Virginia Tech Shooting

"You have to remember that of the 26,000 [students] that we have, only about 9000 are on campus. When the classes start at 9:00 A.M., Thousands of people are in transit. The question is, where do you keep them when it is most safe? We concluded that the incident at the dormitory was domestic in nature. These other events occurred two hours later."
Easy fix: armed guards at the entrances to the school after the shooting. 19,000 students don't just magically appear in the classrooms.

That surprises me, I thought she would be rooting for the shooter.

Stern, I'm not kidding. One more post and you're getting an infraction.

Sorry to be an ass about it, but I honestly feel it's disrespectful and demeans the incident. There's even a thread in Politics now for you to post in.

heh good thing I left for home after posting that ...oh wait does this post count?

anyways, it's absolutely horrible
he went on a shooting spree cuz he found his girlfriend whit someone else?
that's a rumor, but I'm not sure if that's at all true
anyway I know how the stuff will end up

people will bash videogames only

a lot of people will say "how sad they are" to publicize themself

investigat more about about the criminal and his causes? nah just request bans and bash everything

emos will see inspiration and the next shooting will come and the cicle will repeat again
No pretentious debate from my end: My heart just goes out to all involved.
*shakes head*

These are the kinds of incidents that make me lose faith in the human race. I mean, really, just what is the world coming to? Actually scratch that, what is the US coming to?
Might as well be world, although it's a school shooting in this case, it was just some 24 yr old from Cali. who came to visit his slutty gf.
the suspect was a chinese man...

Gunman kills 32 at Virginia Tech before being killed

April 16, 2007
BY MICHAEL SNEED Sun-Times Columnist

Authorities were investigating whether the gunman who killed 32 people on the Virginia Tech campus in the deadliest shooting rampage in U.S. history was a Chinese man who arrived in the United States last year on a student visa.

The 24-year-old man arrived in San Francisco on United Airlines on Aug. 7 on a visa issued in Shanghai, the source said. Investigators have not linked him to any terrorist groups, the source said...
*shakes head*

These are the kinds of incidents that make me lose faith in the human race. I mean, really, just what is the world coming to? Actually scratch that, what is the US coming to?

It's a horrible tragedy we all know that but, The US isn't the only county in which these things happen.

That felt weird I just defended the US.

My heart goes out to those who lost loved ones.
The inevitable Jack Thompson response (crossposted from another forum, no source, sorry) :

Dickhead said:
"He trained on Postal 2, just like with that Red Lake kid who trained on Vice City to get his heart rate down, he did this before... Klebold and Harris trained on the game Doom. Robert Schteinhauser trained on Counter-Strike: Half Life, and he dressed up as the hero in the game. What they'll have to do is seize the shooter's computer, and the one common denominator was a mass murder game that allows them to be more efficient."

"The reason why the military uses video games is to teach scenarios and killing methodologies to our soldiers, so that's two sides of the coin. For 300 years, we had guns in our schools so the kids could take food for the family. Now we have games that show kids it's glamorous to kill and how to kill. He calmly killed people efficiently. When you rehearse these things, the more you're gonna do it."
Sudden. Urge. To kill. Jack Thompson.

Whether he said it or not, it's the sort of stupid, moronic, idiotic thing he'd say.
I knew stern would try to push the ban guns position within the first page of this thread. lol.

Surprising though usually a shooter like this goes in armed to the teeth fires 600 rounds and wounds 3 people but this was meticulous. Trippy shit.
The inevitable Jack Thompson response (crossposted from another forum, no source, sorry) :

Seems like with every case of a shooting, he just picks a random game out of his ass.

"Yeah, looks like he was training on Tetris when he bashed that guys face in with a brick." :|
This guy obviously got his guns in a non-legal sort of transaction seeing as he was a registered illegal alien here for school...

The shooter has been identified as 23-year old Cho Seung-hui[10], a South Korean living in the US as a resident alien. He was an undergraduate student in his senior year, majoring in English. Law enforcement reported that he killed himself inside Norris Hall by a shot to the head. Officials believe he used a 9 mm Glock 19 and a .22 caliber Walther P-22 handgun.[22] One of the guns was used in both incidents. An official added that Cho was "heavily armed and wearing a vest."[23][24][25][26]. Cho was a student at the school and lived in one of the dormitories.[27] Sources also state that Cho was carrying a "disturbing note." [28]

A student speaking to Times Now said that the first gunshots were heard when classes were in progress. "We heard about thirty gunshots in the morning. The gunman appeared to be Asian and was looking for his girlfriend," the student said.[29] However, a relationship between any of the victims and the shooter has not yet been established.

