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  1. maveryck21

    Noob Question

    Yes to skin the half-life models you need to extract the original texture by using for instance the GCF Scape. Then you modify the texture you can also use the plugin for vtf to photoshop to make it easier. And then you save your texture, compile it and put it on the same paste in your MOD...
  2. maveryck21


    But my problem is that i'm creating an mortar explosion and want to put a crater decal, but it's over a displacement. I want it to start inactive an when the explosion happens the decal to apeear but stays as long as i want it. The solution i've created was to make a func_movelinear with nodraw...
  3. maveryck21

    Need some answers on some errors

    The first line you left blank ou you just erase it to put it here?
  4. maveryck21

    mdldecompiler issues

    Yes you need to decompile all files with the same name of the mdl you want. Have you deon that? You can use GCF SCape
  5. maveryck21

    Need some answers on some errors

    Can you show us your qc?
  6. maveryck21

    MDL decompiler Error!!! plz help

    You have to unchek the "Use Steam File Acess". Then you also need the GCF Scape to extract the models out of the game, and after that you use the mdldecompiler on the mdls you have extracted.
  7. maveryck21

    Zombie help

    Or if you want the zombie just to lie down dead you can put a prop dynamic with the zombie model and give the animation on the default animation property. I think this works too.
  8. maveryck21

    problems compiling with LOD models

    I think that is giving you an error on lod 0 because you are changing the smd for the same smd. Try to take only the lod 0 and keep the second line of lods, and try to ocmpile it again. The format is this } $lod 7 { replacemodel "male_01_reference" "lod1_male_01_reference" } $lod...
  9. maveryck21

    Suggestions for some values please?

    Yes i think so that 1 unit = 1 inch Tha player have 72 units
  10. maveryck21

    Player walk

    I've discovered where to modify it. It's in the congif file on the cfg paste of the MOD. Know what i need to know it's what is exactly the citizen speed?
  11. maveryck21

    Soldiers Carrying a Stretcher

    I've already the animation the only problem is to make the stretcher to be attatched to the citizens hads.
  12. maveryck21

    Player walk

    Hi there Is there anyway that i can slowdown the move foward of the player in order to make it equal to the citizens Thanks for any help
  13. maveryck21

    Problem with brush entities

    You should see the "select" menu. That must be hapening because you are selecting solids instead of object. Chage that on the menu "select" and try again.
  14. maveryck21


    Hi there, I want to make an explosion and to activate a decal of a crater. But when i activate the decal it disapear after some time. Is this normal? What can i do tu make the decal active until a trigger kills it? Thanks for any help
  15. maveryck21

    ERROR! Vacating an empty slot!

    Sorry but it didn't understand what you have explained.. What do i have to do to fix this?
  16. maveryck21

    ERROR! Vacating an empty slot!

    Hi there What the hell is this: ERROR! Vacating an empty slot! I have no ideia. I have a trigger_once that is activated and ths apeears when it activates again. I dont understand
  17. maveryck21

    Big Problem...Creating HUMANS

    Very urgent Deadline: Monday If i want just to modify some part of the structure of the male reference do i need to make a new vertice assign to all of the vertices? What else do i have to do? Thanks
  18. maveryck21

    Big Problem...Creating HUMANS

    Hi there, I've made some modifications in a npc citizen reference and want to compile it back into the game. I've tried to use the same qc file of the npc citizens but the result was this. What's the problem? Thanks for any help
  19. maveryck21

    Soldiers Carrying a Stretcher

    Here is a picture of my stretcher
  20. maveryck21

    Lightning Problem

    Hi there, I'm making a map of a forest i used some new models that i have created but when i try to give it a good light and shadows it do'nt work. In the first picture the tree and bush shadows aare disabled. In the others the shadows are enabled and the last picture is like a top view of...