Why would people play the HL2 beta???

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i cannot even speculate if valve was hurt financially from each of you downloading the beta. One of you may try to write hacks for the game with the stolen material. "NO WE WON'T". maybe not. but it definately shows a lack of respect for Valve. "WE LOVE VALVE SO MUCH WE WANTED TO GET A TASTE TEST OF HL2" ok, maybe, but the way i see it, companies don't like to show their customers some half-finished half-assed product. They want to give their customers their toil of the labors, the FINISHED PRODUCT. downloading the stolen material may not hurt them financially, but it's basically a lack of respect and a little thing called morals.
it would be pointless makin hacks coz they re-wrote most of the code or so i heard, so they wouldn't work anyway :)
they rewrote network code, doesn't mean they rewrote everything. people could still make hacks for seeing through walls and such. isn't the source code part of the stolen material?
Adidajs said:
they rewrote network code, doesn't mean they rewrote everything. people could still make hacks for seeing through walls and such. isn't the source code part of the stolen material?
I think the source code is part of the stolen source :p
The leaked code was a very depressing moment for Gamers everywhere aswell as Valve. It has happened and we can't change that so why can't people get over it. The finished HL2 will be jaw dropping compared to any leaked code and just as many ppl will buy it as HL1 (if not more)

Heck if anything that leaked code might boost sales.

/edit I won't say anything specific in ph34r of being banned. Alot of said beta is buggy, so anyone making hacks will have a hard time with the final product and besided the Final HL2 should have a very impressive anti-cheat system.
Vassago said:
A friend of mine recently passed away from cancer. His time was short and he wanted to play half-life 2 while he still had time. We played the leak together at his place and had alot of fun. I will definently be purchasing the game; the leak only reaffirmed my expectations of how great this game is going to be.

I feel no guilt in playing the leak with him considering he was dying and just wanted to see what the game was going to be like.

That's too bad - I would have done the same thing.

Hey um, you're not the Vassago from old school OCSS are you? If you are, do you remember me?
acme420 said:
hes not actively encouraging and contributing to the mass distribution of their software unless hes downloading it from BT where you have to share the file youre downloading.
any other method hes just a leech hes not going around and telling other people to download it or uploading it to other places to people can get it.
focus your hate on the people who hacked valve and stole it in the first place.

ooookaaaay... selective hearing at it's best :rolleyes:

Does not agreeing with downloading the leak make me a troll cb|para? no.
Am I telling anyone that they shouldn't play hl2 cos you played the leak? no.
Did I say that I am better than you because I didn't download it? no.
Am I a wanky fanboy? no - I'm just here to fill time at work.
Do I hate anyone here? of course not, it's a forum ffs not a playground.

The guy asked for (demanded) an explanation for my first post (actually cb|para and absinthe did, shuzer just jumped in), I answered it. Not my fault they didn't understand it.
I have a lot of respect for most people on these boards. It's hypocricy I don't agree with, which was the point of my first post.

So let's agree to disagree and leave it at that, yes? I don't have enough coffee breaks in the day to keep up with this blinkered shiznit :|
This type of talk will reduce sales of the released game, I suggest this topic be deleted.
How could a thread discussing the ethics/reasons behind DLing the stolen build reduce sales of the game? Explain :|
Shuzer said:
How could a thread discussing the ethics/reasons behind DLing the stolen build reduce sales of the game? Explain :|
the original poster asked for opinions on the "beta" (leaked playable source), and so people will post about how it isn't what it needs to be. Units like this water down the hype, resulting in less revinue for the publishers and creators.

Besides, there is not reasoning here, valve asked politly not to download it, so whats the argument? whats the disscusion? There is non. +delete
It's gone on for 17 pages, and no one has yet to really put the stolen build down. Most people agree, VALVe's game will be a masterpiece. Not sure if you've read any of the pages..
I think you need to actually read this thread KatPhish and you'll find that alot of people posting have given really good reasons why the beta leak will be nothing compared to the final game.
"Why would people play the HL2 beta???"

Let's run a scenario...
There's this girl you know called Hl2. So far she's shown you some small glimpses of herself and from what you've seen, she is so far, truly beautiful. Aroused, you go to Hl2 and you're like "hey HL2 can we get it on?" and HL2's like "sorry sweetie, but i dont wanna get it on 'til i'm married."

So you're like, "ggggod daaamn!!! what am i to do now?".

And all this time HL2's still teasing you, showing you sexy videos of what her engine can do, and much much more.

So you starting to lose it now. Patience is wearing thin.

You can either;
(a) Patiently wait for Hl2 to marry you.
(b) Wait for Hl2 to marry but do some masturbation over the sneak peaks she gives you.
(c) Get it on with Hl2's uglier younger sister (and risk getting into some shit if certain people find out).

So basically, some people just cant wait to get married to Hl2, so have to indulge in her uglier, undeveloped, younger sister. They've been blinded by her beauty and just cannot control their animal instincts. They have to have her.

