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  1. B

    Is it possible to DOS FTP into my own computer?

    Thanks FW, 'preciate it. :) Diluted: Yeah, I know. On the other hand, I don't have anything sensitive, and I won't share system-critical files or anything... I figure an account/pw requirement will shut out any casual browsers, and anything further... there's no one who would want to, and, wcs...
  2. B

    Is it possible to DOS FTP into my own computer?

    giant384: Yes. Ikerous: OK, thanks. :) Any software suggestions anyone? (MUST have user accounts possible, I want to make my whole C:\ accessible, but only to me!)
  3. B

    Is it possible to DOS FTP into my own computer?

    Title says it all really, I want to be able to access files on my computer from any Windows machine with the command prompt, if possible. Any thoughts?
  4. B

    Dreamscape: Pin Point Blank (Talent needed for Revolutionary concept)

    Why the hell would I want to waste my time working on your crappy mod? God forbid it should have a chance to succeed, after all...
  5. B

    Dreamscape: Pin Point Blank (Talent needed for Revolutionary concept)

    Wow... five of your eight posts contain exactly the same words. Congratulations.
  6. B

    New Laptop: .13 gHz faster processor, or 1 more GB or RAM?

    Don't get a Dell, they have awful tech support... took me 6 attempts to make it clear to their non-English-speaking tech people that I had a bad video card, and when it finally worked, it was only after I spent - I shit you not - 35 minutes on hold and over an hour and a half doing things like...
  7. B

    New Deathcab for Cutie

    Ionize my dick. Death Cab for the win.
  8. B

    Quality Standup Comedians

    He had a heart attack or some drug-induced thing.
  9. B

    BGG Inc, Help Wanted, Modelers, World Designers and Programmers for MMO Project

    Am I the only one whose "Bullshit Alert" is going off the charts reading this thread?
  10. B

    Quality Standup Comedians

    Any clues as to what type/target audience they do?
  11. B

    i am in need of help

    Just put a message like "The following site is not viewable with Internet Exploder."
  12. B

    Quality Standup Comedians

    Anyone know of any good ones? I need some new spirit-raising listening material. My two favorites are Mitch Hedberg (dead) and Robin Williams (too good to record more). Suggestions?
  13. B

    Rockstar is going to Washington

    I bloody hate this ****ing society.
  14. B

    Can anyone tell me the songs by the Red Hot Chili Peppers at Woodstock '99?

    On an unrelated note, their Slane Castle performance was awesome.
  15. B - What a Joke

  16. B - What a Joke

    /target Que-Ever /applaud /target Jackass Thompson /mock
  17. B

    Dreamscape: Pin Point Blank (Talent needed for Revolutionary concept)

    Wow, that's pretty harsh. An actual coder made my opinion go up by at least 50%. :p
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    Open gMail - Google Accounts

    I love you.
  19. B

    New Deathcab for Cutie

  20. B

    **** Everquest

    That's cos Shaman = easy mode. :D