Search results

  1. Peks

    OMG Silver or CE?

    I want DoD:S horribly bad but having to download everything off Steam will suck...that DvD will sure come in handy. I guess it all depends on if DoD:S will be cheap to non-steam buyers.
  2. Peks

    So... Half-Life 2 for 26 dollars?

    still 47
  3. Peks

    Retail Collector's Edition

    I heard somewhere dod:s will be a free steam download for retail CE owners.
  4. Peks

    What will be the CS:S suprises?

    trinity owned..i love the cliff fights.
  5. Peks

    Will HLDM be included in the HL:S facelift?

    That wouldn't be too bad.
  6. Peks

    Bronze Silver Gold Retail SE Retail CE?? POLL

    To the steam buyers - have fun redownloading 6 gigis of data each time you reformat...don't reformat? have fun with your 20 fps....have a cd burner? the cost of 6 CD's isnt worth the extra money for the retail dvd...have a dvd burner? lucky you...Im not sure if you can even burn steam data to...
  7. Peks

    PC Gamer Exclusive Half-Life 2 Review

    its been known for months that cs:s was the only multiplayer. don't act so surprised because you weren't a believer.
  8. Peks

    What are the features of CS: Source? (lean and prone)

    Lean in games is stupid. Prone is for DoD. Hopefully DoD source will fix that stupid prone-machine-gun-tracer-bug.
  9. Peks

    All MY CS:S Movies

    tagged for when new host arrives.
  10. Peks

    CS: Source movie made by me...

    downloading this because the WoW movie compilation is raping my upload.
  11. Peks

    Kick Ass Scope Reflection

    What does FarCry's look like?
  12. Peks

    Small tips to increase FPS

    tagged for later.
  13. Peks

    wtf? low fps?

    Do what i do. First i virus scan my computer using format c: , then i reinstall.
  14. Peks

    Anyone else extremely disappointed in Source?

    iamaelephant - I found a page that compares source's physics with Farcry's and Doom 3's. You might be a bit suprised. Physics compare
  15. Peks

    Congratulations StarMonkey!

    pics of fiance + a video of the honeymoon jk. :D congratz
  16. Peks

    Just got back from playing CS:S...

    Are any boxes breakable? They look static, migth be on purpore to preserve certain gameplay aspects.
  17. Peks

    Bink videos

    *BINK* *BINK* What is going on here? *BINK* *BINK* if anyone knows what i'm talking about, they get a cookie ;p
  18. Peks

    Half-Life 2 ( 30+Weapons) did Valve show us everything?

    i know of 2 that haven't been publicly shown yet. only because im a TRUE fan who got ahold of the leak. a TRUE fan would be so eager to find anything extra out about it and still buy me.
  19. Peks

    New Steam accounts?

    We we have to make new Steam accounts since HL2 will have it's own serials? This would apply only for multiplayer games like CS:S.
  20. Peks

    New questions of mine..

    It won't move.