But i think on the average, people will just perform some masturbation. That way, nobody gets hurt.

yea good one, an no i didnt read the whole topic, just the first page. I eddited my first post only to find three after it so whateva i don't care, just thought i would say somin.
Esquire said:
"Why would people play the HL2 beta???"
(c) Get it on with Hl2's uglier younger sister (and risk getting into some shit if certain people find out).

That's the best quote i've seen. I thank you
Esquire said:
"Why would people play the HL2 beta???"

Let's run a scenario...
There's this girl you know called Hl2. So far she's shown you some small glimpses of herself and from what you've seen, she is so far, truly beautiful. Aroused, you go to Hl2 and you're like "hey HL2 can we get it on?" and HL2's like "sorry sweetie, but i dont wanna get it on 'til i'm married."

So you're like, "ggggod daaamn!!! what am i to do now?".

And all this time HL2's still teasing you, showing you sexy videos of what her engine can do, and much much more.

So you starting to lose it now. Patience is wearing thin.

You can either;
(a) Patiently wait for Hl2 to marry you.
(b) Wait for Hl2 to marry but do some masturbation over the sneak peaks she gives you.
(c) Get it on with Hl2's uglier younger sister (and risk getting into some shit if certain people find out).

So basically, some people just cant wait to get married to Hl2, so have to indulge in her uglier, undeveloped, younger sister. They've been blinded by her beauty and just cannot control their animal instincts. They have to have her.

But i think on the average, people will just perform some masturbation. That way, nobody gets hurt.


This deserves to be on the frontpage lol! :D
That's the best way to explain the scenario, two thumbs up.
Originally Posted by Esquire
"Why would people play the HL2 beta???"

Let's run a scenario...
There's this girl you know called Hl2. So far she's shown you some small glimpses of herself and from what you've seen, she is so far, truly beautiful. Aroused, you go to Hl2 and you're like "hey HL2 can we get it on?" and HL2's like "sorry sweetie, but i dont wanna get it on 'til i'm married."

So you're like, "ggggod daaamn!!! what am i to do now?".

And all this time HL2's still teasing you, showing you sexy videos of what her engine can do, and much much more.

So you starting to lose it now. Patience is wearing thin.

You can either;
(a) Patiently wait for Hl2 to marry you.
(b) Wait for Hl2 to marry but do some masturbation over the sneak peaks she gives you.
(c) Get it on with Hl2's uglier younger sister (and risk getting into some shit if certain people find out).

So basically, some people just cant wait to get married to Hl2, so have to indulge in her uglier, undeveloped, younger sister. They've been blinded by her beauty and just cannot control their animal instincts. They have to have her.

But i think on the average, people will just perform some masturbation. That way, nobody gets hurt.


this should get a poll, but i'm sure some ppl would just force them self onto HL2
The Poll:
Would you get it on with HL2s uglier sister?

Originally Posted by PiMuRho
The disturbing part is the mod teams that are using it now to get a headstart.

Wait and see - there'll be maps released the same day that HL2 is out, and some mods not long after.

You know who you are. I'll make damn sure the rest of the world knows who you are....

Does anyone else find this hilarious?
Hilarious that he finds it disturbing or hilarious that maps will be release the first day half-life 2 is out?
I'm sure his solemn vow is to inform everyone that the mods which are released the day Hl2 is in stores must have been worked on before the game had gone gold! And they will pay!!

Foxtrot said:
Hilarious that he finds it disturbing or hilarious that maps will be release the first day half-life 2 is out?

The former, as well as his healthy dose of Indy-esque determination to serve the imaginary man.
Just because you cant be arsed to try and inform people of the truth :p

(Note: I am just poking fun.. I dont actually want a flame war since I am actually goin to sleep now. :))
No, you don't get it. I'm being sarcastic because logical deduction is in no way, shape, or form being used here, not because I support mod teams working on Hammer before the game is released.

Oh. 'Kay.

(SGDGGD. The forum demanded I have more than ten characters.)
The leaked beta isnt half lifes uglyer sister.

Its more like looking through the window while half life is getting changed- its not quite ready yet, but you can still get a pretty good idea of what your in for.
Well put urseus. Plus, you get to sneak around in hl2's underwear draw ...
I think anyone admitting to playing the leak should be permanently banned. Some idiot steals Half-Life 2 and so-called fans go along to help him.
Cybernoid said:
I think anyone admitting to playing the leak should be permanently banned. Some idiot steals Half-Life 2 and so-called fans go along to help him.

What do you mean by "helping him"?
Cybernoid said:
I think anyone admitting to playing the leak should be permanently banned. Some idiot steals Half-Life 2 and so-called fans go along to help him.

Your not an admin, dont go telling them who and who should'nt be banned.

I downloaded the leak, frankly I dont care what people say about me.
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