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  1. Flyingdebris

    No hands stupidity!

    I don't buy into the immersion factor of not seeing what i expect i should be seeing. Nor do i think that just because the first game had it/didn't have it, all others must follow. That line of thinking leads to stagnation And for those that say is cosmetic and doesn't matter, you could...
  2. Flyingdebris

    Useless Facts Thread

    You cannot lick your own elbow ^ | reading the above factoid causes most people to attempt to lick their own elbows.
  3. Flyingdebris

    Best and Worst Ending

    I can't believe no one has said it yet Worst ending. Gordon wakes up back in black mesa, where he's really just a janitor who had fallen a sleep on the job, it was all just a dream Best Ending. Everything is in ruins, everyone else of importance has been killed off. Humanity is even...
  4. Flyingdebris

    G-man replacement

    maybe G-man needs an intern?
  5. Flyingdebris

    7-11 = racist

    nothing in the world should be funny and everything is serious business! arrgghhhsdfgsf!!!
  6. Flyingdebris

    Lily Mesa: Immigrant's Right Force

    except that when a civil war inevitably pops up, it will be massive. And since the entire world is under one government, there are no neutral areas.
  7. Flyingdebris

    5 other issues worse than global warming

    well... shit
  8. Flyingdebris

    How do you feel about Half-life 2's arsenal?

    I'm starting to get the feeling that valve is painting itself into a corner with their weapon selections
  9. Flyingdebris

    CIA hired Mafia to poison Castro

    what he said
  10. Flyingdebris

    CIA hired Mafia to poison Castro

    I'm sorry, how many people in this thread have relatives still living in Cuba, had relatives recently arrived from Cuba, or had relatives who where around during the initial revolution? Everyone raise your hand if you do. *raises hand* Otherwise stop trying to sugarcoat what castro's done with...
  11. Flyingdebris

    CIA hired Mafia to poison Castro

    he's castro, thats enough reason for me
  12. Flyingdebris

    Net neutrality goes poof

    doesn't net neutrality bill though cause the government to meddle with the internet instead? it comes down to either have the government mucking about enforcing stuff on the net, or having the corps doing whatever they want. is one really better than the other?
  13. Flyingdebris


    this has been a problem with, me, as i too am "too nice." However you have to push that niceness into the back of your mind sometimes and be more agressive. Most girls, provided they aren't look for a doormat, want a guy who is a pillar of strength in some way. Confidence, independence...
  14. Flyingdebris

    Article: Why doesn't Evolution get rid of ugly people?

    ugly isn't purely a genetic factor. a lot of what we consider ugly/pretty comes down to that person's ability to take care of their appearance. You might have been born with awesome genes, but if you sit at home all day, never exercise, and eat shitty foods, you are going to look like an...
  15. Flyingdebris

    Lily Mesa: Immigrant's Right Force

    yes in some ways, no in others. Its only violent in the shitty parts of the city, which i was smart enough to avoid. Lawless, no. It is overlawed if anything. There was constant legal rangling and red tape going on in LA at all times and all you ever heard on the radio is how group x is...
  16. Flyingdebris

    Rise of the LOLcats

    i prefer warhammer wednesdays
  17. Flyingdebris

    my problems!!

    grow some self esteem and self respect. if you can clean yourself up, make yourself appear reasonably well adjusted, and project an air of confidence, then attracting someone won't be that much of a problem. Hell, one of my friends is a 300lb MMO playing slob, but the simple fact that...
  18. Flyingdebris

    A particular bit of dialogue in HL2

    biotics- antlions necrotics- zombies parasitics- crabs
  19. Flyingdebris

    Lily Mesa: Immigrant's Right Force

    when i was living in LA only 2 months ago, this was a really big deal all over the radio. basicaly all the craploads of legislation that hamstrung police from properly deporting illegal alien criminals when arrested. The police were forcing into using the most round about loopholes just to get...
  20. Flyingdebris

    Evolution IS a blind watchmaker

    good stuff! i want some evolving clocks now