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  1. Sober

    Happy C-eh-N-eh-D-eh (Canada) Day!

    Yep, it's that time of year again, July 1st. Canada Day! Time for us Canucks to celebrate and get drunk (19+) and party and pick up hot Canadian chicks! Happy Canada Day, eh! :D
  2. Sober

    i need a really good deathmatch pc game

    America's Army is the complete opposite of what you're looking for. Slow, buggy, action-less, tactical, laggy gameplay. It was ok, but now it sucks. Go for Ut2k4 and UT99 (aka Unreal Tournament) if you want Deathmatch. I heard Painkiller was good, but I personally haven't tried it. Any DM mode...
  3. Sober

    Will Half Life 2 run on my PC

    Maybe on DX7 mode? Why not just purchase a video card? Or is this a Dell/Compaq/Brand name factory computer with almost no real expansion slots?
  4. Sober

    Normal worms are nothing... *THIS* is a worm you don't want!

    Ewww... that's just gross. I <3 Wikipedia too though.
  5. Sober

    The one campaign.

    Celebraties should be the ones donating, and the average joes should be the ones supplementing the donation, not vice-versa.
  6. Sober

    Your beliefs on marrage.

    Close to what I said. Either partner (or even both) have grown tired of their spouse, because someone else can satisfy their sexual lust. Thought it may take a long time to grow, you're right on that part. And they lack commitment (or at least, total commitment).
  7. Sober

    Toby dies tomorrow

    Bah. I wanted him to eat Toby!!
  8. Sober

    Do Ghosts exist?

    Yeah, I believe in ghosts. Hell, to boot, I wanna come back as one, but not to haunt stuff or anything. Just a wandering, observing ghost. Ever see City of Angels? Kinda like that concept. I just wanna be able to wander the Earth at my own will without being seen and observe people. Heck, it'd...
  9. Sober

    Is it me or does this look like a sitting duck?

    Maybe all major American cities should just start having AA guns on all their buildings. Or the magnet idea :D Stupid choice to put in ground zero though. It IS a sitting duck.
  10. Sober

    Toby dies tomorrow

    Good. Good for all of us.
  11. Sober

    Your beliefs on marrage.

    Divorce just proves that the couple was too hasty in making decisions. They obviously based their choice on lust/sexual desire and not real love. Love is seperating lust and being able to put up with the actual person, not just the hot chick you come home to every night, have her cook dinner...
  12. Sober

    What's next for battlefield?

    Maybe someone will make a WW2 mod for BF2, and EA will try to cash in on that with BF3 - a truer sequel to BF1942, then someone will make another DC/modern combat style mod and EA will cash in on that with BF4. Vicious cycle.
  13. Sober

    Final Doctor Who last night.

    I saw it and thought it was quite good. I'm new to Doctor Who, but I thought it was a good sci-fi series. I can't wait for the next series with the new Doctor. Though I think I liked Eccleston during his run.
  14. Sober

    50 Percent Grey

    I found that short to be quite ... interesting, but why would one be sent into the afterlife with what they had when they died? Whatever, most of the pr0n is off site.
  15. Sober

    Chaos Theory

    I never got into VS mode. I ran SCCT fine with lower sys reqs, with some bugs or problems (obviously with less than min specs). I found coop a good idea. If Ubi got off their lazy arse and released real patches, MP would be really playable. Single Player is where it's at.
  16. Sober

    What forums do you visit most often?

    Anything in the Lounge. I just like OT topics. :D
  17. Sober

    coatse :D

    haha that's great.
  18. Sober

    New Azian In Town

    Hi from a fellow asian.
  19. Sober

    Max Payne Movie

    Bah. Too bad they can't use the MP2 graphic comic actors. They don't have the same voice. I'd rather watch the graphic novel from beginning to end in each game. The MP1 graphic novel took an hour from beginning to end. Better than a movie.
  20. Sober

    how much manpower did it take to design the enormous GTA:San Andreas maps?

    I've not played a GTA game, but watching my friend play it and screenshots, it's more like a sandbox thing.