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  1. T

    Is Alyx a tease?

    Rebellion or no rebellion, Alyx can't just decide to stop being attracted to someone any more than you or I can. In any case, Gordon is a pretty effective Combine-killing machine with or without her and her lame jokes which I, being a nerd/geek/loser found hilarious). Oh, and I think Alyx is...
  2. T

    Post a Humorous Personal Fact!

    I did not wank for all 46 days (including Sundays) of Lent 2006. Best Easter ever.:P
  3. T

    How many times have you reinstalled your OS

    BEcause PCs get filled with crap thats hard to weed out over time. Also, malware can screw up your OS. A few days ago I got a virus (or a trojan or worm; don't know the difference) and ran Grisoft AVG. It "healed" the infected files by deleting them, and then I couldn't open IE or MP7. Probably...
  4. T

    Is Alyx a tease?

    I agree. When will this guy get over this dumb picture?
  5. T

    Post a Humorous Personal Fact!

    I have not washed my hair in 14 months. Its gotten a bit wet, but never thoroughly or with shampoo. I just prefer it when its greasy. BUT IT'S STILL CLEAN - I comb the dirt out of it with one of those combs for head lice. And my room hasn't been vacuum cleaned in about the same time.
  6. T

    How many times have you reinstalled your OS

    Yup. When I first did it I was really scared, but I'm used to it now, its no longer a big deal and it is satisfying having a freshly installed OS on freshly formatte HDD. Now that I have DSL I can have my PC back the way it was in a few hours.
  7. T

    Hi i'm new

    Dude, find me a communist country that's actually fun to live in.
  8. T

    Brain differences

    Probably, but I'm, afraid I've no idea where to find them, mate. This was mostly from a book I read called Mind Sculpting (forget who wrote it). It explained all sorts of cool things like phantom limbs and why people have foot fetishes etc.
  9. T

    Are you a killer? Am I?

    Hardcore gamers are way too unfit. After 30 seconds of running up a hill with a heavy gun and all the rest of your gear they would be moaning on the ground clutching their chests bordering on cardia arrest. I've only ever shot a seme auto and bolt-action .22 rifle (spare me, I live in...
  10. T

    what countries have you been to?

    :thumbs: Wow dude, that's so respectable. Well done to your perents for that
  11. T

    Their absence is over rated to be honest..

    Gahh, what does "FTL", "FTT" and "TTW" mean?
  12. T

    what countries have you been to?

    Right now I'm doing my bestest (well... almost) to learn Japanese in time for the state exams next June. :stare:
  13. T

    How many times have you reinstalled your OS

    I just had to reinstall XP again on my system due to a trojan thingy. It's handy for me, I've got too hard drives, so put all my important stuff on one, then format the other. Only problem is my boot record search yoke still thinks that 2K is there, and gives me the option of starting it. I had...
  14. T

    How many times have you reinstalled your OS

    Just wondering, how many times have you had to reinstall your OS and how long have you had you PC for? One system we had for seven years was on its fourth Win98 SE. The current family one is one its second XP and its not even two months old. My own is three years old and its on its fourth...
  15. T

    what countries have you been to?

    Travel broadens the mind like few other things. That's why most users have been to loads of countries. :P
  16. T

    Their absence is over rated to be honest..

    I have absolutely no problem with my perents either, primarily because my idea of a wild night is jogging from seven to half past eight, then practising T'ai Chi Chuan 'till half past ten and then going to bed. Either that or a Quake LAN party. Generally, my usuall weekend night consists of...
  17. T

    Totally Cheesed

    All right, you win. But still, don't call me prat. But as for your second point, my brother didn't have an account. I Installed EP1 and completed it on my account. I formated my hard drive for other reasons and gave EP1 to him so he could play it. In order that I can still log in at the same...
  18. T

    What does your gf/bfwife/husband/partner think of your gaming habit?

    Ha ha... a girlfriend... honestly... My mother used to tell me not to spend so much time at games, but these days I spend most of my time in 3ds max (at least 4 hours a day), and she realises that it's serious work. I just priced my my ideal workstation from Alienware and it was E13,600...
  19. T

    Brain differences

    There may be differences at birth, but I've read that upbringing and social conditioning all have a much larger impact on physical brain structure. You can noticibly change your brain physically in less than a week of repeditive activity that you don't normally do. Because boys and girls are...
  20. T

    Their absence is over rated to be honest..

    Same with me. My perents and my sister have gone to France for a week to visit my mothers's folks, so its just me and my brother (who is only a year older than me). No way am I having a load of drunk teenagers smash my perents property. I just spend time on, 3ds max, drums 'n' congas...