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  1. jb55

    NEW Version of Physgun released! v0.3 by JB55

    you have it in the wrong folder, put it in the half-life 2 folder not the hl2 folder.
  2. jb55

    JBMod (Working Physgun)

    physgun source was included in the sdk.
  3. jb55

    JBMod (Working Physgun)

    Full info thread here: http://www.hl2 Pictures: Enjoy.
  4. jb55


    I was bored so I decided to make a hl2.php search engine for firefox: Just extract to: C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\searchplugins then restart the browser :)
  5. jb55


    They took it down :O
  6. jb55

    Possible Update Tonight...

    Thats because the thread was deleted, I saw it myself. He did say: *shifty eyes*
  7. jb55

    100% Fake

    I say its more guerilla marketing... :o
  8. jb55

    100% Fake

    MrChimp doesn't know what he's talking about unfortunatly
  9. jb55

    100% Fake

    Wow that guy seriously owned everyone. Props :P
  10. jb55

    Do you think that Gabe's annoucement was fake?

    they made it quite convincing didnt they ;)
  11. jb55

    Buying 2 copies of HALF-LIFE 2(PC)

    yes it is possible to get 140fps, I have the same specs as him and I get about the same. Oh and btw, this guy is the biggest attention whore I have ever seen, heck look at his name.
  12. jb55

    Valve reliability poll

    The end of time because i'm optimistic
  13. jb55

    Watch this

    Your off by an hour ;)
  14. jb55

    DECIPHER the new white board pics!

    In the second picture, on the left of the whiteboard it says something like: /Alyx grab g[gravity] gun ?? down gun present gun to breen ?? up gun /player pod ? gun hmmm....
  15. jb55

    Holy schlamoly, what happened to Steam at 3:45 AM?

    DDoS Attack
  16. jb55

    ITS AUGUST 17 HERE w00t HL 2 Preload :)

    Yeah too bad while your ingame steam stops download activity ;)
  17. jb55

    ITS AUGUST 17 HERE w00t HL 2 Preload :)

    Ugh, clearly you havent been reading what I have been saying. Yes there were some hl2 files included in the cs:s cache, but those files were a part of the cs:s preload. I'm talking about the hl2 preload, which I presume will be quite large, and most likey encrypted if they want to keep all those...
  18. jb55

    ITS AUGUST 17 HERE w00t HL 2 Preload :)

    Well if your talking about the cs:s preload, then it did preload, but on the 16th =/ Valve said that they are were going to preload hl2 complete with files which will not be changed, such as wav files and textures, etc. The hl2 folder in the cache contained barely any of these things, except...
  19. jb55

    ITS AUGUST 17 HERE w00t HL 2 Preload :)

    No it hasnt started. The hl2 preload will most likely have its own gcf, and as I said before, the hl2 folder in the cs:s cache was just some required files needed for cs:s to run. Please stop saying that hl2 has started preloading because there are a couple hl2 files in the cs:s cache, because...
  20. jb55

    ITS AUGUST 17 HERE w00t HL 2 Preload :)

    I believe the hl2 folder in the shared content cache was just some required stuff for cs:s. I somehow doubt that the real hl2-preload is only 70mb =/