I had the original Black & White running on an ATi Rage Fury 128 (32mb) card from the late 1990's and it ran just fine with max graphics at 1024 by 768. I know the Geforce FX can run Black & White 2 on max settings with decent frame rates.
I wouldn't be so sure about that. It may not be 100% perfect but it may be very close. They did a Crysis demonstration for the engine and it already is coming really close to photo realism. Here is the video:
Even if photo realism...
Luke Smith is pretty credible but this is a case of wait and see. At this point Sony really needs something to stay afloat so I think that Killzone will be shown in some form or another at GDC next month.
This game is disgusting. I can't believe people are even defending this crapola. Here is a review of the game from someone who has it:
Everything is inferior to the several year old console versions. I don't think I would want this game if it was offered to me for...
It's real. I don't waste time with fake news. Heres a 1up link:
EDIT: Someone already reported this in a topic with a different name here:
This thread can be locked.
It has been around 10 years in the making and a lot of humor. Finally it looks like the dust covered blanket it slowly being pulled off of the vaporware game. The president of 3D Realms has released this in-game screenshot of Duke Nukem Forever:
A few choice quotes:
I love my Xbox 360 but every Far Cry port on the Xbox and 360 was horrible and it's a safe bet that the 360 version of Crysis will suck to. Graphics will be severely downgraded, gameplay will be cheap, etc. Just another way to milk a game. I don't expect this game to be good at all so I won't...
Almost everyone I talked to loves the controls and the game. Several journalists said they could never go back to the GC version. Most people seem to think this game will top OOT. I've seen some amazing things myself in this game. Just wait for the final reviews. :)
Thats because Nintendo's site was overloaded and killed. Luckily for you I got mirrors:
Trailers Mirrors:
Video 1: http://forum.desertqueens.com/richy_temp/zeldaopening.flv
Video 2: http://forum.desertqueens.com/richy_temp/zeldamovie2.flv
YouTube Links:
OH MY FREAKIN LORD. I just updated the list including two new full length trailers. These were JUST posted and will totally blow you away. This is #23 in the list.
For those who have not been keeping up with the recent news surrounding Zelda: Twilight Princess here are some of the more recent news announcements. Please keep in mind that these are packed with spoilers.
1. Edge Zelda Magazine Covers
2. New Zelda Footage Shown At Aussie Wii Party
3. New...
I think Zelda: Ocarina of Time is deserving of the number one spot. Then again it's obviously an opinion and others believe that it should have been a different game.
The game looks quite good graphically and I also dig the concept. I hope the game plays well though and has good animations and stuff. It looks like it's not going to be released for a long time though.