What Would You Do If You Were The Last Person On Earth?

TollBooth Willie said:
Thank you! You are so kind! :D

Yes your way of thinking seems to be "oh noes.. things aren't going my way... guess I'll kill myself"

Um, you're the last person on Earth. I don't know if you realize, but people go insane isolated from other people :|.
DeusExMachina said:
Um, you're the last person on Earth. I don't know if you realize, but people go insane isolated from other people :|.

not when you have a smart animal to talk to
I would crush up all the skeletons of the billions of deceased people into bonemeal, and make Mount Bonemeal out of it.
Black Pete said:
Yes your way of thinking seems to be "oh noes.. things aren't going my way... guess I'll kill myself"


Lol, I can garauntee you'de be one of the first to do it. Living as the last person on earth, with all your family, friends, penplas, loved ones, dead, would be a fairly depressing experience. No matter what any muppets here say, you couldnt live without other people.

(That wasnt meant to be snappy btw, its jsut written like that)
Beerdude26 said:
If there ever is going to be an apocalypse, please let it be a zombie outbreak. I would absolutely thrive until the end of my days if that happened, driving around in a bus (maximum protection, maximum carrying load), securing towns and using them as safehouses for other survivors.

Fsck zombies. There's nothing I hate more than damned, dirty zombies. And that's dumb, right there, driving around in a bus to "secure survivors." That already tells me you wouldn't survive a zombie outbreak if it happened. It's one of the universal laws of zombie outbreaks that someone who claims to be uninfected will be an infected person trying to save themselves a little longer. They go in with other survivors, don't tell anybody about it, and you let them in on your bus.

And that, my friend, is when you get the back of your head chomped off while driving to your little outpost town.

Remember, folks, during a zombie epidemic, TRUST NO ONE. If you have ANY reason to believe someone's infected, better to just shoot them in the head right there. Even if they don't show any outward signs and you think there might even be the most remote possibility of them carrying the voodoo curse/disease/what-have-you, put a bullet inbetween their eyes. Fsck other people, and fsck zombies.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread.

Oh, and semi-on-topic edit: Hehe, Top Secret, you and I live in the same city. I know where you're talking about going ('cept I've never seen the car you're talking about, and if I have I've never paid attention).
Exactly. If my lady friend died right now, I would not have the capacity to go on any further.
Llama said:
Lol, I can garauntee you'de be one of the first to do it. Living as the last person on earth, with all your family, friends, penplas, loved ones, dead, would be a fairly depressing experience. No matter what any muppets here say, you couldnt live without other people.

(That wasnt meant to be snappy btw, its jsut written like that)

it would be depressing for you, but don't talk for me. i hope you have fun not existing
Raziaar said:
I would crush up all the skeletons of the billions of deceased people into bonemeal, and make Mount Bonemeal out of it.
Then I would come back to life and use this mountain as ingredients to make loads of potions so I become Master in Alchemy. Then I'd make a "Resurrect All" potion.
Black Pete said:
it would be depressing for you, but don't talk for me. i hope you have fun not existing

Awww, Black Pete, you only say that because you don't really love anyone.
Pesmerga said:
Awww, Black Pete, you only say that because you don't really love anyone.

not true, i say that because i don't like needles, and i don't like dying
Travel the world. I could also break and enter everywhere as i go along. Would learn humanities secrets.
Get a pickup truck with good gas mileage. Find a home near the centre of town and move my stuff into it.

Raid the supermarket, get a lot of food and various supplies (razor, soap, etc.). Freeze the perishables. Buy extra freezers.

Raid the gas stations, get a lot of fuel.

Raid the City Water & Light building, make sure they're still providing for me.
Find a company that used to sell generators and stock up. I'm gonna need power after the once-human-powered mechanisms fail.

Raid the libraries, get a lot of books.

Now we're a day or two into the future. It'll take a couple of weeks by truck to get Google's caches and everything recorded by the Wayback Machine.

After that, I'll need to demolish some buildings and plant a vegetable garden.

Then, since there's no one to rule and no one to teach, I can start on my third career option: science. Either create a sentient AI or clone myself. Start a new society.

Fun, fun.

Assuming the bodies were still there, I'd take an extra day right at the beginning to find Brett and freeze him. Science would surely let me reanimate him in a few years.

[edit: on second thought, I would probably want to get John and Kamila as well as Brett, but I don't know if I could get all three before they decomposed. I guess I'd freeze Brett first then rush to try to get the other two.]
Raid the Pr0n stores and masterbate in front of 10 downing street.
Well first, I'd drive around collecting the bodies of everyone that I care about and give them a proper burial. After that, If I haven't become so depressed that I just want to end things right there, I'd probably steal (although since I'm the last person alive it wouldn't really be stealing) a pickup truck, throw as much canned food/batteries/camping equipment/can opener/gas as I could fit in the back, drive down to Fort Bragg in North Carolina and spend the next couple of months playing around with all the weapons and explosives the military has there.

