The Daily Citizen - a many people post newspaper

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Darkwolf, you have been promoted to Chief Manager, Pictures and Media Department, as well as your Executive Officer status.


I like the grey, but a little bit less though. :D

TDC is getting back up again.
Haha, don't worry, I don't plan to stop any time soon. I'm having my wisdom teeth (all 4) pulled tommorow, so I'll be out of commision for a day. After that I have a week to burn while I recover, then 2 months before school restarts. I'll see what I can come up with. :thumbs:
Woohoo! :thumbs:

Oh, and Jintor: I don't think I can promote you anymore, you've got the higest place next to me. :p
Darkwolf, you have been promoted to Chief Manager, Pictures and Media Department, as well as your Executive Officer status.


I like the grey, but a little bit less though. :D

TDC is getting back up again.

Hey i made pictures. I was the 2nd to continue the pictures. Well. Leme think of somemore.

By The Way, Im not joking about the christmas event ok.
I've already started christmas pics. :P

However, it would help if everyone here could choose a model from the standard set. That, or send me a custom one that I can use and make sure that it's hexed. lol
I've already started christmas pics. :P

However, it would help if everyone here could choose a model from the standard set. That, or send me a custom one that I can use and make sure that it's hexed. lol

I finished a week ago lol. Ok you do the TDC one and for the forum. I did one for Half life and other standards. We post in same thread.or i send you the pics and you post them in a thread. Have names, By so and so.

I also want the asian citizen.
Special report from Dr. Kleiner's laboratory!
Yesterday at 6 pm. a special thing happened for all Dr. Kleiner's family. His favorite pet Lamarr gave birth to 7 little baby-headcrabs. They made a real mess out of the lab, trying to find their father, yet unknown, and the happy mother managed to destroy the portal again. And she succeded! Headcrab Union presented Lamarr with special headcrab baby food (mashed brains and zombie flavor, avaliable in Combine food vaults. Get through the security system alive - and you get a box completely free!).
Babies are very adorable, there are four boys and three girls. Dr. Kleiner called them Vararr, Kararr, Mararr, Tararr, Lilarr, Lamarr2 and Sweetylarr.
The lucky father is about to be found, so we will keep you informed.
Welcome to the DCs new centre fold out.

COMIC section.

When did our comics page get a philosophical bent?

Nevertheless, Darkwolf gets a 300,000cc bonus. From my own personal pay packet, of course.
OH NOES! I just realised that I totally screwed up the posing of the guy with his hands up! I mean, really badly! My life is over!!! D:

I will make a short picmovie thing like that soon. Wonder if I can do it on a multiplayer map with my friends i would just snap the pics?
Internal Memo
To: Azner
CC: All
Re: Office Clearing

All staff please be advised Azner and myself will be clearing "Occupied" offices. Azner, please bring large amounts of munitions to Kelvini's office, also bring explosives to blow door, room will be allocated to Aurora once cleared. Munitions must be of 7.62 calibre, preflebly incidery tipped, if not then hollow point will be required.

EDIT: From now on, in gun poses can I be using the P228 Compact and "Bullpup" Steyr AUG from CS: S? Thanks
Guys, please, do me a favor, leave a couple of zombies for me in that office, I want to test my new flamethrowers on them. I really don't want to test them on headcrabs, they are living creatures after all, unlike zombies. :hmph: And thanks for blowing up that door. I got tired of scratching it anyway.
Internal Memo

Re: Re: Office Clearing.

Thats uh, 50769 CCs for that door, Mr. TRM.
War Rages On In Dc Offices

"Or maybe it's just another retrenchment..."

Daily Citizen Headquarters, Yesterday - Once a proud bastion of free press and the right to speak, write, or creatively gargle in your own blood your mind, the Daily Citizen has regressed into... a proud bastion of free press and the right to speak, write or creatively gargle in your own blood your mind. Hmm. Nothing seems to have changed - oh, wait, yes. Kelvini is sadly berefit of his own personal office as the newest official member of Daily Citizen staff, Aurora, moves into his office, kicking his corpse slightly to the left out of cameraview.

Let me be among the first to extend our congratulations to Aurora as the newest official staff member. Welcome, Aurora, and may the lost god AJRimmer bless your appointment to high office.

