Things you usually don't tell anyone


May 24, 2003
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Found a good topic over at about things that are really embarrassing, or not, things you don't tell anyone.

-I scratch my crotch at work all the time, when other people are not looking

-I don’t care about people I don’t know dying or suffering. I pretend to be touched so I can fit into the society.

-I am closet racist, but always will argue with open racists that they are ****ing bigots and shot be shot. I judge people by their race, and always afraid that some random black guy will shoot me. I make fun of people of other race with my gf and my best friend.

-I like to give advice to people about life, how everything is easy to answer if you have some sense of logic. In reality my own life is a mess, I am big hypocrite and liar.

-I lie, a lot, about small things that don’t matter. I feel guilty afterwards, but never confess my lies.

-I really care what people think about me, even if I say I don’t. I buy lot’s of cloth, I like dressing with style, dressing good makes me feel more attractive, better.

-I get jealous of my girlfriend over most idiotic stuff, like when she hangs out with her best friend instead of me. It’s idiotic, but I still give her silent treatment after that. I create needless problems in relationship, because I am attention whore.

-My sexual life is a total disaster, I will ashamed when I can’t get my penis work right. Why do I need vaigra being only 20 years old? God damn it.

-I am very hairy and I don’t give a ****. I am skinny and have a membership to the gym, I went for a week there, I don’t give a ****. Right clothes will fix everything.

Well I should stop, there are tons of more, so what about you guys?
-I have to put the toilet paper after I use it because the pipes in my toilet are too small.
Are these suppose to be true about yourselves or can they be made up? I just made that one up.
Uh I don’t know, depends if you want to post truth or not. What would be point of lying anyway? It’s internet, it’s not like you gonna meet some fat-losers from forum in real life. (Uh ah, I went there!)
- I can't stand braggers. About ANYTHING. If someone tells me that they bought a new car, and it's really cool; I'm fine with that. But once they bring it to the next level, I get ****ing pissed on the inside. I really want to punch them in the face, even if they're my best friend. If all of my friends and I have a huge ass LAN party over the weekend, and I pwn everyone at UT instagib, I won't even bring it up. If someone else pwns, that's all they ****ing talk about all day. I hate braggers.

- I hate people that don't believe in stereotypes. Or that think constantly "I'm free." Or "I do what I want, and I won't change for anyone." I want to beat the shit out of them.

- I care about school, but don't work at it. I'm lazy as hell with my school work. My grade level depends on how much the homework is worth in the class.

- I'm not nice to my mother. She's everything to me, and I'm everything to her. Yet I don't do shit for her. I just live in her house and eat her food.

- All three of my 'girl friends' have been suicidal.

- I can't take a hint.

- I always correct people. And I make an ass of myself doing it. Yet, when people correct me, I don't take it too well...

- I watch way too much porn. :E
- I care an awful lot how I look and dress.

- Watch to much porn, but am to lazy to find a girl.

- My grades are bad because I am lazy and I pretend I can get through life by playing guitar. (I wish)
-When I was younger I had a serious hearing imparment and I could not talk or hear. I had to go to a special school in my younger days though, I was great friends with a kid named Jordon Googly. He coudn't walk properly and we became the best of friends until I went to a normal school. If the Doctor was right, I wouldn't be here typing, I would probably be learning my ABCs about now :|

So I sometimes studder during long talks now, I was basically screwed from the age of 0-6
- I get turned on by 12 year old girls.*Ashamed*
Gargantou said:
- I get turned on by 12 year old girls.*Ashamed*

jesus i hope ur 12 urself m8.....

