Why would people play the HL2 beta???

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Foxtrot said:
omfg....I don't think I have anything to say to that except....how is valve being hurt by Lala and Po??

rofl lol, what a crack up, you make my tummy hurt, and so does the guy who said the stuff about lala and poo,

rofl, lol, rofl, lol, my tummy hurts :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :cheese:
So long as everyone is telling their opinion,

The second I walked into my friend's house, he shoved 3 cd-r's, unlabled into my hands, turned me around and pushed me back out of his house.
I had no idea what was on the disks. Well, a bit confused I went back to my own house and copied all the rar's into a folder, and extracted what I soon found to be the earliest playable build of HL2. This came as a bit of a shock. Ok, so I played some of the e3 demos, messed with physics, played the first 10 minutes or so of the game (that's all that was playable) and enjoyed myself. Textures were missing all over the place, lip synching was awesome, but missing in most places. I was entertained for a day.

Arguably I shouldn't have had it. But once I did, without even trying for it, I felt that it was a fun thing to try, like a demo. I'm certainly getting the game, I have a voucher that says so. I figgure I'm entitled to the game, so I've got no remorse about trying it. Maybe one or two suprises have been uncovered for me, but I know there's a lot more to come.

Shame on the anonymous hacker.
I have $100 down at gamestop on Half-Life 2 so I don't think playing the leaked build has ruined my chances of buying the game :)
CR0M said:
I thought I was being perfectly clear. Let me explain in simpler terms -

Tinkywinky hotwires car, Tinkywinky dis-assembles car, Tinkywinky phones mates and offers them bits of car. For FREE. La La, Po and the other one go over to Tinkywinkys cut 'n shut shop. La La takes the alloys. Po takes the engine and fluffy dice. The other one has the lights and fittings. Owner of car cries and claims on the insurance. Owner of car gets NEW car after a few weeks. La La, Po and the other one grass on Tinkywinky. Tinkywinky goes to prison. Tinkywinky makes the mistake of picking up the soap in the shower. La La, Po and the other one claim to have done nothing to adversely affect the car owner, seeing as how it was already stolen. La La, Po and the other one go to hell. The noo noo starves to death without anyone to feed it.

if you still don't understand your part in this, I'm sorry to say that I understand fully.

That's a nice little example you've got there. But, once again, you fail to address the issue at hand...

How exactly do those that downloaded the leak affect the state of HL2?

We all know that the hacker affected it. In the example you gave, Tinky Winky stole the car. That's exactly where the blame ends. Tinky Winky didn't have to distribute the parts to anybody. The car is still stolen no matter what he does with it. The owner of the car suffers regardless of who gets what parts, if there's any distribution at all.

Whether or not it's moral is a completely different question. I'm asking you how those that own the leaked build are affecting Valve at all.
Undoubtedly, most of you (if not all of you) got the leak from a Bit Torrent or IRC network. The only thing people who download the game are doing is keeping it in circulation. As long as people download it, it will remain a popular file. This is really the only bad thing to come from downloading the content. So what bad things come from this circulation? I can only think of three things:

1. Cheaters would have a head start on developing cheats for multiplayer
Valve has said they have changed the networking code etc. so this won't happen in the final build. We can assume that this problem is now redundant.

2. People ruin the game for themselves
This does not affect Valve at all, it is a self-regarding act.

3. People use the engine and/or content and pass it off as their own

So what dangers are left? People have the ability to ruin the game for themselves, and to pass off the source and/or content as their own. With The 3rd reason, you can argue that it is a bad thing to download it and keep it in circulation.

But how often is that 3rd reason really going to happen?
KagePrototype said:
3. People use the engine and/or content and pass it off as their own

So what dangers are left? People have the ability to ruin the game for themselves, and to pass off the source and/or content as their own. With The 3rd reason, you can argue that it is a bad thing to download it and keep it in circulation.

But how often is that 3rd reason really going to happen?

Exactly. Not only that, but there are so many risks involved with doing such a thing, and the chances of being caught are well ****ing high, that it would be downright stupid to try and get away with it.
KagePrototype said:
But how often is that 3rd reason really going to happen?

