and stuffs in his left ear.
thenerdguy starts to sing and every one wakes up.:bonce:
/me is all over the thread now.

/me luckily has the ability to turn himself into liquid and then reform himself.

/me now back to normal again punches Farrowlesparrow in the gut.

/me Falls to the floor winded. Having lost most of his blood to the 9 gunshot wounds from thenerdguys attack, he cannot move properly. Regardless of this fact he gets up and turns to the mullinater....

"Nice hit kid. To bad you got Saaaaaaaacked!"

/me jumps on the mullinater and beats him up spilling oil over him making sure he cant reform.
/me gets up from his chair watchin space balls and is angered at the mess that is all over him. he shakes it off and creates and air shield around everyone.
ah, so thats why my ear hurts

/me discovers and removes the marker pen from my ear and glares angrily at thenerdguy

The force of my stare is enough to cause a SLIGHT BURN! Oh No!
unfortunatly perment marker can just rub off when on a vaccum cleaner :).
/me enjoyed the sleep and thanks mrbadger
/me shoots thedemonwithin with tubby custard for being boring

now I have a slightly increased risk of skin cancer !!!

/me nurses my grievious injury
Someones hasn't been wearing their factor 15 have they?

/me for some reason is reminded of an old episode of Star Trek. In which several of the bridge crew are on a planet populated by one man and his robot girls. In one particular part of the episode they pretend to kill someone by making a gun shape with their hand and whistling. They then do several other crazy things to confuse the androids.

Anyway.....Hmmmmm. Not much else to say.

/me Pulls out a good old colt 45 and shoots MrBadger in the foot.:eek:

When fat tony's tubby custard comes in contact with The DemonWithin's skin it incinerates and he removes fat tony's air shield for his hostile behavior.
Your boring!!!1!!
Well now that the forums are back up, I feel it is my duty to restart the Arena again.

/me pulls out a shotgun and starts blowing everyone away while laughing.
unfortunatly the /me command doesnt work, that was my source of power, ima have to let you guys duke it out till i regain my strength.
He is at his weakest! KILL HIM!

* Mitoboy drop kicks The DemonWithin in the back. Then runs away.

He he he he he!!!!!
The Arena was 500 posts before..... and now is only 390 :(..... tis a sad day for random combat

/me weeps

oh, and my bday thread in Off Topic has been deleted..... I never got a chance to read it :( :(
Its alright mrBadger

* The Mullinator scratches Badger behind the ear.
We will just have to spam our way back up to 500 now won't we. I won't be here to help though because I will be at my cottage for a week fishing and water skiing. So c'yall later.

Oh ya, happy birthday mrBadger. :E

* Mitoboy rips open a can of SPAM and tosses a chunk at thnerdguys face.
Thanks Mullinator... I shall grow a mullet in your honour.

We don't have to spam nerd my old pal.... we can just chat about it's not like the old days, swap zimmer frame tips and discuss the fact that that young man in the corner shouldn't be wearing such a scandelous t shirt, darn newbies etc :P
Originally posted by mrBadger
Thanks Mullinator... I shall grow a mullet in your honour.

We don't have to spam nerd my old pal.... we can just chat about it's not like the old days, swap zimmer frame tips and discuss the fact that that young man in the corner shouldn't be wearing such a scandelous t shirt, darn newbies etc :P

Sorry I forgot again :( (that seems to be happening more often) Why this morning I forgot my teeth. I left them in the little jar of water by my bed.

Ha thenerdguy grabs his teeth and throws then at Mitoboy.
/me catches the spam in mid air and eats it!
i win!
* Mitoboy looks at SpuD

* Mitoboy digs deep into his library of Monty Python lines and finds the right one.

Found it!
thenerdguy walkes over SpuD and kickes him in the potatoes. SpuD falls over in pain. :)
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