Search results

  1. frusion

    FPS speeds? Is this good or bad??

    anything above 60 is playable :)
  2. frusion

    Disappointing piece of garbage..

    holy moley crying noobs batman!
  3. frusion


    id give the sound 10/10 anyday
  4. frusion

    Big release suprise!!!???

    no one knows...many have said css update which is pretty logical because valve said they would update it in december but who knows it could be a new chapter i nthe story? lol
  5. frusion

    Could this be the big G?

    its our old friend doctor freeman
  6. frusion

    Where's the Hydra?

    lol 10char
  7. frusion

    Check out whats on ATI.

    duh a 6800 can take it its not far from the x800 its better actually in some cases
  8. frusion

    The REAL Combine?

    cause its in the models
  9. frusion

    The best mod idea in the universe

    lol nice idea hope it really happens
  10. frusion

    Game Photography

    arg i have the same card and fps as you GRRRR
  11. frusion

    HL2 Music

    *raises hand*
  12. frusion

    christmas gift ideas?

    im lookin for a new chair for my office :P any ideas btw those are kool
  13. frusion

    AMAZING H-L2 screens !

    nice pics ive got the same settings as u..not sure what card u run on but i got a 6800ultra overlocked and i can really see the effectiveness the source engine can do
  14. frusion

    What is this BS??? ATI levels...

    EHHHHHHHHHH im a proud nvidia owner...and gabe said it requires a HIGH END graphics card naming the 6800 or X800 seems pretty logical...both cards are great :)
  15. frusion

    Mesh does Half-life Videos

    lol that was great i LMAO at the Doom3 vids
  16. frusion

    What is this "THING"

    thats the combine alien
  17. frusion

    Life as a Combine soldier is hard

    lol nice deepest sympathy to the combine soldier
  18. frusion

    7 Hours Game/Mod concept art?

    wats the 7 hour war?
  19. frusion

    Petition to Valve regarding Half Life 2 and STEAM

    can u explain in shorter terms?
  20. frusion

    Half-life 2 Multiplayer Screenshots

    attack of the gray blobs