Why would people play the HL2 beta???

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Shuzer said:
You never explained how people downloading the stolen build affects/screws VALVe over in any way. Your example only showed it's morally wrong.

Actually I did explain, but you seem to be as in the dark as your m8 absinthe.

Tell you what, why don't you fire an email off to Valve and ask them just how MUCH damage people downloading the leak has done to them. If they tell you that you are NOT actually actively encouraging and contributing to the mass distribution of their stolen software by your willingness to download and play through it, then I will bow to your tunnel-visioned reasoning and distorted view of ethics and admit that I am wrong.

When you get your reply, please post it as there are apparently many on this board who, like you, can't understand the repurcussions of your actions.
DiSTuRbEd said:
YET AGAIN BOTH GAMES WERE NOT BETAS........Doom 3 was alpha and Half-Life 2 was a leak, get it right. HL2 beta is what current state VALVe has it as same with id and Doom 3.
No it wasnt leaked Doom3 alpha was leaked, halflife2 was hacked/stolen.
CR0M said:
Actually I did explain, but you seem to be as in the dark as your m8 absinthe.

Tell you what, why don't you fire an email off to Valve and ask them just how MUCH damage people downloading the leak has done to them. If they tell you that you are NOT actually actively encouraging and contributing to the mass distribution of their stolen software by your willingness to download and play through it, then I will bow to your tunnel-visioned reasoning and distorted view of ethics and admit that I am wrong.

When you get your reply, please post it as there are apparently many on this board who, like you, can't understand the repurcussions of your actions.

hes not actively encouraging and contributing to the mass distribution of their software unless hes downloading it from BT where you have to share the file youre downloading.

any other method hes just a leech hes not going around and telling other people to download it or uploading it to other places to people can get it.

focus your hate on the people who hacked valve and stole it in the first place.
god forbid you should bite the bullet and just ****ing wait for the game
I played it, its mostly crap, justed wanted to see how it would run on my gf 2 mx400, it rAn pretty good,
I'm sick and tired of all this crap about people with their moral high horse. Let's make up a hypothetical situation:

VALVe scraps HL2. Completely. It will never come out, and they'll never make a game similar to HL2 ever again. However, the day after they scrapped it, somebody leaked it out. Would you download it? I'm willing to believe 99%, if not all of you, would. I guess that would make you an unloyal VALVe fan. Some would say "The people downloading it won't hurt VALVe, there's no revenue to be lost." Just like the stolen build.

If you're to complain about that hypothetical situation, how about this one?

Someone somehow obtains the original, finished, now scrapped version of Half-Life. Do you download it? My bet, again, is most of you would. Some would say "The people downloading it won't hurt VALVe, there's no revenue to be lost." Just like the stolen build.

This is why I honestly have a problem with all you "I'm better than you because you downloaded the stolen build" people. I'm GOING to buy Half-Life 2. I might even buy two copies of it, one for my brother, one for myself. I can't speak for everyone who has played the stolen build, but ANYONE I've ever talked to who has played the stolen build intended to buy HL2 before hand, and will most definitely buy HL2 afterwards, no matter what. I firmly believe if you're 100% positive you'll buy HL2, there's absolutely no harm in downloading the stolen build. It didn't spoil anything, assuming you didn't dig too deep.

To dig at people and say "You're not a true HL fan," or "You're not a loyal VALVe fan" are asinine statements. It's a game. It's a shame it got stolen the way it did, but I myself am in no way affecting VALVe by downloading the build.

Thanks for reading.
it got boring quick, 90% of the textures were missing, whole reason i dled it was to kinda get a rough benchmark test.
only one minor thing got spoiled for me and it was nothing big, but shuzer u make some great points.
Alright. Heres what i found out on the beta.
Any sensitive readers that may find the following "spoiling" so SPOILER ALERT!

major parts of the story are revealed including twists, though they ARE NOT! actually inside the playable parts of the game, well almost all of them at least. All or almost all the characters are revealed. If you dig hard and dig long enough, you might find it.
i never really got much of the story, to me the lvls seemed smaller than normal HL lvls, and about 75% of the maps would knock me to the desktop, no it wasn't really worth a 14 hour bittorrent dl.
You find out that Barney is a giant waffle. That's kind of apparent given the fact that he wears the same uniform as the metrocops in the e3 videos.

All of the unmentioned characters are easy to piece together.
Then you find out that City 17 does indeed have starbucks. Didn't see that coming.
dura, why the hell would you post that? Seriously, you should edit your post. It's speculation for most people.
i knew barney was undercover the moment i watched the barricade bink.
though i was glad it ran smooth on my gf2 mx, well until i blew something wood up and then KAPLOW!! blew me out to the desktop.
Well. As much good as this thread may have served, I think by now it's headed downhill. I said what I had to say, but people are now posting spoilers, or otherwise confirming speculation.

Wish people would think twice about posting stuff like that, as that's what leads to a threads eventual lockdown
I thought of it as a good heads up for anyone that was even thinking of trying it. In a preventive manner on their case, of course.
I find it odd that the only people who actualy care about the beta are those who claim to not have downloaded it and think the beta players are scum.