-I´ve had sex dreams about my motherinlaw- (thought about therapi).
I'm 14(15 pretty damn soon) and most girls that're 12 here have well developed bodies so I can't really help finding'em attractive, but it's not like I have sexual relationships with'em...*Walks away slowly singing innocently*
Im in grade 10 and I find myself hitting on the grade 8 girls. There more attractive then almost all the grade 10 and 9 girls in my school. It's really sad.
Gargantou said:
I'm 14(15 pretty damn soon) and most girls that're 12 here have well developed bodies so I can't really help finding'em attractive, but it's not like I have sexual relationships with'em...*Walks away slowly singing innocently*

When i was 13, my 17 year old cousin shouved her breasts in to my that was much better then the small breasted girls in my class.... :devil:
RRunner, you know having a relationship with your cousin ain't legally incest?;) lol.
Gargantou said:
RRunner, you know having a relationship with your cousin ain't legally incest?;) lol.

Nope actually is legal.....dont really know if its legal here in sweden...just lived here for 5 from copenhagem, but im almost sure its legal here to... somewhat sick yeah, but legal never the less..
The true question is, Ranga. Why would you know that link :|:p
The true question is, Ranga. Why would you know that link

it wasn't me, i swears! my friend gave it to me coz apparently "some of them are very funny". they were rank! i just thought that some body might find them hilarious, in a completely sick and twisted way.
Kinda reminds me of my brother joining the GNAA (Gay Nigggers Association of America :|)
(Gay Nigggers Association of America )

that is TOPS.
I can't use two G's or it is censored :|

They owned this WoW forum for revengefull purposes.
woh... that site is weird. they call themselves "******s". isn't that offensive to themselves?
Most of them aren't... How should I put this without offence... Umm...


The person who made the trolling group is asian himself... My brother nor I are black either.
so why start the group? if the founding member doesn't fit the requirements... *ponders meaning of life* :laugh:
I told you before, build me a pyrimid :frown: :p
In anything not involving re-fried beans.
- Just remembered another thing, I get turned on by trees!:p
I love a tree that can provide for his 345 kids
suddenly your problems dont seem that significant when put in perspective (from that site above)
-Every girl i have ever done something sexual with i have only been using..never been any feelings involved..!
-Once a guy i hated had a party, so i went into his bathroom and opened one of his schamppo bottles and pissed in it! (hahaha i know its psycho but i threw the bottle away when i sobered up..)
Haha, too bad I use this name everywhere :P

That grouphug site rules.

Edit - Oh, I got one. Once I was invited to someone's wedding reception who I didn't know, and I wound up several times in the bathroom (wait for it) throwing toilet rolls out the second story window at passers by. I also flushed all the free Milo samples.
- I laugh at a lot of racist jokes.
- I recently found a site that has hi-res pictures of celebrities, sometimes 2000px wide, and I visit it every day.
- I leave projects until the last minute because i'm lazy.
Danimal stop know...

I have to wipe toilet with toilet paper because i just cant do a shit otherwise.
I keep alot of things i think about people in, just so i don't cause anything.
I am a the youngest in my college (i dont tell no-one)
ummmmm all i can think of :)
Danimal said:
Kinda reminds me of my brother joining the GNAA (Gay Nigggers Association of America :|)

The 4channer in me hates you.

- I double posted.
Why say this stuff? The only thing it will do is make you feel worse about yourself, I certainly have things im embarrased about/ or just dont want to talk about but saying them to people on a public forum is not going to make it better.
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Last summer me and some friends went to Atlantic City for a road trip. We were at a red light when an older homeless guy approached the car asking for money. It was pretty late and we decided to have some fun with him. We took him out to our cheap little motel and got him a hot meal.

They we drove him under an underpass and beat him to death with a baseball bat.

We just took turns swining at him, even after he was dead.

We drove home, I burned the baseball bat since it was the only physical evidence.
From the group hug site.

- I have a minor addiction to Vick's vaporwhatsit sniffy things.
- The largest part of my diet these holidays has consisted of sugary things and the sort of savoury snack that comes in a small crinkly plastic bag.
- I always take the barbeque shapes straight to my room these days, meaning I can eat them without A: My sister complaining that she doesn't get to eat any of them, and B: My sister leaving them on the loungeroom floor, open to the elements, overnight.
- I like smearing glue on my fingers, letting it dry, and then peeling it off to look at the fingerprint patterns... childish, I know, but at least it might be useful some day to bypass a fingerprint scanner...