Why treat your fans like this?

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Some_God said:
I hate little pricks like yourself telling us Valve owes us nothing... without us they are nothing... now shut your mouth and eat your food. :flame:

haha OWNED :thumbs:
There is more evidence of this game being VAPOR WARE than there is of it being and actual game.

[come to valve to play a demo of our recent marketing ploy through ATI] [it doesn't exist, just like mirages and santa clause]

I say VAPOR WARE until proven otherwise.
I guess im fine with the delays, it just wish they would be kind enough to make statements that things are delayed rather then have us wait all night for them.
Punzz said:
haha OWNED :thumbs:

Well I preorder (from eb) and paid the $85 for the ce version. Then I couldnt pay my rent, so now Im jacked in to public power and phone lines hovering over a burning barrel, waiting. All I want is for Gabe to send me one of those Burgers. So Hungery......LOL.
(TK)Deltashadow said:
Well I preorder (from eb) and paid the $85 for the ce version. Then I couldnt pay my rent, so now Im jacked in to public power and phone lines hovering over a burning barrel, waiting. All I want is for Gabe to send me one of those Burgers. So Hungery......LOL.

??? Ehhh? :o
wonkers said:
There is more evidence of this game being VAPOR WARE than there is of it being and actual game.

[come to valve to play a demo of our recent marketing ploy through ATI] [it doesn't exist, just like mirages and santa clause]

I say VAPOR WARE until proven otherwise.

You mean apart from all the screenshots, videos, testimony from people that have been to Valve, the CS:Source beta?

Yeah, vapourware...
Some of you need to learn what vapourware actually means before spouting it off.
wonkers said:
There is more evidence of this game being VAPOR WARE than there is of it being and actual game.

[come to valve to play a demo of our recent marketing ploy through ATI] [it doesn't exist, just like mirages and santa clause]

I say VAPOR WARE until proven otherwise.

Mirages exist.
wonkers said:
There is more evidence of this game being VAPOR WARE than there is of it being and actual game.

[come to valve to play a demo of our recent marketing ploy through ATI] [it doesn't exist, just like mirages and santa clause]

I say VAPOR WARE until proven otherwise.

If I would just hear about ppl with an opinion like you, I wouldn't believe it, but now I have evidence..

Hardcore310 said:
This whole situation is getting kind of rediculous.

I did not get mad when valve decided to delay HL2 the first time. Nor was I angry when the first/second preload date passed and nothing.

And now they seem to have missed the mark they have set themselves, AGAIN!

I'm not going to get stupid about more delays, but it does take the fun out of being a fan. I will definetly try and be one of the first to download and play HL2 regardless of all of this. The fact of the matter is, with each delay/fib I get less and less excited about this great game.

Valve, there needs to be some respect given to the gamers that support you.

Please, do not waste everyone's time on this forum and many others waiting for false information from you. It just leads to dissapointment and does nothing for HL2.

You can't even play it yet after it preloads, so what's the big deal?

Who cares about those few days?
wtf is vaporware? i've never heard that term used.

holy shat there are some heartbroken gamers on this site. I thought I was nerdy for *playing* these games. These people are getting EMotional over games.

Software that doesn't exist. It just kind of vaporizes, ala Duke Nukem Forever.
kaellinn18 said:
Software that doesn't exist. It just kind of vaporizes, ala Duke Nukem Forever.

So games and programs that got scrapped, thanks. btw i never heard of Duke Nukem Forever either :laugh:
this thread is still alive?

"oh noes!1!! I cant pre-load a game I wont be able to play for more than a month! It's definate proof that Half-life2 doesnt exist! It's really vapourware!!! I knew I shouldnt have taken off my tin foil hat, now Gabe knows I know his little secret and he's going to send his black mesa goons to silence me! ...it must have been the master plan of the illuminati!! they're holding it back for a reason!!!! this is a sign of the coming apocalypse!!! we're all doomed ...in fact Doom3 was the first sign ..hell is coming ..."