And i realy couldnt give a wanky toss is some fan boy thinks im hurting valve, im sure my £30 in their pockets come fall will cure any unrest they had with me.
Downloading the beta doesn't actually hurt Valve, its more of a symbolic thing, giving Valve the middle finger is the way alot of people see it. That is where most of the "hurting Valve" stuff comes from.
So basically those of us who stole the beta went through this thought process

1. Will it hurt Valve financially? No
2. Will it hurt increase the development time of the game? No.
3. Will small furry kittens be killed? No
4. Will Valve know and care that i have downloaded it? They probably won't know so therefore they won't care, ignorance is yay.
5. Is it theft? Well it is but due to the fact i'm not hurting anyone but myself, i'm ok with it.
I downloaded it the other day, as a matter of fact. I played Codename: Gordon and while the Manipulator for C:G isn't spectacular or anything, it somehow got me REALLY interested in trying out the physics.

Now I don't have qualms about this now. When it came out i shyed away from it for obvious reasons. Now, 9 months after I prepaid for it ($80.00 usd to be safe), I'm realyl itching to try it. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on what your take is on it) it wont wonrk on my setup. I have spoken with a person who has had alot of experience getting it to work and he came up empty after a long convo.

So this is probably a good thing so I won't spoil too much for myself. But it does raise a couple of concerns for me about HL2 being able to run on my comp. I'm almost sure that the problem is some sort of software sonfiguration issue on my end (it's been a year since I reformatted :| ).

But from my impressions of the available info without running the game, it got me even more jazzed to get the final version.
you didn't missed much, only thing u can really do in ti , is full around with the grav gun and thats fun for about a day.
To tell you guys the truth, I would download the beta, only to confirm how much HL2 will rock. But the thing thats keeping me back? Dial-up.
Here is a new question, if a leaked build came out now and it had everything that the full game had including multiplayer, would you get it? I don't think I would just because it is the full game and I would not want to increase the spread of it.
yeah i dont think i would either. I've been loyal to Valve too long enough to give up now. Same goes for iD. If Doom 3 got leaked and it was the finished product i wouldn't touch it
So basically, you're saying if a pre-gold RC leaked? I wouldn't get it. I'd certainly be tempted, but I think I can wait the last month or two. TBH, I haven't really played the stolen build at all since I initially got it when it first made its rounds on the net. I can wait a little longer for the full fledged experience. Not to mention it'd feel dirty

Edit: On a second look, I definitely wouldn't download it. It would be pretty tragic for a build to get out this late in the game. That would drastically impact sales.. especially if multiplayer worked :O
Foxtrot said:
Here is a new question, if a leaked build came out now and it had everything that the full game had including multiplayer, would you get it? I don't think I would just because it is the full game and I would not want to increase the spread of it.

well i didn't get the first one...and so this one would certainly off limits for me.
The thread has a lot of peoples emotions running high, and although i myself see nothing wrong with the d/l the beta, I think it speaks volumes for VALVe that people are actually going to the trouble of debating the whole situation. No other company in the world would get such heated debates on the rights and wrongs of piracy (think Sony, Miramax, Fox etc)
I personally think a honest, non-generic comment from VALVe, Greg, Gabe, whoever would end all discussion on this topic. I'm not expecting a 'piracy is wrong' lecture, but an actual description of what the initial leak had caused to them, and what they believe further d/l's would cause. I know this is v. unlikely to happen but i believe the only common ground the two sides share is the opinions of VALVe.
Why would anyone WANT to play the beta.
How fun...Spoiling parts of the game, possibly part of the story etc.
Hell, I only play games when the man in the shop says I can! :)
Sparta said:
yeah i dont think i would either. I've been loyal to Valve too long enough to give up now. Same goes for iD. If Doom 3 got leaked and it was the finished product i wouldn't touch it
I think I might pirate Doom 3 just to try it out, unless they release a demo.
I didn't download the stolen build, and you wanna know the one thing that made it ALL worth it? When I met Gabe Newell I was able to walk up to him shake his hand and look him in the eye with exactly 0 guilt. I know if I had d/led it I would have been guilty when I met him and all the other guys at Valve. I don't like people downloading it but I pretty much turn a blind eye.
I admit, I just recently played it and I only play the e3_techdemo_2 map... I took a lot of videos of physics... I wish I could post them for everyone's viewing pleasure. If a moderator says I can, I will. If they say no, then I will most definitely not. I am not sure if that violates anything, since it is video from a map that Valve showed in it's entirety.... I'm just doing a few things a bit differently.
Nope. No screenshots or media of any kind from the stolen build will be tolerated here.
Shuzer said:
Nope. No screenshots or media of any kind from the stolen build will be tolerated here.

I knew that rule for the most part to begin with... but I wasn't sure about this case.

Thanks for clarifying.
why do people taste the cake batter, while baking a cake? actually it doesn't matter either way really, in the end they both know how to enjoy a cake in their own ways.

one baker might say, it will ruin it for me if i taste the batter before eating the finished cake. the other might say it improves the whole experience by tasting the batter first. both bakers are correct. because both of them are doing what they think will make them the happiest concerning the cake.

as long as you EAT THE CAKE(buy the game), thats all that matters, morally and financially(for valve)
A friend of mine recently passed away from cancer. His time was short and he wanted to play half-life 2 while he still had time. We played the leak together at his place and had alot of fun. I will definently be purchasing the game; the leak only reaffirmed my expectations of how great this game is going to be.

I feel no guilt in playing the leak with him considering he was dying and just wanted to see what the game was going to be like.
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