It's also mostly a non-issue, because how many people really downloaded (and kept) the HL2 source code? I know I didn't. I wouldn't touch that with a 10 foot pole.
Yes, I downloaded it and played it, it was fabulous I can't wait for the final. It wasn't a matter of self control but a matter of choice. I chose to download it. It didn't ruin the game for me at all, because most of the levels weren't finished so the plot wasn't there.
Absinthe said:
Exactly. Not only that, but there are so many risks involved with doing such a thing, and the chances of being caught are well ****ing high, that it would be downright stupid to try and get away with it.

So we're in agreement:

Downloading the stolen build is only a self-regarding act and therefore does not affect anyone else. Including Valve.

Case closed. :)

My impressions: HL2 is going to be amazing. All it did for me is hype it up -- I didn't jump into the sound folders, I only played the levels, and HL2 is going to be worth the wait. There's so little here in terms of what you can actually play that you really won't be spoiling it for yourself that much at all.
If everebady played it, why do you keep posting about things like you know, like "squad control" and all.
Depends where you download it from. Most places you download and upload it at the same time, you're sharing it. What about the people who sell the incomplete game? You're helping them get it that much faster if you use bit torrent or emule.

The argument of "I stole it but I'm still going to buy it later" is ridiculous. I wish you could get caught and tell the court that. :LOL:
Foxtrot said:
Oh, so lets see if this makes sense. Bob stole a pallete of chocolate bars from a chocolate bar producing company. But wait! The bars weren't done yet! They weren't in their nice little paper sleeve! Oh no! But Bob took them anyways!(what an asshole!) So he tells everyone that they can have as many as they want for free. So my friend gets one and we eat it. What is wrong with that?

Assuming valve is Bill.

What is wrong with that? well Bill never offered you the chocolate bar himself because they weren't ready, and you knew it was stolen by Bob.You took them without asking, so technically you are stealing bill's chocolate.

Anyway, fox I'm sure you'd buy the game - but there are some assholes who just won't bother buying the game now that they know what it has to offer. So maybe you liked a little of Bill's unfisnished chocolate and would wait for the final thing but some will just take the unfinished chocolate into account and will not accept the finished prodeuct now that Bill has offered it.
hiln said:
Depends where you download it from. Most places you download and upload it at the same time, you're sharing it. What about the people who sell the incomplete game? You're helping them get it that much faster if you use bit torrent or emule.

The argument of "I stole it but I'm still going to buy it later" is ridiculous. I wish you could get caught and tell the court that. :LOL:

The main difference here is that HL2 wasn't in a finished state. The "I stole it but I'm still going to buy it later" mentality IS ridiculous if you're talking about full-fledged software. However, this is really no different than say, the Doom 3 "alpha." Seeing as how it wasn't the full game, you can't put it in the same category as "normal" warez.

Who here would say "The D3 Alpha was enough for me, I have no need for D3 now that I've played that?" Thousands and thousands of people jump on the chance to download leaks.. no one thinks twice about it, but when the subject of HL2 being leaked crops up, people get so anal about it. :|

Does anyone feel sorry or regretful for downloading any other game leaks? Doom 3? STALKER? PainKiller? no? Why is HL2 so precious to you (in the terms of the stolen build, that is)?
Shuzer said:
Who here would say "The D3 Alpha was enough for me, I have no need for D3 now that I've played that?" Thousands and thousands of people jump on the chance to download leaks.. no one thinks twice about it, but when the subject of HL2 being leaked crops up, people get so anal about it. :|

Somone would say it probably becuase Doom never had a story, has stupid "run and gun" A.I., and nothing to offer except terrible,terrible nightmares? :rolling:

Oh dear lots of holier then thou attitudes going on here.
SubKamran said:
I don't have it...don't want it...

I always get the feeling even though some people say this,,

truely there just trying to keep their image 'clean' when truely they have had a little go, (im not saying everyone) ..

valve do read these threads too,.. so :E

I think even though its harsh but true, Its more along the lines of,...

"WTF! 3.6 gig!... Christ, im not even going to bother *looks over at 56k external modem* damn :( ".

