The Arena

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HEHE thenerdguy watched red dwarf (the episode where rimmer got a virous and went insain) And the paintballing helped too.

thenerdguy decides not to kill thedemonwithin but to play with him.(if hes dead no one will be able to fight me and it will get boring) when thenerdguy says play he means with antimater cannons and hex vission. :) so fat tony got out of the ware house. Darn that mexican lock sailsman. as for jhero the game is about typing in 3rd persion. and making them kill someone. thenerdguy uses his mental powers to try and take over stones mind. darn theres nothing there.
/me just finished building his harem and has now become a top rank p1mp
As Fireball startes to p!mp thenerdguy telaports to Fireball's harem and starts his Searious Sam chainsaw up.
After three minutes of fun Fireball and his harem are dead. :) thenerdguy moves on to his next target.
BUT as Fireball is immortal, he stands up again and makes a stealth attack on thenerdguy with mustard in the eyes! ARARR!Thenerdguy screams whilst getting kicked in the gut!
Fireball does not reconise a hopped up HEV suit when he sees one. Mustard splashed on the new super cool visor. As for fireballs kick to the guy. The HEV suit's armor took care of that. thenerdguy swings the 15ft long chainsaw. BRRRRRRR One of fireball's arms droppes to the ground. BRRRRRRRRR the other arm droppes. BRRRRRRRR one of fireballs leggs falls to the ground. BRRRRRRR the other legs dropps. thenerdguy swings the saw again BRRRRRRRRRRRRR off goes fireballs head.
/me quits the forum cos everyones using hacks now.... ;(
I missed the begining of this thread, im completely lost now.
thenerdguy uses his mental powers and forces the music from the lorance welk show into every combatants brain! as the other combatants grab there head and fall to the floor screaming in agony thenerdguy opens a time space rift and throws every combatant into it!
wtf valved ray. o well it cant be thee valved ray. :cheers: anyway
Originally posted by ValVed RaY

ValVed RaY does not know what is going because of the lorance welk music blasting though is little itty bitty brain!
lol thats not very nice. but then again this is the arena !!!!
/me starts playin better music than whatever thenerdguy is talking about, and since his system is enhanced by the fires of hell it is louder and therefore cancels thenerdguys music. All the combatants of the arena are now un-confused.
/me sits back down and watches again.
thenerdguy transports to hell and pizzes on the fires of hell. they go out! :) thenerdguy transports back to the world of the normal. (well kinda normal) thenerdguy starts to talk in linux commands and the window using combantants die of confusion :) :) :)
/me explains to thenerdguy that people cannot die of confution, and therefore his linux based attacks were no good.
thenerdguy uses his mental powers to change the past and therefore confusion does happen now. and people die :)
/me gets bored with the same old mass destruction of everything and changes the channel.
The scenario: Thenerdguy is stripped of his mental powers and he must use his wits to survive a jungle infested with the other combatants who are stripped of their mass-destruction-uberkill powers.
/me sits down and waits.
/me gets bored of channel and turns it onto the cartoons
ooh its that roadrunner and caoytie or however u spell it. Wait a sec thedeamonwithin is the roadrunner and the nerdguy is the caoytie. Eh im god how suiting.
thenerdguy pays Miss cleo to put a curse on thedemonwithin and fat tony. thedemondwithin turns into brittney spears and fat tony turns into tammy fay backer. the two most hated people in the world!

The mobs of the world swarm fat tony and thedemondwithin and they are crushed to death!
i rule the mob fool everyone knows fat tony even when he is mutated. and as for thedemonwithin well isnt he the most hated person neway being a demon? lol
/me Enters the forum to laughter because someone turned on a cheesy american sit-com.

Hi everyone
(Laughter all round)
What you up to?
(Slightly more laughter this time)
Ive just been to the hospital
(a bit less laughter but still a lot)
My friend just died of cancer
(Roaring laughter with wistles)
Im going to kill myself now
(Everyone one falls on the floor they are laughing so much)

/me Changes the channel

*sigh* This thread lost its way a long time ago.....Its a shame because it started out so well. Now that MrBadger isnt around much its just not the same.
Ha, thenerdguy joins the he League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Ha you cant beat us all. thenerdguy starts hitting on that hot vanpire chick!
yea but its officially a spam thread. that may be official but it doesnt mean its true. This is a cool thread lol.
/me is immune to transformation spells so he didnt turn into brittany spears, he then killed anyone who came close to him, and then killed thenerdguy, then did a mob hit wit tony, then sat down and started playin DC.
/me pops in through another door and leans over DemonWithin and watches him play DC.

I wonder if I should join this thread...
/me creates another computer and starts playin mitoboy on lan, on el alamein, he then owns mitoboy.
/me gets up in a fit of rage and smashes the moniter with the key board.

EA is the Devil! How dare you make me play one of their games!

/me lifts up his computer and smashes it aganst DemonWithin's moniter.
/me begins to become angry
Fool! you do not know what you have set in motion this day!
Originally posted by The DemonWithin
/me begins to become angry
Fool! you do not know what you have set in motion this day!
the begining of thenerdguys terror campain?
the dc unexpectantly blows up. muhaha i planted a time bomb die!!!!!!!!!
Fortunately the time bomb is in the game, and I then come back next round in my mig and kill you 22 times before exiting and finding a private server with a password.
thenerdguy kicks thedemondwithin in the balls! As he falls over the hot vanpire chick rips his neck up and drinks all his blood. thedemondwithin dies!
Fat Tony tries to get thenerdguy to play with theformerdthedemonwithin's computer system. But thenerdguy reconised that the clock sitting on top of the monitor is really the timing device for his bomb. thenerdguy grabs( I didnt say where) the hot vanpire chick and hides behind a funny blue looking chair that has two eyes and this funny looking vacume hose thingy.
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