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  1. Flyingdebris

    Justice Without Her Blindfold Is Just Vengeance

    hell yes. agreed
  2. Flyingdebris

    Pyro question

    that would certainly explain how this one demoman i played against was able to time his stickies to get me even when i knew for a fact that he couldn't see me.
  3. Flyingdebris

    Demacracy 1, Chavez 0

    glad to see the fat faced blowhard fail
  4. Flyingdebris

    Best game cutscene

    "what began as a conflict over the transfer of consciousness from flesh to machines escalated into war which has decimated a million worlds" i LOVE that intro
  5. Flyingdebris

    Crysis has been conquered

    To the people that keep saying that it takes too many shots to drop the NK soldiers... are we playing the same game? on Delta it only ever took short bursts of maybe 3 to 5 bullets to drop any given soldier, except for the nanosuited ones. Were you using the silencer? cause i know that...
  6. Flyingdebris

    Shut up, Spain's king tells Chavez

    actually, porque no te callas, is pretty close to "why don't you shut up." if you wanted to tell someone to be quiet in spanish in a more polite way, there are other ways of saying it. Frankly i'm glad someone told him to shut up. :P
  7. Flyingdebris

    Favorite class and why?

    i love playing pyro, i've got like 40 hours on pyro, the next closest being maybe engineer at 3 hours. i.e. I play pyro too damn much. Something about bursting into the middle of an enemy formation and just torching everythng thats the wrong color and ruining their teamwork as they suddenly...
  8. Flyingdebris

    New Class...

    i think the classes should get some of their special grenades back i.e. the scout caltrops, pyro napalm nades, engi emp, demoman detpack. and a few others i can't quite remember atm. basically the defensive type grenades.
  9. Flyingdebris

    Spies Are Impossible!!!

    paranoid idiots? sounds like they are playing smart. As for pyros "randomly" shooting off their flamethrowers... As a dedicated pyro, there's nothing random about it. I do it to detect invisible spies when i suspect they may be about such as when our flag is out in the open and invisible...
  10. Flyingdebris

    PCGamer Reviews Crysis

    i think it has the potentional to. gonna need to play the game fully before i can answer that. but right off the bat i enjoy the combat considerably more.
  11. Flyingdebris

    PCGamer Reviews Crysis

    let me put in another way, what FPS games tackle as much as crysis does and are better? (edit) yeah, i as well want to see 0 punctuation's take.
  12. Flyingdebris

    PCGamer Reviews Crysis

    reading through this thread makes me feel as if 70% of the posters have in fact been replaced by Samon, (no offense intended, samon) Why all the hating attitude? It took a while for me to get crysis sp demo running due to some shitty nvidia issues, but once i got it running, it was a blast...
  13. Flyingdebris

    I have never seen snow before :(

    same boat as you soulslicer, gonna be seeing it real soon though
  14. Flyingdebris

    TF2 Holloween costumes!

    there was a whole thread about alternate female characters on this forum some months before tf2 came out. it would be awesome if hw gal looked nearly identical to hw guy, exept for a wig.
  15. Flyingdebris

    Of all HL2.netters, who would you want to meet?

    cpt. stern and solaris, in order to deliver nuclear headlock noogies numbers and cyberpitz to give high fives quick question, any hl2.netters in the chicago area?
  16. Flyingdebris

    Crysis news/info thread

    it costs bookoo bux and a lot of development time to create a new graphics engine from scratch. Especially ones meant to handle as much stuff as either the farcry 2's or crysis' engines. companies are loathe to spend that much time making new engines if they can just skirt around the problem...
  17. Flyingdebris

    Gun Control

    -if you are gonna use statistic, look at DC, LA, and chicago,statistaclly america's crime capitals. All of which have the most draconian of gun laws. -If you are gonna use statistics, no one should be allowed to drive cars, because owning a car will make you more likely to die in a car...
  18. Flyingdebris

    Greatest Storytelling in games.

    well i was like 12 when i played it, and as such my prepubescent mind was able to make short work of that game easily, since little kids are creepily able to figure complex or difficult games out a lot faster than older players. The exception for me being the final battle, which was hard as all...
  19. Flyingdebris

    Greatest Storytelling in games.

    Couldn't get the ending, youtube tore down all the cinematic videos minus the intro. So here's the intro. The characters were textureless retro style polygonal characters, but he voice actors were awesome, the story had the 70s vibe down packed, and in the end you totally gun down the...
  20. Flyingdebris

    Favourite TF2 Map Poll

    i like 2 fort and hydro. I wish someone would remake the shortbus maps though perhaps have the bus be an actual drivable vehicle instead of a train remodeled as a bus. I just find the idea of a hw guy driving to be quite funny.