According to the official announcement from Virginia Tech, Cho Seung-hui was "South Korean native in the U.S. as a resident alien with a residence established in Centreville, Virginia, was living on campus in Harper Residence Hall".[30]
Has anyone seen numbers recently? D:
Wrong. He was not Chinese, he was South Korean.

His name was Cho Seung-hui, a senior year VT student. Apparently something of a loner. He was a permanent legal resident of the US and as such was legally able to purchase firearms.

Bunch of news outlets are reporting on it now, they just announced his identity.

edit; whoops, was responding to Disturbed, I guess I had the window open for a while :p
Still wondering what the reason was and why the details of the disturbing note haven't been mentioned.
The inevitable Jack Thompson response (crossposted from another forum, no source, sorry) :

I wonder if anyone will bother to tell that fool that Counterstrike and Half-Life are different games and that CS has no 'main character' because it's multiplayer only?

Still wondering what the reason was and why the details of the disturbing note haven't been mentioned.

I doubt they're willing to announce anything about that so far.
I wonder if anyone will bother to tell that fool that Counterstrike and Half-Life are different games and that CS has no 'main character' because it's multiplayer only?

I doubt he cares.

Man, this whole business is so :( . Those poor people...
When I was in high school, I wrote some short stories that would've probably made Dahmer cringe. My first story in college was about a guy's girlfriend being murdered on a friday night while he was at a party. While someone's writing is something to look at, I don't think it carries as much weight as some people think. Unless it's a private journal/diary. Then I think it might be a different story.
That story felt completely right up until the entire "Sue flipping out randomly-thing" and the heavy hatred towards the guy's stepdad. That's cropped up anger right there.
When I was in high school, I wrote some short stories that would've probably made Dahmer cringe. My first story in college was about a guy's girlfriend being murdered on a friday night while he was at a party. While someone's writing is something to look at, I don't think it carries as much weight as some people think. Unless it's a private journal/diary. Then I think it might be a different story.

Aye, I wasn't necessarily relying on only the story as evidence to back up that statement - the 32 murders substantiates it pretty well too, and there were some weird stories in my creative writing class.

It's still a tad disturbing, but I do agree that you can't judge someone entirely because of what they write... given that part of being a good writer is being able to describe things that you can't feel personally.
Islamic Connection:

According to some reports, Cho Seung-Hui, the man suspected in the killings at Virginia Tech, may have written Islamic references on himself prior to the shootings:

Sources [said] that the words "ISMAIL AX" were also found written in red ink on the inside of one of Cho's arms.

The reference may be to the Islamic account of the Biblical sacrifice of Abraham, where God commands the patriarch to sacrifice his own son. Abraham begins to comply, but God intervenes at the last moment to save the boy.

In the Jewish and Christian traditions, the son is Isaac, father of the Jewish people; in Islam, it is his brother, Ismail (Ishmael in Hebrew).

Abraham uses a knife in most versions of the story, but some accounts have him wielding an ax.

A more obscure reference may be to a passage in the Koran referring to Abraham's destruction of pagan idols; in some accounts, he uses an ax to do so.
Islamic Connection:

According to some reports, Cho Seung-Hui, the man suspected in the killings at Virginia Tech, may have written Islamic references on himself prior to the shootings:

Sources [said] that the words "ISMAIL AX" were also found written in red ink on the inside of one of Cho's arms.

The reference may be to the Islamic account of the Biblical sacrifice of Abraham, where God commands the patriarch to sacrifice his own son. Abraham begins to comply, but God intervenes at the last moment to save the boy.

In the Jewish and Christian traditions, the son is Isaac, father of the Jewish people; in Islam, it is his brother, Ismail (Ishmael in Hebrew).

Abraham uses a knife in most versions of the story, but some accounts have him wielding an ax.

A more obscure reference may be to a passage in the Koran referring to Abraham's destruction of pagan idols; in some accounts, he uses an ax to do so.

I don't see any correlation between this and the fact that he brutally murdered 32 people.
this just in:

"Virginia Tech murderer may have been in a secret Axe Cult

Murdering landed immigrant Cho Some-Gi may also have been a terrible speller as evidenced by his misspelling of the word Axe ..could this actually be a sign of a secret Axe Cult waiting to take over America?!!

More at 11 right here on Fox"news""


"are you afraid? are you tired? are you tired of being afraid? well be afraid no more with the new Elephant Master 2000 ..why go to eye-rak to shoot terrorists when you can do it from the comfort of your own home?"

"boy that shot went clear all the way to China ..sayonara Chairman Mao! Thanks Elephant Master 2000, with this gun I can do anything" ..brought to you by the makers of the Flame Master 2000

Oh wait...