The Daily Citizen - a many people post newspaper

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*raises hand*
You seem to have blown away my infection, and left hand, oh, here it is. :D
Here, take my paper-clip...


Jintor said:
Here, take my paper-clip...


/me inflicts blunt force trauma onto Jintor, drags off into corner and attempts to assimilate and assume identity.
*runs over to Lemon. Patches him up, sends him off* that was way more serious to the dead body of Jintor over there
Wow, I leave for a couple of days and this is what we decend to...



*arms civilian with nukes

yep! over here. the explosion blew my virginity away...(not even I can believe i said that..)
...I caant fix that, BUT i can make it worse :naughty: anyone for beach tennis with women in loose fitting bikinis?
Fellow citizens, soldiers, and comrades. What have we become? We have become the ones that we strove to fight, the ones that we swore as our eternal enemy.


*Raises revolver, loads it*
Comrades, Citizens, Sons of the fatherland!
Jintor said:
Comrades, Citizens, Sons of the fatherland!
Lend me your ears.
egh, that's discusting, I didn't mean literaly!
*shoots revolver out of 15357's hand*
*Squirts with a squirty gun*
yeees, yip like a little puppy
*Sutures everyones ears back on*
now, don't use them for 6-8 weeks

*Preps a looooong article*

Jintor wonders how this came to be.
Good evening, I'm reporter Micheal Tuzee. Our top story: It seems that violence in the media has quelled. Appearently, XANA, ríomhaire, the_rebel_medic, local anime freak/unimportant editor, Jintor, and others have stopped attacking one another. This could mean that new members (lol, members) might possibly be able to post without having to fear that others may attack them violently unprovoked. Will this compromize last any longer? Let's just hope it does.
In other news, Satan has been seen around's forums. If you see him, don't go near him, talk to him, look at him, or anything involving him. If you do not know what he looks like, here's a picture of him.

don't kill me...


  • satan.jpg
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XANA said:
Good evening, I'm reporter Micheal Tuzee. Our top story: It seems that violence in the media has quelled. Appearently, XANA, ríomhaire, the_rebel_medic, local anime freak/unimportant editor, Jintor, and others have stopped attacking one another. This could mean that new members (lol, members) might possibly be able to post without having to fear that others may attack them violently unprovoked. Will this compromize last any longer? Let's just hope it does.
In other news, Satan has been seen around's forums. If you see him, don't go near him, talk to him, look at him, or anything involving him. If you do not know what he looks like, here's a picture of him.

don't kill me...
*leads into allyway and takes out syringe full of estragon*
*knocks estrogen out of system; injects them into ríomhaire* sorry for the violence, ma'am. i'll just put this syringe in your purse next to your tampons. and maybe, if you're nice to me, i'll buy you a -Z cup for your birthday and after you get married to Jintor:laugh:
It seems that every once in a while, the DC takes a giant fall from sanity.
Sanity is for nubs, my dear estemed Korean friend.

*waves a top hat around dramatically*
Sanity jumped out the window and took a trip to the Moon a long time ago my friends
Darkwolf said:
Sanity jumped out the window and took a trip to the Moon a long time ago my friends
We're trying to have a cerimony here :hmph:
Darkwolf said:
Sanity jumped out the window and took a trip to the Moon a long time ago my friends

And I went with it. Then I killed it, making sure it would never return. Me on the other hand, I am back.

level 1 encryption
Request for 15357

Requesting new AA and AT and AS emplacements, controled by a remote interface, located in my office. Also requesting AR emplacements. Thankyou.
*wants spoiler tags back*
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen..... and OvA. I'm Micheal Tuzee. Our top story tonight: It seems humanity has been killed by the correctly named the_rebel_medic. Humanity had jumped out the window when local psychopath, the_rebel_medic, jumped out the window with humanity and killed it.
Fake Gun? or not?

Today the TUU (or Combine) were called to the scene as a man claiming he had a gun with which he could pick up people and throw them around was later arrested, a fellow combine claiming that it was "Just a stupid glowing toy that looks kinda like a zero point energy gun". Later that day that same combine soldier died when she began to float in the air and her gun dissapeared. Her freinds later found her attached to the toy. "It was really mighty strange" said the soldier that found her.
-George Freemon,
(sounds familiar eh?)
the_rebel_medic said:
And I went with it. Then I killed it, making sure it would never return. Me on the other hand, I am back.

level 1 encryption
Request for 15357

Requesting new AA and AT and AS emplacements, controled by a remote interface, located in my office. Also requesting AR emplacements. Thankyou.
*wants spoiler tags back*

Remote interface? Sure, I don't see why not.

Wait, AS? What's AS?

And to TehGrenadeKing: Welcome. I hope that you'll stay and be a valued member of our staff which is falling apart like wet toilet paper. :D
15357 said:
Remote interface? Sure, I don't see why not.

Wait, AS? What's AS?

And to TehGrenadeKing: Welcome. I hope that you'll stay and be a valued member of our staff which is falling apart like wet toilet paper. :D
Hehe can do, dude.:cool:
DARKWOLF ARE STILL HERE! AFTER... 1 YEAR, THATS.... 43 PAGES :D:D:D lol i looked at my first post.

Man discovers that saying "Fine! Kill me for all I care!" infront of a CP is NOT a good idea.
When we get to page 60, I'm gonna throw a party for our staff in the DC offices, complete with free drinks and anti-air defenses!
Warning. Federated Unified Republic of Numbersland detected.
We would also like to request that whoever makes the first post on page sixty make a special sixty word or more report on the fact that we hav reached 60 pages. LETS GET SPAMMING!!! :P
Breaking News!
Civil Protection officers are getting ready and Overwatch dispatch squads are on hold as a spam attack is expected in and around the The Daily Citizen building The Daily Citizen can reveal. The area has been quarantined and the following have had their status changed to anti-citizens; Darkwolf, 15357, Jintor, the_rebel_medic, TehGrenadeKing, XANA, ríomhaire (AKA 'Rim-Fire') and all known Vikings.
City Wide Warning:
Rebel Hippies and an assortment of other strangers have shown up around the DC building. It is assumed that they have all shown up for what is rumored as "Spam Fest 2006". CP has been vigorously working to wipe out the scum, but their numbers are constantly reinforcing by the minute. Whether or not the threat can be terminated is very unclear at the time, but only time can tell. This is Willie. Stay safe. And lock and load.

Note: Do not look the Hippies in the eyes. If you see one, avoid at all costs. They tend to attack in groups with a very chronic gas they exhale from their mouths. Do not go outside.
toll booth wille, lol... I used to love that skit on adam sadlers album. "**** you and all your lesbian fish eatin' friends!1!"
Ok guys, remote-controled gattling gun placments are now enabled. 50 points per hippy kill!
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