The Daily Citizen - a many people post newspaper

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"Hello. It seems remote controlled Gattling Gun emplacements have been set up around the perimeter.Employees of the DC have been seen manning them, preparing for the oncoming Hippie threat. These brave men and (women?) will not let their beloved news center go down with the doobies! This is Willie. I'm out. 'Cause I got me some Hippies to plant some lead into!"
Oh noes, the gothic hippies have joined the fight!
A red-coded curfew is now in effect. All violators of this curfew will be subject to summary execution.

Arg They're Breaking Through, We've Lost Threads, Repeat, We Have Lost Threads!!!!! Gaaaaaar Take Taht Senseless Hippie!!!
Wait, this wolf is a headcrab? OH NOES!
The gradual breakdown of society or the general worth of Fanfiction. Woe is me.
*Air raid siren goes on in the distance*
State of emergency declared!
A comprehensive study conducted by
the Universal Union has come to a shocking conclusion,
THERE ARE NO MEN! In a burst of outrage
the imaginary sex started rioting and looting, more here
It appears the hippys have hijacked the striders and are attacking each other for no reason! Also, Master Cheif, Yuna (From FFX-2), All The guards from Fable, A Mob of the sims, a ton of WoW players and Link (from the legend of zelda) Have all decided its about time they have a pizza party. they pizza party deafened most, and killed others with poison pizza.
Another DC revival!

Yes that's right, DC has been revived! AGAIN! ::cheese:
New Reporter Ends Hippy Attack!

Onlookers Are Shocked and Awed!

The battle around TDC Headquarters is at an uncharacteristic calm today, as the hippies formerly besieging the building are all being cleaned off the streets by local CP units. As the bodies are loaded into trucks labeled "Breen's Private Reserve", the defences of the TDC are slowly herded back into their respective pens.

This is all thanks to a new reporter, the incredible, intelligent, handsome, strong, and humble yours truly, mastapenguin.

"I had just shown up for a job interview," I said, "and there was the headquarters, surrounded by hippies, vortigaunts, headcrabs, and a pizza party. Of course, I didn't want to lose my job, so I just did what seemed natural."

And those acts were what stopped the mild inconvenience that TDC was under. By throwing an inoccent headcrab into an ichthyosaur infested lake, mastapenguin managed to get the attention of the hippies. They immediately with the most violent actions they were capable of; staging protests by dressing as headcrabs and swimming in that same lake.

Tragically, the hippies were immediately devoured by ichthyosaurs. Even more tragically, the ichthyosaurs immediately died of acute food poisoning, possibly due to the fact that the hippies haven't bathed since the 1990's.

With the hippies gone, mastapenguin was free to apply for the job of reporter/journalist. With his 1 year of Jim's Correspondence School experience, he is a shoe in for the job.

This is mastapenguin, saying he knows of a place the suppresion field doesn't get too if any females are interested!
Jintor stands around, heckles people!
Yes Tehgrenade king, you may, first act as AHOS is to please take Mr. Darkwolf to get his shots ;)
Weeheeheehee! TwiddledeeTwiddledumTwid- ARG THE PAIN, NO, NOT MY WORMS, NOOOO AAAAAAAAAAARGGA-dledee...
Darkwolf said:
Weeheeheehee! TwiddledeeTwiddledumTwid- ARG THE PAIN, NO, NOT MY WORMS, NOOOO AAAAAAAAAAARGGA-dledee...
Uhhhhhhh yeah.......... Let's kill him! :)
EXTRA EXTRA! Journalist worries about standard of news reports! EXTRA EXTRA!
INGSOC: 12CC (2CC up)
NAQWE: 21CC (-)
UCSC (union of combine socialist corporations): 2108CC (Up 139CC)
SAM: 1CC (-)
FUCC: 12(Down 2CC)
FVCKYOU: 304 (+47)
CCTVC (Combine Central Television Corporation) 2065CC (+577)

--Internal Message--

Note that the DC HQ will be subjected to severe does of radiation (again), enough to kill any living organism and short circuit all electronic equipment.

I will be going now, Good Bye.

Launch Sequence Start


ESCAPE POD #3 has succesfully launched.

Next command?


DC HQ subjected to nuclear radiation.

Blast doors locked down.


PS: Heres hoping that the internal memos don't mutate again.....
Thankgod it's my day off, ooooh, pretty radioactive memo-*AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH* THERE EATING OUT THE BACK OF MY EYES D: D: D:
*Dons radiation suit and puts another score on 'Nuclear irradiation count' board*

Well... I better get to work on these blast doors...

*Pulls out spoon*

Mnam, Mnam

mmm mousse...

*Puts on radiation suit*
*forgets helmet*
*goes to sleep*
Mutated lead and phazon enhanced dark zombie arises!!!


*Infects TRM
*uses CHAOS CONTROL to teleport the **** away*
Ok, the next person to post and not write an article of 4 lines long will be fired.

If there isn't an article in the next 2 days, a random person will be fired because of cutbacks needed for our corporation.

Have a pleasant day.
zombresses in desprate need of male partners
after Dr. freeman's visit to what zombies themselves call "the zombieville", male partners for zombresses have lowered from 600:1 to 1:10.
it has been reported that some zombresses have commited suicide while some others have been having fun with the residents of city17, which is -ofcourse- deadfull. (and also painfull)
Dr. freeman, responsible for the "aftermath" of his visit to "rape'emholm" has asked all the residents of city17 to bring in their male zombies. cooperators will get a cookie.
13537 Threatens Job Losses, Staff Panik!
13457 has declared the next pershon to make sum sort of stupid misstake in they're news post is fired the Daily Citizen can reveal. All righters are tripping over their own finguers in anxioty. Analisis page 12, review page 15.
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