CptStern said:
this thread is still alive?

"oh noes!1!! I cant pre-load a game I wont be able to play for more than a month! It's definate proof that Half-life2 doesnt exist! It's really vapourware!!! I knew I shouldnt have taken off my tin foil hat, now Gabe knows I know his little secret and he's going to send his black mesa goons to silence me! ...it must have been the master plan of the illuminati!! they're holding it back for a reason!!!! this is a sign of the coming apocalypse!!! we're all doomed ...in fact Doom3 was the first sign ..hell is coming ..."


Stern.. do you realize a lot of people here are getting pissed off at you?
no :)

they're just picking on one word:


it's not like I'm to blame for the delay, just trying to show some peeps that it's silly to get so worked up over a pre-load
We are getting worked up because Valve missed another date they they have given to us. I dont really care about pre-load. Im just pissed that Valve has given us another false date.
Some_God said:
We are getting worked up because Valve missed another date they they have given to us. I dont really care about pre-load. Im just pissed that Valve has given us another false date.

ya but why would people be mad at me?

I too was a little disappointed but it's no big deal ..it's not like they were going to load the final version ..if it preloads today and a release date is sept 30 ..I still have 30+ days to pre-load. I LoL when I think of all the people with there finger hovering over the "pre-load" button waiting for it to appear ..I'll wait a few days till the traffic dies down a bit
Yeah it isnt so much the preload as their inability to report the delay. Just bad business and downright rude.
well I can see where they're coming from ...some HL2 fans are like a pack of starving dogs ready to pounce on any shred of info, yet these are the same fans that are easily annoyed by any sort of delay

Valve must be sick of the critiscm ...it's everywhere, no other company is under as much scrutiny
well, that's not a fair comparison ...valve doesnt deserve it :)
seinfeldrules said:
This is another debate for another time ;)

which I'm sure we'll have sooner or later ;)

elections are coming :E
CptStern said:
no :)

they're just picking on one word:


it's not like I'm to blame for the delay, just trying to show some peeps that it's silly to get so worked up over a pre-load

Only it's not this one pre-load. It's Valve's whole m.o. They know how fervant many of their fans are so I'm not sure why they insist on announcing dates they show little penchant for making. It's not necessarily their fault for missing dates involving software development but it is their fault for announcing dates they don't meet...trust me, they shut up until the game is out and they won't receive a fraction of the grief they get for missing a date.
sure they will ...people always find something to bitch at. I'm sure the rabid fan boys would scream that there's no info on HL2 ..

"why not have a release date? why are they saying "when it's done"? Valve is pulling a duke nukem over us loyal fans ...it's proof that it's vapourware, why cant they announce a date?"

the very fact that valve hasnt had the best record with making deadlines should be a tip off that they probably wont make them in the future. Take it with a grain of salt ..shite happens stuff gets delayed ...oh if only people got so excited about the poor or starving:

"how dare they not help them!!11"
I have to be on the side of the Bad Valve group for the first time.

I've been waitign for this gamr for 5-6 years ish now. Ever since I finished HL1. I've been through all the delays still giving ValvE the benifit of the doubt.

They dont owe me anything of course not, but pure and simply they keep letting us down time and time again with infomation that isnt true.

Why make statements like it WILL be on monday if they dont know if they can make that date.

They made this annoucment with a Forum message so why dont they update us with a forum message.

I am sure they have a good reason for this no show, so why not let us know and stop everyone getting angry at them.

I do know that on a personal level, every day that goes by, I crave the game less and less.
Some of you people just don't get it, do you?