" *reasuring yourself* Oh well, I cant really be bothered after calculating how much time that would take to download ".

"But god damn id love to try out that Techdemo level , just once,,... Arghhh!,, need upgrade to 3 gig connection to internet *looks in wallet* damn :( "!

Shuzer said:
The main difference here is that HL2 wasn't in a finished state. The "I stole it but I'm still going to buy it later" mentality IS ridiculous if you're talking about full-fledged software. However, this is really no different than say, the Doom 3 "alpha." Seeing as how it wasn't the full game, you can't put it in the same category as "normal" warez.

Who here would say "The D3 Alpha was enough for me, I have no need for D3 now that I've played that?" Thousands and thousands of people jump on the chance to download leaks.. no one thinks twice about it, but when the subject of HL2 being leaked crops up, people get so anal about it. :|

Does anyone feel sorry or regretful for downloading any other game leaks? Doom 3? STALKER? PainKiller? no? Why is HL2 so precious to you (in the terms of the stolen build, that is)?

1/3, 1/100ths, 1/100000ths, it's still pirating. Just another lame excuse. Again, I would like someone to tell the court these excuses. That would be a sight to see.
hiln, I just want to ask you this one question.

Does downloading the leak hurt Valve?
Absinthe said:
hiln, I just want to ask you this one question.

Does downloading the leak hurt Valve?

Doesn't matter. Just another excuse.
Hmm. Big writing. Flaming. Irrational argueing. Nah, we don't need to lock this thread.
hiln said:
1/3, 1/100ths, 1/100000ths, it's still pirating. Just another lame excuse. Again, I would like someone to tell the court these excuses. That would be a sight to see.

It's still pirating, yes, but your example is horribly flawed. This isn't a "I'll still buy the game" example, as there is no game to buy yet.

Don't even tell me you don't have anything pirated..
After reading the few pages I've missed, I dont plan on replying to every little stupid reply these people have had, mostly the ones trying to show Absinthe is wrong (Absinthe, your a brave person to take these whiners on heh) So I'll just make my point.

This thread needs to be killed.. at least I think so, as there are clearly afew trolls here. Not just people makeing opinions.
Okay, first off..

I DLed the leak in somewhere around Dec., I held out, but I had to have it. I have kept it all this time, still use it a lot. I mess around with making maps, using physics, blah blah blah.

Now that this is out of the way, I find it amusing that everyone saying that this is bad is comparing downloading the leak to... someone stealing the candy bar and giving it to you. Unless you have a copy machine that can copy an entire candy bar, its not the same thing!! He steals the candybar, you get THE candybar from him.. now you have the ONE stolen piece of property. With software, you can copy and copy and copy until you die... so, I agree with the people who say that DLing the leak yourself didn't delay the game any more that it already would have been. Also, what if you downloaded the leak AFTER the delay?

Think about it.
Absinthe said:
Don't assume that you know the intent of my question.

Just answer it.

Simple answer: Yes. And it's still irrelavent. What is the intent of the question other than an excuse? Or to say, "NUh UHHHH, IT DOESN'T HURT VALVE, SXPLAIN HILN!!!"?

Shuzer said:
It's still pirating, yes, but your example is horribly flawed. This isn't a "I'll still buy the game" example, as there is no game to buy yet.

Don't even tell me you don't have anything pirated..

Yes, there it is, it's still pirating. The only thing that gets me is that most of you just make excuses about it to justify breaking the law with piracy. My "example" is plain and simple, you're excuses don't mean shit in the real world, whether it be "I'm still going to buy the game" or whatever. It's really irresponsible and childish. So I say, if you were to tell these excuses to a court if you were caught, every one of these lame excuses... it won't matter one bit.

And honestly, I don't have anything pirated. I work for money, and I use that money to buy software. I'm not a kid, I don't grab everything on the net because it's convenient to. I'm not on welfare, I don't have an excuse. I just don't. You think everyone who plays games or has a way to connect to the internet is a pirate like yourself? Think again friend.
I never even justified my download. I know it was wrong to download it. However, I'm just trying to understand why so many people love to get on other people's bad sides by posting stuff like you're posting?

