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  1. S

    Pro Shephards!

    Ah there we go.. and ofcourse they're facts, Marc Laidlaw stated himself, why would valve advertise something they never agreed on and let gearbox make a game off of their scripts?
  2. S

    Pro Shephards!

    Race-x is simply a small 3rd party that doesn't mean really anything to the overarching plot of half-life.. they just try to take blackmesa and fail horribly, so they retreat and go about their own business on xen or whatever dimension they live.
  3. S

    Hero of Aftermath confirmed ?

    The more alien groups the more interesting the plot is I say... I mean cmon, how original is ALIEN VS. HUMANS!!!!! yup thats it..
  4. S

    Pro Shephards!

    word to that
  5. S

    Pro Shephards!

    Gordon's suit was designed for combat due to the harsh conditions in xen faced by scientist exploration teams.. and if it were not Gordon would be on the ground dead in one shot. Shephard's suit was a powered combat vest, not a normal bullet proof vest, if that's not futuristic I don't know what...
  6. S

    Hero of Aftermath confirmed ?

    The race-x models at the time of opposing force were alot "cooler" than any thing valve managed to cook up.
  7. S

    Pro Shephards!

    Shephard is like Gordon's supreme rival, both characters are ultimate survivors who never talk and wear some sort of futuristic armor. Both characters have to go through hell at black mesa and somehow end up in one of the gman's freaky speeches. A shephard expansion for hl2 as another pov would...
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    Pro Shephards!

    Down with the anti shephard menace!!!
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    Gargs are robots eh? Where did you come up with that idea?
  10. S

    Adrian Shepard

    Know whad be cool? A five way war between race-x, combine, resistance, xen wildlife, and xen forces!!!!
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    Pro Shephards!

    Somone should make a poll pro/anti shephard to settle this..
  12. S

    Pro Shephards!

    The whole 7 hours thing with shephard would certainly work..
  13. S

    Point of Veiw, POV

    How about seeing things from a femail pov? Like valve originally planned..
  14. S

    Pro Shephards!

    Shephard is spelled with an H after p!! I hope for the return of old corporal as well :)
  15. S

    Point of Veiw, POV

    At first though I thought playing as Gordon would ruin everything..
  16. S

    Point of Veiw, POV

    The plot of hl2 seemed like it was building up for the first half.. but then the second half was rushed. I think playing as gordon would be da PWN!! Save the other povs for another time valve.. :)
  17. S

    *****Half Life 2: Aftermath**** Expansion pack coming summer

    Actually now that I think of it playing as Gordon isn't such a bad idea, you would wake up 5 minutes after the gman says "this is where I get off" meaning the gman left you to escape by yourself after completing what was assigned. You wake up in that room where you see the advisor with Alyx and...
  18. S

    Mistakes that I won't make with Aftermath!!!

    someone tried sending me scans of the lost coast but the links were broken..
  19. S

    Mistakes that I won't make with Aftermath!!!

    Hah I knew exacly what to do... I was like LOL I JUST GOTTA GO AROU.. BOOM!!!