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    Far Cry's spider sense.(HL2 related)

    The first time I've seen enviromentally triggered music in a FPS was Serious Sam. It started up as you were attacked and died down as stuff died :P It's not a new idea. HL2 is supposed to be slightly different, but I don't see it as some amazing feature.
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    Remember the movies?

    Remember how we got all those awesome movies off Steam? Remember how they were supposed to give us more once Steam was stablized? Well, Steam appears quite Stable now, as far as bandwith useage goes. I think it's time for you email whores to bug Valve because I think they forgot about...
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    VGA awards

    Madden 2004 won Game of the Year... what a ****ing joke. Everything was based on user votes that went to their site and voted I think. Pretty sad.
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    A new hardware policy for myself

    oi.. a Duron 1.6 GHz outperforms that.. and you can get one for $40. Honestly, I would try to get closer to 1 GB of memory, and I wish you woulda got a AMD system. That way you could spend $100 and get an excellent processor. Intel costs much more, as you know. I guess getting more ram...
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    Half-Life 2 "Yes", what about Counter-Strike2, and TFC2?

    The engine they started working on was Source. You have to understand that they started making HL2 directly after HL1 was done(Valve said this). That being said, the fact TF2 was on an advanced HL engine is impling that they were planning on releasing it SOON after HL1. However, since...
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    Shadow casting explanation for non-programmers

    Light in real life isn't "rays" so all of them are fake.. LoLz!!
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    Will HL2 end up like TF2?

    Community being the people who are in legitamate clans. I dont consider people who play casually on public servers part of the "community".
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    Will HL2 end up like TF2?

    TF2 would be dead already? People still play TF and the TFC community is big as ever. Razor: C-R-Y. Yes there is a possibility that ANYTHING could happen with the game but there is no evidence whatsoever that its going to happen to HL2. So your thread deserves to suck. Why not start a thread...
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    Will HL2 end up like TF2?

    what is this thread about? Is he trying to say HL2 will be delayed for a couple years, then ported to Valve's new engine and released after the flagship title? So that would mean.. HL2 is being delayed, Source II is being made, HL3 is being made for Source II engine, and HL2 will come out...
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    Valve Software Linux Server Boycott

    How does this help things? Valve isn't going to port HL2 to Linux so get over it already :/ They would also have to port Steam to Linux too. And a bunch of other shit. It's simply not feasible. Just run linux servers and maybe you'll convice some newbie windows users to try linux. Windows really...
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    HL2 release date confirmed?

    Sure, anything could be true. It could also be true that the game isn't coming out till April 2004 like other places are saying :/
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    Problems in TrapTown

    wow... someone change the search button so it takes up half these newb's screens so they press it by mistake and stop making new threads :P
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    Party A vs Party B.

    Then all the parties make pointless threads to flood the forums with crap.
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    He's one less than 1337 :[
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    Hammer Editor!

    SDK includes new Hammer which was supposed to come out "before" HL2 which was hinted at as being out at least a month before.
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    Need help. With internet explorer

    google helps for everything.. because newbies that can't operate their web browsers post on thousands of other TECH forums and those are indexed by google.
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    Need help. With internet explorer

    stop posting new threads stick... This is a HL2 forum. Not tech help. Try
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    The Beta is old , obvious proof.

    I looked at some of the levels that were used in the E3 demo. They were unfinished... not only because of techinical aspects (like missing models, error msgs or whatever), but also because the actual archetecture of the level itself was incomplete.
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    new code?

    If they were to recode the leaked code the game would be delayed another 2 years.. so no. Maybe a few sensitive parts and thats it :/
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    Code far from complete

    An engine that incomplete would have never been licensed out to another company more than a year and a half ago...