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  1. delusional

    Whats Your Favourite Mode of Transport?

    Rocket ship.
  2. delusional

    The Munro diet

    Might try this some day.
  3. delusional

    Do you like milk by itself?

    I can only drink milk with pancakes that have peanut butter on them. Since it's good at clearing the food through your throat.
  4. delusional

    Happy Pi Day!

    Had some delicious apple pie and pumpkin pie!
  5. delusional

    Hot Potato awesome
  6. delusional

    Infinity Question Happy now?
  7. delusional

    Infinity Question

    Well that's because answeringenesis are idiots. The suns affect on the nuclear decay in in the isotopes it affects are within percent error, and the earth-sun distance is like a ordinary sine wave, it doesn't change in the long run. So its almost a non-issue. The point is that the environment...
  8. delusional


    Arizona Iced Tea :thumbs:
  9. delusional

    Infinity Question

    Incorrect. Nuclear decay is affected by solar flares and the earth-sun distance.
  10. delusional

    Lost: Season 5

    Are we ever going to get a Richard Alpert flashback? cuz, that would be awesome.
  11. delusional

    Deja vu

    On another forum I me and a guy were discussing something, and the thread ended up dying. Then a month later the thread was bumped and he made 2 different replies. I skimmed over the first not recognizing it was a reply to me, but responded to the second. Later I read the first reply, and I...
  12. delusional

    aaaa...frustrating game/test!

    Well, it didn't last for long. Now I'm just getting 300 or above.
  13. delusional

    aaaa...frustrating game/test!

    Holy shit, I zoomed in really close so the box took up most of the screen, and I closed my eyes in a dark room, and got 94 ms.
  14. delusional

    I'm close to tears... RIP bvasgm

    The only interaction between me and him was when he called me a newb. He will be missed. ;(
  15. delusional

    Nuclear war has begun!!!

    Dig a hole and stay there for a week or two, then once most of the fallout has settled, I'll remove the topsoil and become a farmer. And kill zombies. :sniper:
  16. delusional

    Lost: Season 5

    How come? Jin could have been flashed in time with the van. Maybe I just don't want to Jin and Sun separated. I don't know.
  17. delusional

    Lost: Season 5

    Ok, I think I have a hunch on where everyone is. The people who were jumping through time end up with the Dharma initiative when Locke fixes the time wheel. And when Locke finally brought the Oceanic 6 back, there was another time flash. So i think Sawyer, Faraday, Miles, Juliet, etc. spent...
  18. delusional

    Corny Jokes Thread

    Why did the Ice cream man cross the road? To sell Rocky road ice cream to the little children.
  19. delusional

    Best. Movie. Ever.

    12 Angry Men.
  20. delusional

    Brand new "fix" for looping sound crash! (PagedPoolSize)

    It probably has to do with people signing up to post something, and losing their account for innactivity.