Of course Valve doesn't owe us anything. That's all well and understandable. That does not, however, change the fact that Valve has been mind-****ing the fans for quite some time. I'll buy their game, no doubt about that. But I'm still annoyed at them right now for pussy-footing with us for so long instead of giving us some solid information and direct answers.
I am getting really really frustrated. It makes my head hurt to think they are oblivious to what's happening in the HL community.
I bought an ati card just for HL2 ..a year ago ..they owe me one game (because I already paid for it) Am I upset? no .. if I can let go so can you all

it's just a game, you'll enjoy it just as much if it's on time or a month late
This situation is getting absolutly ridiculous. But what's even more infuriating is that I can't play Troika's Bloodlines game because valve keeps up delay after delay after missed release date after delay.

BTW valve DOES owe us something, we've been fed crap since May 2003 about everything about HL2. Yup and it just happened again today. The lie about the AI (the traptown door kicking itself in) the release date, the next release date, the next, the next, the next, then the preload date. They had better give us HL1 Source for free for all the wait, because I for one am getting sick of the flaming crap valve has been throwing at us for a year and a half now. And yes before you go flaming my post, I WILL buy HL2 when it comes out, I already have it preordered at EB games since May 2003, kthxbye.

BTW I'm not that mad about the missed preload date as much as the principle of all their delays.
Of course Valve doesn't owe us anything. That's all well and understandable.

What is all this talk about Valve owing us something?
The fact is this:

*False statements / false pre-load dates / false realese dates / Delays..

Shure.. Valve is Working Really HARD on HL2 and trying to improve the game and bugs... thats good!..

but that doesnt mean they can set a official date.. and then, delay it.. several times... They should keep it.. and if you delay a date "10000 times"... then something is wrong no?

Maybee they thought of a cool story thing and had to change some Wavs and stuff.. Then why dont they SAY SOMETHING!..
Cpt Stern & Stryyder: I don't care that they owe us nothing, we're ****ing disappointed, and we have every right to be just that. I only read the first page now, but your and Stryyders replies made me reply even though there's plenty of pages to read first. They (your replies) were just THAT annoying.
Bottomline: Some of us are disappointed, some of us are not. Those who are not, will just have to shut up when threads like these appear. I for one do not want to see whiny replies from people like Stryyder and Cpt. Stern crying about "Eyyy Valve owes u nuthin'!!!!11" when the threadstarter didn't even said anything about that.

As Yoda once said: Shut the **** up, you must!
matthewryanc said:
Why on earth would someone pay thousands of dollars for a piece of hardware that has no support, and no offficial drivers? Someone did that for a VooDoo 6000. I am not trying to convey that I purchased an ait card for HL2 (haven't bought ati since the radeon 8500), but surely some people purchased an ati card solely based on the fact that not only would ati hardware handle hl2 better, but it also included it.

Then they didn't buy the card JUST for HL2. They bought it for the card and HL2. There's a difference. To buy a video card just to get the game is idiocy.
She said:
but that doesnt mean they can set a official date.. and then, delay it.. several times... They should keep it.. and if you delay a date "10000 times"... then something is wrong no?

Oh, really? Delayed 10,000 times?

1 date, and it was Sept 30th 2003....

Wow so many delays!
It's the same un-informed people who keep saying the most ANNOYING and things to a true HL fan!

#1 Valve doesn't owe us anyhting
#2 I can wait, what's one more delay?
#3 It's just a game
#4 It's just a pre-load
#5 Valve should not tell us a thing

Your not just wrong your retarded. I am sorry but I have been choking on this filth since september 03. IF you don't know why these points are stupid then you need to get reading LIL-buddy.

Your not making an educated response and further angre us Die-HARD fans even more.

This whole HL2 FIASCO is about respect, honesty, and dissapointment. Valve doesn't seem to respect that we have a brain in our skull and know what day it is. They don't give honest dates or are incapeable of giving a solid or even reasonable date for progress. And finally.

We are dissapointed that we keep getting let down when they pump up the hype balloon and pop it right after.

I want you people to get this. STOP POSTING THOSE 5 things. I would like to say that I am just asking and that you can do what you want but GEEZE. For everyone who uses those 5 excuses there is 10 people who tell you why your wrong. Except it.
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