What are YOU reading right now?


Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score
for me:

Crash by JG Ballard
The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick
Watchmen by Alan Moore
and Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller.

I read a lot, can ya tell?
Well I just got "A Scanner Darkly" by Philip K. Dick today, so I'll be starting that once I get a chance (probably tonight). I want to see the movie at some point, but I want to read the book first (so I can harshly criticize the movie because it didn't follow the book to the letter :p).
I just finished that book last week, and I loved it. Prepare to get mind-****ed though.
Rereading A Game of Thrones. Still waiting for the new ASoIaF book...

Edit: Also started reading The Amber Wizard, but I probably won't continue reading it for a while.
A short history of nearly everything
American psycho
Ultimate game design
Marvel zombies
searching the internet for latest tek news/ games and chatting with friends.
The Count of Monte Cristo. Unabridged version too. Great reading if you stick with it.
I dont know the title in english but in swedish its called:

En världs omsegling- by Julius Verne. You know where this dude and Counseil and that Ned Land dude is on that submarine thingy. Ive come to the part where they just got loose from the reefs by those islands full with..with...angry ppl lol
Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Some Guy.

Easy light reading for a time when I read one page at a time.
I'm not reading anything unfortunately. I'd love to, but just can't pick up a book.

I'd much rather continue writing my own. But I can't get started on that either.
I'm not reading anything unfortunately. I'd love to, but just can't pick up a book.

I'd much rather continue writing my own. But I can't get started on that either.

I know the feeling..
Rereading A Game of Thrones. Still waiting for the new ASoIaF book...

Edit: Also started reading The Amber Wizard, but I probably won't continue reading it for a while.

When the hell is A Dance With Dragons coming out? I thought it was supposed to be some time this year?
A guide to track & field - Hellen Keller

I'm a terrible person

Nothing really :-\
Catcher in the Rye is my single all time favorite book.
Finished those a few years ago, they were all great.
see my edit, I meant rereading D:

And yeah, I read a lot, but The Catcher In The Rye is, hands down, the best book I've ever read.
Since school I've not been reading like normal. I stopped reading Dune (I know, how could I have stopped?!) but I'm gonna pick it back up tonight.

Next on my list is:
-Fellowship of the Ring
-Master and Commander: Far Side of the World
-Some more random stories from my Aurther Conan Doyle anthology of Sherlock Holmes
-Catch 22

I plan on buying V for Vendetta and 37th Mandala soon too.
lol... it seems some people only read books when a movie is made on them.
see my edit, I meant rereading D:

Good :D I was thinking "wow borgasm must be like in grade 5 or something...lol"

TBH, I didn't really like CiTR, not because of the writing style, but the for the content itself. I can't relate to emo crybabies.
Wow. I actually finished the book I said I was reading. Shows how memorable it is.

Now I need to decide between my all-time favourite book, A Clockwork Orange, read 4 times this year already, or my second favourite book, 1984, read twice this year.

Why does everyone relate anything thought provoking or sincere to "emo crybabies"?
lol... it seems some people only read books when a movie is made on them.

lol It would see that way woulnd't it. I can't get enough from some of the movies, such as Vendetta, and I don't like comics, so I want to pick up the book. As for Lord of the Rings, who can go without reading Tolkein? Famous author, at least he is today.
Rereading A Game of Thrones. Still waiting for the new ASoIaF book...

Edit: Also started reading The Amber Wizard, but I probably won't continue reading it for a while.

Hell yeah! In my opinion the single best fantasy series of all time. George R.R. Martin, the author, claims he'll have Book 5, A Dance With Dragons, finished by the end of the year, and on bookshelves by next spring. I missed Tyrion in Book 4.
I'm reading 'The Shadow of the Wind' by Carlos Ruiz Zafon, its a pretty amazing book, totally different to what i've read before. It's about a book, and set in post-war Barcelona, i'm sure most people wouldn't like it.

Finished Angels & Demons by Dan Brown couple of weeks ago, much better than Da Vinci Code.
Just finished reading White Teeth by Zadie Smith. Was very good, quite a page turner but not for the usual reasons. Last book before that was a collection of shorts by Kurt Vonnegut. Am now a couple of chapters into Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell, which is a bit hard going so far but should be to my tastes going by reviews...
The Sight by David Clement-Davies

What can I say? It's a good book.
I Really liked reading Of Mice and Men and The Grapes of Wrath....does that count? :(
I finished The Stand a while ago. 2nd half was a bit of a let down. 1st half was top notch though. 1142 pages...ugh...

I'm thinking of getting into some fantasy stuff. But none of that sword and sorcery crap, I need dark and gritty fantasy. But I have no idea what I'd be looking for D:
Speedology: Speed on New York on Speed
- timothy speed levitch
i love ittt however the book company that printed this book went out of business thus copies of this can rang efrom 75.00 to 600 dollars
I'm thinking of getting into some fantasy stuff. But none of that sword and sorcery crap, I need dark and gritty fantasy. But I have no idea what I'd be looking for D:

Read A Song of Ice and Fire, and read it now! Check out reviews of the first book "A Game of Thrones" on Amazon. Four books out of a planned seven released so far. This sounds right up your alley, and I personally love it to bits. Check it out.
Read A Song of Ice and Fire, and read it now! Check out reviews of the first book "A Game of Thrones" on Amazon. Four books out of a planned seven released so far. This sounds right up your alley, and I personally love it to bits. Check it out.


Its much more realistic than any fantasy book ive read. And it can get very gritty and "omg i cant believe that happened... /puke" etc.