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  1. P

    Check out this guy's Halloween Costume

  2. P

    Update 07/05/05

    the new model looks shite, why????
  3. P

    How to get a girlfriend

    edgy and twitchy eh, take some pills :smoking:
  4. P

    How to get a girlfriend

    You need to take things less literally, lighten up. If i call someone a monkey, obviously they arent literally a monkey. Pleb isnt the most insulting word in world, if someone called me a pleb id laugh. Oh no I used some bad language and mentioned micheal jackson, boys and girls hide behind your...
  5. P

    How to get a girlfriend

    hahahah, sorry but you think youre not a pleb because your DAD earns 47 grand a year???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What does money have to do with anything for a start, and you are not your dad, and my dad earns more... WHO CARES? I mean what the ****, you think thats cool or something, the very fact...
  6. P

    How to get a girlfriend

    i wasnt talking to you, you pleb
  7. P

    How to get a girlfriend

    I just think you cant accept the fact that you ****ed it up, and wont do anything to change it.
  8. P

    How to get a girlfriend

    er of course ive experienced the same, Ive been in love, the problem you have is you do the right things and then stop. You gotta amplify, not degenerate. There is no point in treating a girl like their special, things wont go well. So yeh ive been in love and so has she, but I dont call her...
  9. P

    How to get a girlfriend

    Never take girls out no. I find dates too unnatural, and the chemistry doesnt work properly, theres always too much tension and importance set on a date, things just arent as cool than say youre just hanging out with her or going to a club. Plus im not going to waste my money on her hehe. It...
  10. P

    How to get a girlfriend

    lol.. im not being "hard". Im saying if you kiss a girls ass and buy her stuff, she will see you as a push over and a wuss and then suddenly boom, she has no attraction for you. Yeh its ok to buy her a drink once in a while after say youve been going out a month, or if its her birthday or...
  11. P

    How to get a girlfriend

    only if youre a wuss, personally i dont buy girls anything, i get them to buy me stuff :naughty:
  12. P

    How to get a girlfriend

  13. P

    How to get a girlfriend

    I find good ways to get women attracted to you, be cocky and funny, take the piss out of her but in a humourous way, so that she might hit you but smile at the same time. Act like she wants you, like if she grabs your arm, say something like, man you cant keep your hands off me can you. Never...
  14. P

    Bumpmapping? Shiny surfaces? etc

    cheers, but yer it seems down, is there not anyone else that knows?
  15. P

    Bumpmapping? Shiny surfaces? etc

    How do I add bumpmapping and shine to textures? Cheers! :cheers:
  16. P

    school map

    looks a bit bland, put some damn effort in
  17. P

    De_dust_SiN - Map Release

    lol i love how youve done the trailer
  18. P

    de_train_b1 WIP

    you seem to have a really bad computer, turn your graphics up
  19. P

    dumb guy solutions 101

    you the gate with the batterys? well i didnt realise you had to get batterys and managed to shoot the buggy over the gate with the grav gun
  20. P

    This is really ****en wierd

    er, noooooooooooooooooo