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  1. Incitatus

    HL2 And linux!

    Lol did you ever get owned
  2. Incitatus

    Do you Belive in a God or Not?

    Really anyone who hasn't taken at least an introductory course in philosophy at university shouldn't be allowed to awnser this poll. anyway I voted yes, explaning why woiuld take too long and would go over most peoples head anyway
  3. Incitatus

    Garg vs. Strider

    oh... it most definately could Just hide in a corner, couple of grenades and it was gone
  4. Incitatus

    OMG!!! Kerry's people are getting desperate!

    hmm I wish people people that didn't have at least 2 years of university education in a politcal discipline (e.g. comparative politics, politcal philosophy) were prohibited form discussing such matters. Sorry but the more I read such threads across the internet the more I wish that. tbh this...
  5. Incitatus

    Source is good or bad?

    yeah I agree
  6. Incitatus

    OMG!!! Kerry's people are getting desperate!

    In wasn't commenting on either article in particular but on the concept of 'real news stories' unbiased news networks have long been a thing of the past. An example of recent bias in CNN was the coverage of the DNC and the RNC. We saw almost all of the key speeches at the DNC but I was forced to...
  7. Incitatus

    OMG!!! Kerry's people are getting desperate!

    From a objective point of view, the Bush campaign has been running circles around the Kerry camp. Kerry's response to the swift boat veterans for truth was horrible and seemed very petty. Bush from the start condemned all 527's, remember there are far more 527's criticizing Bush than Kerry. He...
  8. Incitatus

    OMG!!! Kerry's people are getting desperate!

    Lol 'real news stories' that's awesome :D especially having CNN and msnbc in the list :D I'm not trying to be an ass or anything that just cracked me up. EDIT: Anyway it doesn't really matter the Kerry camp lost this a couple of weeks before the RNC and they know it too. :afro:
  9. Incitatus

    My thoughts on the B-man

    sooo... you watched a movie by a guy whose sole purpose it is to turn people against bush and lo and behold you hate him, doesn't that make you think? Maybe you hated him before? in that case the point still stands
  10. Incitatus

    another Fake Gabe Newell post ?

    LOL "as then we can begin" ahahaha :afro:
  11. Incitatus

    HL2 BoB mod?

    I think the BoB mod folded quite some time ago, but I could be mistaken
  12. Incitatus

    First Screenshot!!! (need verify tho)

    Looks very photoshoped to me, no new models, no shadows, low res textures, no nothing. Just the water which I could do myself in photoshop
  13. Incitatus

    First attempt at torso (suggestions plz)

    Could you post a wire with the shoulders bent? I'd like to see how it works out
  14. Incitatus

    Hk Xm8

    Nice one, I was wondering when someone would get around to doing one of these :) :afro:
  15. Incitatus

    First attempt at torso (suggestions plz)

    Never render WIPs with GI it just hides any mistakes we could point out. Overall shape seems decent though I'd agree the arms look a bit thin. EDIT: Also the geometry will make it difficult to skin it (by skinning I mean making a skeleton etc.) :afro:
  16. Incitatus

    ~Every Surface Bumpmapped?

    exactly :afro:
  17. Incitatus

    Finally Got Around to Playing CS:S

    I think you mean LGW:S :p :afro:
  18. Incitatus


    That's because you default to dx8 :afro:
  19. Incitatus

    *Basic* Lighting Tutorial

    nice tut. another excellent tut on basic 3 point lighting can be found here EDIT: if you are using environmental lighting with GI and you're loosing detail play around with he amount of bounces and their intensity, but you should always master traditional lighting before...
  20. Incitatus

    Favorite in game cutscene......

    intro from full throttle. anyone that doesn't remember full throttle is a nublet :p :afro: