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  1. digsy

    Will someone buy this?!?!?!? It's only a matter of time before someone bids hehe. Strange people
  2. digsy

    F*CK You Valve I Cant Play Half Life 2 Becasue Of Your Goddam Piracy Bullshit!!!!

    Almost as easy as it was to cancel it aswell. Sorry but if people are pirating games, then I don't see how a legitimate user can moan if activation is required. There are ways to activate without having an internet connection, free trial cds, etc.. In my opinion this is a very good move by...
  3. digsy

    F*CK You Valve I Cant Play Half Life 2 Becasue Of Your Goddam Piracy Bullshit!!!!

    This thread is particularly funny because we all knew about this before the game was released.
  4. digsy

    Late November date seems likely

    As far as I am aware mate, this hasn't been posted on the front page. We know about the date being speculated, I was just posting that fact that other usually reliable sites such as pczone seem to think so too. "Jesus Christ, ATTEMPT to lighten up" edit: Beat me to it hehe
  5. digsy

    Late November date seems likely

    And for the lazy people: Friday 1st October 2004 HALF-LIFE 2 DATED AT LAST Late November release date offers a glimmer of light at the end of the delay tunnel 11:01 The most eagerly awaited game in PC history looks like finally has a UK release date. Vivendi Universal...
  6. digsy

    Late November date seems likely More and more reliable sources are jumping on the bandwagon, I'd expect this to be confirmed soon.
  7. digsy

    Your first reaction when half-life 2 gets announced gold.

    I can't believe I just spent 5 minutes reading this.
  8. digsy

    Preload pay question

    You won't actually pay for the preload itself, you will pay to activate it once HL2 has been released. And as you said, the option isn't available yet.
  9. digsy

    preload at 6pm gabe newell

    i'd be very wet if i was in de-nile
  10. digsy

    Interview with Doug Lombardi and Jess Cliffe

    Found this on the PC Zone website: Don't know if you guys have already picked up on this, as I haven't been around for a while
  11. digsy

    I think it's just about time....

    hehehehe :laugh:
  12. digsy

    I think it's just about time....

    which uni you going rupert? I'm off to portsmouth
  13. digsy

    What the... Wasn't this site down?

    shazam ?!?!?!?!
  14. digsy

    New HL2 leak?

    I'd agree with whoever said it's just these warez groups filling the demand for new HL2 content after e3.
  15. digsy

    Thief 3 Release Date

    Has been confirmed as June 11th: Will give us something to play for a while
  16. digsy

    omg who in the hell saw gordon?! :| omg :\

    Have you been living in an upside down bucket for 6 months? This has been talked about god knows how many times.........
  17. digsy


    I want Valve to be silent for the next month and then out of the blue just announce that the game has gone gold. (Wewt, 100 posts?!?!?!!?!??!)
  18. digsy

    Reviewer blames HL2 of "not showing their bad features in E3"

    Show me one developer who finds it a good idea to show all the bad features in their game for promos. "Well this bug here is quite major actually, in fact it causes the framerate to slow down to a crawl and makes the game unplayable... Any questions?"
  19. digsy

    Crowbar Tee

    I'm gonna wear a T-Shirt with one of the crates from Dust. That's half life related.
  20. digsy

    What Conclusions can be drawn....?

    Yeh that would be horrible for first time players. Like a James Bond film, have Gordon escaping a combine patrol by jumping off a cliff then releasing his parachute and a big Lambda logo is on the top! Hehe