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  1. T

    should gym in high school be mandatory?

    One's health is one's own responsibility, not the school's. If fat kids want to take up two seats on an airplane that's there choice. (I'm not fat, by the way. I do jogging and Wudang Tai Chi Chuan lessons from a former British champion).
  2. T

    New Vehicle

    Bah. Looked way too stylised for something built from junk by two old people in a forest. I prefer the minimalism of the HL2 scout car. Look at the amount of crap they've added to the back. Harder in terms of polygons and collisions as well. Ah well, its Valve's game after all, not mine. I'll...
  3. T

    Is Alyx a tease?

    I'll say it straight. Being a total loser/nerd/geek, I am totally attracted to Alyx, though I agree with the above post. I missed that feeling of isolation I got in HL2. Not only is she physically attractive (that picture of her on the valve developer wiki...
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    "Apparently, we suck at Episode 1."

    I never got to play the hard pre-update one. Damn, because I had heard about it and when Alyx mentioned the elevator I knew this must be it, and was bracing myself for a good fight. Which never happened. (On hard). The whole game was too easy. Games should be piss easy for total "noobs" on easy...
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    Dr. "Kleiner's" Daughter?

    How d'you get an "anti-scientist" vibe in there. Gordon 'imself is a scientist.
  6. T

    What would you rather be...

    Yeah, both are pretty shit. But if you're a zombie, you're more likely to die sooner, (both the rebels and the Combine kill you on sight) ending the crapyness for all eternity.
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    Combine or Rebels?

    The Combine do all sorts of horrible things to your head if you join them and are evil beggars, so I'd pick rebel. That way, I'd see a lot more Alyx too.
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    Post a Humorous Personal Fact!

    I flew backwards, but if I remember correctly I managed to stay pretty clean. Nope.
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    Sexual ambiguity and HL2

    In Black Mesa East she says "first model was about yeh high [indicating two feet off the ground]. I've been adding to him ever since". Therefore she built most of the 2000 pounds of Dog. But I don't think she is lesbian, in case you think I'm arguing that this is evidence that she is.
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    Do you own a cell phone

    God I hate ringtones. I just use the standard ring ring. Because everyone else uses stupid ones of recorded sounds that are like white noise coming from the tiny speaker, I find mine instantly recognisable.
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    Sexual ambiguity and HL2

    And, of course, Dr. Breen and the Gman.
  12. T

    Post a Humorous Personal Fact!

    I pissed on a 2,000 volt electric fence when I was twelve. It was wrapped around around a tree and I was pissing on the tree, when for no reason I thought it would be funny to piss on the fence. I had forgotten it was electric. I intend to never, ever, ever do it again.
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    Kraken Base

    It just occured to me that Mossman must have travelled very fast since the end of HL2/beginning of EP1 to get there.
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    Episode 1 Feedback and suggestions!

    Wally, how is "talk about unstable. I really don't think we should hang around" supposed to be a joke? Please explain, because with my lame sense of humour, I'll probably find it hilarious.
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    Do you own a cell phone

    Yup. Waste of money, though.
  16. T

    Food that you hate but the rest of the world loves

    I dislike uncooked cheese and seafood except for proper fish. I also dislike dishes that mix loads of ingredients together. But I have a policy that when I'm a guest at someone's house I just shut up and eat what's given to me. I LOVE nectarenes and most fruit, but especially nectarenes.
  17. T

    I've Lost All Hope In Humanity

    My solution (actually my perents') is simply not to have a TV. Its great. And for f*ck's sake, what's wrong with seeing another guy's tool considering how intamite you get with your own in the shower.
  18. T

    Post a Humorous Personal Fact!

    I'v tasted my own jizzum. No girl has ever tasted it. It's salty. And I shat on a fire. In both cases I was completedly sober (I have never been drunk or stoned or in an otherwise mind altedered state). And by the way, my grandfather in France is the the mayor of his village and he still uses...
  19. T

    Episode 1 Feedback and suggestions!

    Holy crap. I bought EP1 in a games store for 29.99 Euro - thats 38.61 US Dollars, nearly double the price quoted on Steam. :angry: As for the game, it was great. It was a bit short, but I knew this before I bought it so I can't complain (nor do I want to, really, about the lenght). I'm a...
  20. T

    Cutest Alien In Half Life Universe

    I reckon houndeyes are the cutest, but vorts are the coolest 'cause of their intelligence.