My day job involves testing Acer laptops to find what's wrong with them. The majority of the ones that are faulty with nVidia GPU's tend to have the fault related to the GPU in some way. You could try restoring the system and see if the problem persists. If it does there's it's clear the GPU is...
It all depends on what you want to do with it. It you want Crossfire, go for either X48 or X38 if you don't want to spend as much. If you want to use a single card, go for P45 (or P35 if you really on a budget). nForce chipsets are mainly for SLi but I've heard bad things about there...
I do agree that more frames is better and I prefer the 29/30 FPS that NTSC offers too but why has the film industry made 24 frames the standard now? Why not 30? I guess they seem to think that is the optimal frame rate.
Bit of a shit comparison when the HD shot is a PNG and the DVD shot a 32KB compress raped JPG.
Either way, HD is clearly superior but the cost doesn't justify it ATM. Plus, PAL resolution here is 720x576 so we get a little extra over 480. :P
Why not just take the connector block for the front audio jack that's connected to the motherboard, pull the right and left audio pins out and reverse them? Sounds like they were put in the wrong way when the case was manufactured. Your motherboard manual should show you which ones you need to...
The main purpose of sleep is more for the brain than physical rest I think, for humans atleast anyway. I remember seeing something on TV where they mentioned than REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep was the most important phase of sleeping and when your in the deepest part of it. Cells damaged during...
As WhiteZero said, the screen is pretty much the complete cost of the TV. It won't be worth fixing so you'll either have to continue using it or get a new one.
I think people were complaining about EA not making the older games (C&C, Red Alert) work on XP properly or something like that but I can't remember. I have it and haven't had any problems but I'm not on Vista. It's worth getting if you haven't got all the games and it doesn't cost to much now...
I believe it does but I'm not sure if they're the same. This mod implements a lot of stuff that was cut from the game so maybe Blowouts were originally going to be implemented but for whatever reason they took it out.
The mod I'm using is this one...
In the OL mod, Blowouts were implemented that aren't in the vanilla game as far as I can remember. They occur every 3-4 days and, depending on how deep you are into the zone, vary in intencity. They start when you her a deep moaning sound and the sky turns red. Earthquakes then occur and a huge...
Reading this had made me reinstall the game and try out the OL mod. Just built my new computer so I can play everything on full this time round. Also, will the Float32 mod work with the OL mod? The readme says that it might not work with any side mods but the Float32 is just a graphical improvement.
I had this problem recently with a folder on a FLASH drive. The only thing that got rid of it was chkdsk (Windows 2000). I think in XP you use it right clicking the drive the folder is on and run Properties > Tools > Error-Checking. It'll probably take a while but it might remove it.
I've look around and it seems my PSU could cope with two 4850's in CF but the heats gonna be a problem it seems. My monitor is 21" with a 1680x1050 max res so I guess there potential will be wasted. Think I'll get the single 4870. :)
Thanks for the help guys.
I'm going to build a new PC soon and want to either get a single 4870 or two 4850 in CF. I wasn't going to bother with CF/SLi but the benchmarks for two 4850 make it look like a worth while investment. My main problem though is I'm trying to do this in a HTPC style case. From what I've heard...
I keep getting an annoying sound problem with this. Everytime the trees transists from the editor to where the creature can run around I get this irritating door buzzer like sound. There are a few other sound glitches to. It seems to be related to the SFX sound and I tried low and high...
If the router is near one of your computers then maybe try plugging it via an ethernet cable into the router (it should have atleast 4 ports) and the other buy wireless? The router should have DHCP and you'll only have to plug it in for it to work. Windows by default (2000, XP anyway) should...
When it's time to clean my case out I usually just take it outside and blow air into through a McDonald's straw. :P It's not good for me though because I usually over do it and end up light headed but it works quite well at getting the dust out.
It saying it can only hold 4.3GB is correct for a 4.7GB disc. It's the same sort of thing you get with HDD because of how the manufacturers measure the capacity.
4700000000/(1024*(1024*1024)) = 4.377216
My dentists always says that I should floss but just can't see the point. I can never do it right anyway and usually end up making my gums bleed so I just don't bother.