Does it make you feel superior to say "I'm better than you, I didn't download that?" If so, that's great. I would just like to know what you're trying to gain from talking down to people?

Anyhow, you know nothing about me, and I'd prefer to keep it that way. Your sour attitude isn't appreciated. Although, I really find it hard to believe you don't have anything illegal (even MP3s), but if you don't, so be it. More power to you. Again, I can't understand what you're trying to gain from talking down to people.
Paintballer said:
Okay, first off..

I DLed the leak in somewhere around Dec., I held out, but I had to have it. I have kept it all this time, still use it a lot. I mess around with making maps, using physics, blah blah blah.

Now that this is out of the way, I find it amusing that everyone saying that this is bad is comparing downloading the leak to... someone stealing the candy bar and giving it to you. Unless you have a copy machine that can copy an entire candy bar, its not the same thing!! He steals the candybar, you get THE candybar from him.. now you have the ONE stolen piece of property. With software, you can copy and copy and copy until you die... so, I agree with the people who say that DLing the leak yourself didn't delay the game any more that it already would have been. Also, what if you downloaded the leak AFTER the delay?

Think about it.

Stealing a physical candy bar and stealing software are two different things.
Shuzer said:
I never even justified my download. I know it was wrong to download it. However, I'm just trying to understand why so many people love to get on other people's bad sides by posting stuff like you're posting?

Does it make you feel superior to say "I'm better than you, I didn't download that?" If so, that's great. I would just like to know what you're trying to gain from talking down to people?

No, it's not really about talking down to people. At least for me. It's just about ignorant and arrogant little shits like the HL2world kids who justify their piracy with excuses. I have nothing against you at all, actually, I think you're one of the better posters of this community.

And if I did direct my comments at you specifically, it's not what I meant.
hiln said:
Stealing a physical candy bar and stealing software are two different things.

Lol...Sherlocks on the case here

My little contribution to the furore (probably been said already but hey)

If a gamer takes to the trouble of downloading three and half thousand megabytes of information, runs the risk of knackering their PC, goes to the effort of using command prompts for objects/actions and then after all that spends their time making new maps becase they crave more then they'll spend £40 to play it for life.

Also, if playing the beta meant that people won't want the game why are forums full of people who have played it?

Having said that i do believe it was reckless to post the source code, as it was the hard work of valve, but now it's out there, it's out there.

No offence to non beta peeps, i respect your views completely
hiln said:
No, it's not really about talking down to people. At least for me. It's just about ignorant and arrogant little shits like the HL2world kids who justify their piracy with excuses. I have nothing against you at all, actually, I think you're one of the better posters of this community.

And if I did direct my comments at you specifically, it's not what I meant.

Fair enough. I edited my post a bit, added another paragraph. Slightly biting, but, yeah. I just don't appreciate people talking down to me. But, if that wasn't your intent, than I have no problem with it. :cheers:

Anyhow, I don't condone people DLing the stolen build, I've had a couple people in recent days ask if they should DL it. I highly suggested against it.
It's software for christs sake, a load of 0's and 1's - by downloading it you are merely copying it, not stealing it... now if nobody actually bought the game then I would agree that Valve would be making an unfair loss because people would not be buying the game because they already had it - but what got leaked was barely even a complete engine, let alone a game.

Now can anyone honestly say that they are not going to buy a copy of Half-Life 2 because they have the leak instead?

Valve would be making the profit out of me whether I downloaded it or not - the only people I troubled was those few BitTorrent hosts that I downloaded it from. Do they care?

I bet 90% of the people on here proclaiming that they haven't touched it were among the first to get it, lets be honest for gods sake.
Absinthe said:
That's a nice little example you've got there. But, once again, you fail to address the issue at hand...
How exactly do those that downloaded the leak affect the state of HL2?
Whether or not it's moral is a completely different question. I'm asking you how those that own the leaked build are affecting Valve at all.

And I answered. Twice. One of them in easy to understand tubby language just for you, because you're obviously special :E . The fact that you don't understand doesn't mean it hasn't been explained to you in plain English, it just means that you're not capable of understanding the answer, or not willing to. And there it remains your problem.
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