In other news, the fire drill yesterday went swimmingly, in that some idiot flooded the building to get rid of the fire - introducing leeches in the process. Someone better get some birdies...

Oh, and if someone could get me an internet connection that'd be good. I'd like to see the DC on the web or something.
Internal Memo

To: General Staff
Re: Aurora

*Aurora is a girl Jintor

Also, following yesterdays fire drill, I've released pesticide into the ventilation system of the lower floors, and have equipped the upper floors with Scuba equipment and tank racks. The building shall be accessed through the roof, and to get to your office, please put on and make sure you are familiar with the use of a scuba set.

Thank you.

EDIT: Oh wait... when you said 'his office' you meant kelvani... my bad, sorry. lol

Hostile Takeover of Braxis Inc.
Today, the East Combine Corporation launched their final attacks yesterday, to seize all subsidies and the main office and headquarters of the once-renowned for its various assets, Braxis Incorporated. Braxis Inc's security forces were far outnumbered, and outgunned, and were completely decimated in a matter of hours.

Mr. Liguipk'ilan, founder of Braxis Inc, was killed accidently by a non-combat related gunshot woulnd to his pituary.

All assets belonging to Braxis Inc. is in effect, assets of the East Combine Corporation.

However, this takeover of Braxis Inc. was not met with any resistance with the money markets, as previously predicted. Instead, the markets continue to function strong, with neary 17 points up for GUCMM from yesterday.
Im back from vaction.

Checks memo

Okay. Done.

I want to carry an AK and a deagle :)

Internal Memo


We will be opening up our TV programme section tomorrow.


Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday| Saturday | Sunday|
9 A.M. Breen Telecast: All
12 A.M. Breen And Clowns: All
Seems a little stale Azner O_o

Internal Memo

To: All

I have been kidnapped by the PTA they will let me go in a few days I hope and I’ll write another story.

P.S Don't over use the internal memos or we will have another outbreak of mutated infernal internal memos.
Whatever happened to the headcrab strike? That was so funny!
Internal Memo

To: Evisk
Re; Internal Memos

Have you actually read overy page of this?
Internal memo

To: Darkwolf
Re,Re: Internal Memos

Yes, I have and it is also the reason for me posting the headcrab story.
A thread this good deserves to live!

P.S Stay tuned folks the headcrabs will return this time there will be kung-fu battles,CP units getting bombarded with pumpkins filled with the head pieces of mining picks and a startling discovery the "real" father of Hedy Lamarr's children.
*Gets editing*

Stay tuned, folks, the headcrabs are to return soon! There will will be kung-fu battles galore, Civil Protection Units being bombareded with pumpkins filled with pick-axe heads and a startling discovery - the REAL father of Hedy Lamarr's Children! All on the Breen Show, every time, every channel. Watch it while you can!
Which is ALSO the breen channel! To get the Breen channel(s), Just go to your local broadcasting agency, It only costs 5 beatings with a lethal shock-stick to register!
Let Mr. Jintor have what he wants, people. You can all have something of your own later. Just ask to have exclusive rights to something, and you'll get it for a week or so.
The registering at the Breen channel is 7 beatings. I got those just for asking. Ouch
Special report!
Today we witness an act of loyalty between the leader of the zombie strike Mr. FOOOOd and the Combine. The Citadel agreed to continue supplying Ravenholm with fresh rebels and nail polish for the zombies in exchange for a contract, which oblige zombies to eat the rebels, and not play chess, cards or any other games, irrelevant to eating.
DC: Mr. FOOOOd, how do you find this contract useful for the Zombie union?
Mr. FOOOOd: Suuuuuure! Dieeee! Fresssssh reporter meeeeat! Um! Uuum!
Dr. Wallace Breen didn't want to aswer to any our questions, but he ordered all present DC reporters a free beating featuring electric torture and loud alarm music.
Internal Memo

To: All DC Staff
Re: Registery

When registering to Combine programs, all DC reporters have beating immunity. You are not permitted under any circumstances to recieve any sort of 'deal' or 'charity' from CP's. They are there to keep order, not shine your backside. Now if any staff has been given a beating free of charge with some 'deal' in the past 7 days, I suggest you return it immediately or face sacking.

Director of Media Production
By the way, all rights I have for the Breen show revert on Sunday the 17th of December, 2006, due to some weird time warp situations. But they come back to me on the 15th of January.
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