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  1. JonTheCanuck

    would you consider valve an indie company?

    could u please define indie? I'm gona guess that means independant :rolling: but does that mean that they're the highest up in the chain and the publishers cant tell them jack sh!t?
  2. JonTheCanuck

    Why you should buy Doom 3.

    i know, i hate how they do that kinda thing, they're clever. I just dont give in to that crap. If they release the same film with extra footage later on i just say screw it cause i aint paying for something twice.
  3. JonTheCanuck

    Why you should buy Doom 3.

    i think most of here have pirated somethign at some point. I'm no exception. The only games i'd pirate however r ones i wouldn't buy anyways and just dont feel like wasting my money. Sure that doesn't justify it, but i'm not trying to. If i feel a game deserves it, then i'll pay money for...
  4. JonTheCanuck

    Sleeping problems,tips please.

    fox is getting good at dropping decent shows, another they dropped was family guy, i'm also a futurama fan. I dont know why they'd cancel good shows like that, especially considering the crap and cliche overdone slapstick shows that r on instead.
  5. JonTheCanuck

    Once HL2 is released....

    its kinda stupid to have an obligation towards clanmates to show up for practices and matches. Gaming is more something i do just when i feel like it, not when somebody else wants me to play. If i get really addicted i might join a clan of non-hardcore players that just wanna have fun and dont...
  6. JonTheCanuck

    Sleeping problems,tips please.

    obviously u people haven't heard of horse tranquilizer, works wonders
  7. JonTheCanuck

    CS is getting pathetically boring with noobs....

    i stopped playing CS due to the insane amount of cheaters. All the more frustrating when u accuse them they figure that by getting their friend to say "he's not cheating, he's really good" it makes their defense more credible.
  8. JonTheCanuck

    Did they delay Stalker untill christmas or something?

    pulling co-op was a big downfall for these guys. A lot of people were gonna be getting it mainly because of the co-op, judging by their reactions in the stalker forums. I was one of them. I dunno if i'm gonna be buying it anymore now that they slashed it. I was lookin forward to playin thru...
  9. JonTheCanuck

    Did they delay Stalker untill christmas or something?

    i know, so why bother? especially considering how so many are off by more than an entire year
  10. JonTheCanuck

    Is spanking a legitimate way of Discipline

    *cough* *looks shifty eyed around the room* errrrm uhhh i know i wouldn't... *cough*
  11. JonTheCanuck

    Is spanking a legitimate way of Discipline

    thats definately a good approach, i'd also recommend using a phonebook. What u do is put it up against the kid and punch the phonebook. Hurts the kid but leaves no marks! fantastic! :bounce:
  12. JonTheCanuck

    Did they delay Stalker untill christmas or something?

    can anybody here remember the last time a game developing company actually got a game out on the date they said it would be? cause in all honestly, i literally cannot.
  13. JonTheCanuck

    Too much anger here

    theres already a sticky about this. OmG u N0o|3, i h8 u!!!!
  14. JonTheCanuck

    Will alyx be useless?

    ya cause that'd be fun... a game that beats itself for u.... :rolling:
  15. JonTheCanuck

    If you could add one weapon to HL2 what would it be?

    THE MINIGUN imagine having a wooden fence and completely shredding it into nothing within seconds after loading it with hundreds of holes. Not to mention all the fun with the physics u could have just completely destroying things.
  16. JonTheCanuck

    Half-Life 2 is GOLD! Got source right here:

    how do i know that image isn't photoshopped???? sure it looks legit.... but i just dont know anymore
  17. JonTheCanuck

    Is spanking a legitimate way of Discipline

    depends which end of it i'm on :naughty:
  18. JonTheCanuck

    Best avatars, your vote

    i didn't mean i just made it as in a sense of time, i meant little effort was put in to it
  19. JonTheCanuck

    Best avatars, your vote

    ya its a beauty lol