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  1. Humita

    Left 4 Dead Preview

    Shacknews almost seems like a Valve spokesman. I like that website, but sometimes they adore Valve too much.
  2. Humita

    ****ing wierd dream of EP 3

    DId you REALLY dream all of that? How do you remember it with so many details? Usually when I dream I remember s**t and it's all quite confusing...
  3. Humita

    Is The Gman Evil?

    Yes and No. In HL1 he was definitely evil. BUt in HL2 he actually helps Gordon, though he takes something at the end of ep2 in exchange for that "help"
  4. Humita

    What makes the half life games so awsome?

    The Magnusson, it has to be The Magnusson....
  5. Humita

    Youtubed Half Life!

    I don't know why, but I really dislike the John Freeman videos. Don't hate me...
  6. Humita

    TF 2 - Engine Error

    Ok, I did what u guys said, and It works fine now. Thanks
  7. Humita

    TF 2 - Engine Error

    Guys, I've been having a weird problem. I hadn't played TF for a while, so the other day I did it. THe game updated itself and I started playing. But after being on any server for a couple of minutes, the game crashes and this engine error comes up: The same thing happens over and...
  8. Humita

    Cave Johnson will NOT be in the sequel...

    I don't think It was fake. I mean it was quite detailed and it makes sense. I believe we are going to see Cave Johnson in Portal 2, but I don't know who we are going to be playing as
  9. Humita

    Favorite minor character

    Griggs and Sheckly, and Uriah, I love how he worships the Magnusson
  10. Humita

    New to the site and Half-life in general. Please help

    Yeah, they usually do this in their games, and also with new characters and new weapons. You could say that the tutorial is IN the game
  11. Humita

    Too Many Shotguns

    ^^ You enlighten me
  12. Humita

    So is the medic supposed to be a Nazi?

    Another reason to love him...
  13. Humita


    Yeah, you have a point there. Anyway, I never liked the stalkers, never thought they were useful characters. They just showed you the atrocities the Combine made to humans
  14. Humita


    Maybe if we visit the combine homeworld...
  15. Humita

    Heavy is next? /speculation

    What's weird is that sometimes the game registers a backstab and it was really a facestab, or a sidestab. That's annoying for the player being stabbed. Also the spy's pistol is more useful than most people think, it's a really good weapon. Anyway, I suck as a spy, and get backstabbed a...
  16. Humita

    Too Many Shotguns

    For a time I used the flare gun, but I have to go with Iron_cube on this one: the shotgun is way better, I think it's more offensive. Back on topic, I think that with the unlockables we are going to get a wider variety of weapons. And I would like to see more SMG and not too many shotguns or...
  17. Humita

    The Missing Medic Taunt

    Those are trading cards that Valve wanted to give out as some sort of publicity for the game, but they never released them. If the demo can drink a whole bottle of alcohol, then the medic can get high if he wants to
  18. Humita

    So is the medic supposed to be a Nazi?

    I don't think he is nazi. As some had already said, he is just german; but that doesn't mean he HAS to be nazi. The thing is that nazis used to do all kinds of genetical experiments and so the image of a sadistic doctor, resembles them
  19. Humita

    This is an outrage!

    Halo is a lie
  20. Humita

    Info about the experiment.

    I totally agree. Valve doesn't even know what's going to happen; and they are for sure not developing HL3. I even think that they are not focusing that much in episode 3.