Not that I really expect to do any of that, I'd probably just shoot myself in the head after burying my family/friends/person who I'd like to be a little more than just a friend with. Even if I did, somehow, manage to avoid killing myself right afterwords, I can't imagine lasting more than a couple of weeks. Being completely alone for the rest of your life would suck.
Repopulate the Earth.

I haven't figured out how yet, but I know I will get the answer in 2 days.
Hmm, it'd be damn lonely for sure... :(
I'd get all my reletives and my girlfriend and give them proper burials.
Then i'd get to America some how and get to Area 51 and check out what they have there.
Then i'd play with some guns, blow some shit up.
Then i think i'd try and print off the history of the world somehow and store it somewhere easy to find so if aliens ever came they may learn to read out language and see what happened... I'd add my own little adventure to the end of the history too :P

I'd be well lonely though.
Ren.182 said:
Then i'd get to America some how and get to Area 51 and check out what they have there.
Then i'd play with some guns, blow some shit up.
Then i think i'd try and print off the history of the world somehow and store it somewhere easy to find so if aliens ever came they may learn to read out language and see what happened... I'd add my own little adventure to the end of the history too :P

I'd be well lonely though.
Sounds fun! :) Area 51 would be my first stop if I managed to get past the severe depression.
TollBooth Willie said:
Sounds fun! :) Area 51 would be my first stop if I managed to get past the severe depression.

Yeah, you get to Area 51 and there's nothing interesting there, just some lame ass UFOs, rail guns, lasers, time portals etc , booooring:dozey: .

Get a big mother ****ing tank and ride around demolishing an entire city:E . Detonate some nukes, but i would probably kill myself in the process.
Time portal? You could go back to when there were still people!
Sulkdodds said:
Time portal? You could go back to when there were still people!

Yeah but not until I had some fun blowing shit up first:naughty:
Just walk around naked. Everywhere. Through the streets of all the big cities. Then I'd start destroying valuable things. Like the U.S. Constitution, the Liberty Bell, all that other stuff. Then go chill out in the White House, eating nothing but pizza and playing Oblivion. I'd normally say BF2 or something like that, but with nobody to play with it would be a little tough. And bots suck big time.
What's with everyone playing Oblivion? Isn't that something you do before everyone in the world dies?

I mean, having your very own apocalypse has got to be better than that! :E
Watch DVD's, play games, new CD's, aquire new instruments, get lots of food, move into some cool house, watch said DVD's and play games, play new instruments, etc.

I'd start by going and getting all of 24 series 4 and 5 then I'd move onto series 3, 4 and 5 of The Sopranos.

EDIT: Read, too. Not sure how I forgot that one.
By the sounds of it they'll be so much fapping, the friction will great some big electrical crazy thingy.
I'd hang my arse out over the edge of a skyscraper and drop a huge silent turd. Then I'd watch it fall, with binoculors.
Solaris said:
By the sounds of it they'll be so much fapping, the friction will great some big electrical crazy thingy.
I don't understand why people would go crazy with wacking off...
Other people existing doesn't stop me from doing that :/
In fact, w/o other people making porn sites and maintaining the internet, it'd be a lot harder
Ikerous said:
Shouldn't we assume there wouldn't be any electricity?
If all humans disappeared instantly, like now the nukes would still run wouldn't they? or would they have some stupid daily securtiy system to keep them running?

Your task would be going round switching off all lights so there wasn't too much drain!

Elecricity wouldn't be a problem other than that tho.........steal car batteries, solar cells, commandeer a wind turbine.......whatever.
Ikerous said:
I don't understand why people would go crazy with wacking off...
Other people existing doesn't stop me from doing that :/
In fact, w/o other people making porn sites and maintaining the internet, it'd be a lot harder

It would be pretty cool though, like jizzin on the queen or something.
short recoil said:
If all humans disappeared instantly, like now the nukes would still run wouldn't they? or would they have some stupid daily securtiy system to keep them running?

Your task would be going round switching off all lights so there wasn't too much drain!

Elecricity wouldn't be a problem other than that tho.........steal car batteries, solar cells, commandeer a wind turbine.......whatever.
i wouldn't know how to get my computer to run off of batteries...
And then getting new batteries constantly would be a bitch
Solaris said:
It would be pretty cool though, like jizzin on the queen or something.
Or pedonecrophelia.. w/e
Ooooh pedonecrophelia, that I would do first before anything else.
Ok, there are these people called "Hermits" who live in the forest all alone, some of them for their whole lives, some for 10 years, ect. They didn't go insane and kill themselves, they just survived. What do you think early man did? I doubt they ALL lived together....

Besides no one here would have the balls to shoot themselves.

And whats with all this "Load up on supplies" crap? Ok, I can see loading up on food, because you don't wanna go in a supermarket to get canned food with the smell of thousands of rotting fruits there. But wtf would you need genereators and batties and stuff for? If you need that stuff, just steal a car and drive to radio-shack and get a pack of batteries.. ffs... And it's not like you'd be wasting gas money, or wasteing time, what do you have to do besides live the funnest life ever? Still lonely as shit, but fun!
There's not much you'd have to stock up on. You can just walk around and find everything you need. All I'd take with me is a firearm to kill roaming animals and murderous ex-pets.