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Nice points Rico, but here is why they are wrong
Ever heard of a small place called Amsterdam? The decriminalization of pot pretty much got rid of crime in that entire area. You simply can not have any scientific evidence in this matter as pot is illegal in most countries, the only exception (Amsterdam) goes on the side of people wanting it legal.Originally posted by Rico You can call me close minded and bash me all i want but the point stands that nobody will ever listen to pro-legalization arguments if you don't have any scientific proof that pot will make society better. As for the crime rates in america, please go to a less developed country and see if i'm not right. I know i am because i was born and raised in Venezuela, one of the better countries around South America and before i moved to america i thought crime was low in my country... here you see stories about a single murder and everyone is outraged, there you see people get killed for the shoes they wear and its just aknowledged and then moved on.
You are completely missing the point here. You automatically associate making weed legal with the fact everyone will smoke if that happens. If weed is legal or illegal, roughly the same amount of people will smoke, moderation has nothing to do with anything. Yes, there will be idiots but these idiots are here anyway and there is nothing we can do to get rid of them. Punishing an entire society simply because a small percentage is not responsible isn't a way to make laws, especially when those laws won't decrease the amount of idiots.As foar as your "alcohol is more harmful than weed" argument, i completely agree. Alcohol IS pretty bad, but i believe i already stated the reason why it still remains legal in society. Anything done in moderation can be good though so you can't argue the points of legalizing a new drug if you say everyone will use it in moderation. The sad fact is that maybe a few people will, but a lot of people will abuse it hence causing more trouble than it caused before it was made legal.
You are probably right on with the age group (even though I know a couple people over 50 that smoke but that is an extremely small percentage). Yes, people start smoking because of peer pressure, but people do that for everything, including alcohol. However, that again has nothing to do with it. Peer pressure will be there whether weed is legal or illegal.The age group that consumes ganja is somewhere around 10 - 25 years of age (there may be some exceptions and i apologize if i'm wrong) and more often than not it's a passing fad. How can anyone say they smoked pot "because they enjoyed it" if you had never smoked pot before? I'm not talking about smoking it for the second time, i'm talking about the first time you ever did it. You couldn't have know if you enjoyed it or not simply because you had never tried it before, so it all comes down to either being cool or having a physical condition.
Nothing to say on that as its not really a point, just want to quote everything you say so someone doesn't accuse me of ignoring your pointsI really don't mind the current condition on mariuana as it is right now. It's illegal but its not as widespread as some people make believe. and no i am not some holier-than-thou religious freak who doesn't do anything bad, i drink at parties and in moderation, i can honestly say i have been drunk a few times but i haven't done naything stupid or soemthing i would regret during those times because i don't drink simply to 'get hammered'. Heck i have been drinking with my dad ever since i was 9. I am simply stating my opinion on the subject at hand.
You were at a party, do you honestly thing that all those people didn't drink? I can guarantee you they were violent and stupid because of alcohol, not pot. I smoked pot and know many people that have. Weed does not make you want to hit things or force people to do anything, high people simply want to sit on their ass and have you leave them alone. This is not meant as anything bad toward you but you are arrogant because you never smoked weed. I promise you and I'm sure anyone that has smoked pot will say the same, weed does not make you violent.To those people who say "pot smokers aren't violent!" i will tell you this story.
Once i was in a party and i was having a great time. During that party a lot of alcohol and drugs were exchanged but i always stayed away from the things i believed were too stupid to do. I simply don't use any kind of drug unless i am sick or in pain, i was neither of those. I was there minding my own business and talking to some friends when some guy approached me, the smell of pot all over his clothes asking me "why aren't you smoking?" I replied i simply didn't like it and i didn't mind if they did it as long as i didn't have to do it. What happened contradicts everything you people say about peaceful smokers. These guys tried to grab me and force me to smoke pot. Being the big guy that i am (im of pretty bulky build, not a bodybuilder but muscular nonetheless) i managed to get away from most of these guys, i had to leave the party smashing people in the face with my fist and i even had to hit a guy with a chair so he would stop chasing me around. Of course i left after that.
First off, no matter what you are raised to believe, people that smoke pot are not some kind of hidden society that force you to take a hit so they can recruit you. One hit sure as hell will not make you addicted, you probably won't even feel the effect of the drug. Second, just above you said that most people quit smoking by the time they hit 25. This means that weed IS NOT addictive as people will simply stop without any kind of treatment. Cigarettes, which many people smoke until the day they die, are addictive.Now why would they try to force someone to smoke pot? Of course to get people addicted. Pot works differently for different people. For some people it does nothing, for some it makes them feel sick, for others it gives them that euphoric high which most of the potsmokers are after. Not everyone can get addicted, but face it, pot is an addictive drug, if not why do you think drug dealers make so much money nowadays? I had some friends who dealt drugs, and let me tell you they were making more money than people who actually got college degrees and worked 40 hours a week non stop.
The government should be educating the consumer about pot right now. This is the entire problem of drug abuse, if a certain drug is legal or not has nothing to do with how many people use it. Education has almost everything to do with it. Sure, it will cost a lot of money. However, you are forgetting how much money the government would make if pot was legal, hell, probably 1 % of that would be enough to educated the public.As far as medical use is concerned, i have absolutely nothing against the medical use of pot, heck they already use cocaine as medicine as i already explained in a past post. Selling pot legally would only increase expenses, the government would have to grow it to avoid paying foreign countries and pot does not grow in any climate, it requires a tropical climate in order for it to be grown. After legalizing pot the government would also have to spend even more money on educating the consumer. Ad campaigns cost a lot of money believe it or not.
This is the whole point. Currently the government can not contol how people do drugs because it is illegal. If it was legal the government could regulate it to help prevent people doing stupid things. If you think this will cost more than what the government will get than you obviously have no clue how much revenue weed generates each year.Then comes then enforcing of safety while smoking pot. Who's going to keep an eye on people who smoke to make sure they don't do anything stupid like drive and smoke at the same time? You can't just hope they won't do it, you need to actively prevent it from happening. all of this costs money, and i guarantee you it will cost a lot more than what you can get from legalizing pot.