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  1. P

    Welding two brushes together?

    your going for a physics based entity, so you can use parenting for that.
  2. P

    sunlight not lighting

    also if you are using a light_environment make sure the angle is horizontal
  3. P

    Its Almost Done!

    Thanks for the help everyone, heres a new screenshot from the "archive room. And a screenshot from my first map, which was made 6 weeks. Im quite pleased to see how much better my skills have improved. can't believe how dark it is lol.
  4. P

    Its Almost Done!

    Do you mean the texture or the guard post thing. Cause i changed the texture it looks 100% better lemme get a new screenshot.
  5. P

    Its Almost Done!

    Thanks for the tip on the room size, i reduced it, and the empty room is now an archive room with solid walkways with an embedded pyrotechnic cupboard, which is a nice touch. I know exactlly what you mean the cylinder is there but the ugly walkway thing is gone.
  6. P

    First time on multiplayer

    trying getting better at the grav gun always helps, i didnt get better till i learned how to use the grav gun to my advantage.
  7. P

    Its Almost Done!

    Hey thanks for the tips, im gonna remove that walkway on the column it doesnt work at all in the map. the walkways do look iffy dont they, i may make them solid. Changed the mountain texture, retextured the floor in that room, cause it looks a bit stretched. Heres an indoor screen shot in the...
  8. P

    Its Almost Done!

    oh well good try, any suggestions though?
  9. P

    Its Almost Done!

    yep source was definitly used why?
  10. P

    HL2DM map by 3D-Mike

    looks great, maybe if you could combine your skills with someone who knows more complex things like, interiors and scripting it could be great.
  11. P

    [WIP] dm_abandoned_reservoir - Need Help Choosing What to Add...

    im sorry this isnt much of a map, you need to add everything basically, random crap like barrels, boxes etc. at the moment it doesnt look like anything
  12. P

    Its Almost Done!

    I am almost finished my map dm_outpost17. It has a bit of everything, a bit indoors, outdoors, hiding places etc.
  13. P

    (WIP)dm_needsname - Formerly Industrial Canal.

  14. P

    Screen Shot for a New Map

    yeah lol i havent bothered bout the skybox too much, your definitly right in saying the texture is shite though.
  15. P

    Screen Shot for a New Map

    i added a central area to my map, i think it looks better, i will replace the trees with crates, the building on the right will be slightly embedded into the mountain.
  16. P

    Screen Shot for a New Map

    ok changed quite a bit, no more ruins so i reckon i will rename it to dm_combine_last_outpost.
  17. P

    Cubix - New HL2DM Map Release

    arghh the fullbright is killing me
  18. P

    Cubix - New HL2DM Map Release

    the map is 35mb? thats silly, looks as interesting as a bucket of grey paint.
  19. P

    Screen Shot for a New Map

    Thanks everyone for the support, im trying to make it a nice map with a bit of open areas and closed areas.
  20. P

    Screen Shot for a New Map

    Here is a screenshot of a map im working on. At the moment its called dm_combine_ruins but that is subject to change.