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  1. The DemonWithin


    Hahah, yeah creatine does work. It has a shitload of protien and carbs in it. But it's only useful if you actually work out everyday. I've know too many people that thought taking it regularly and working out once a week would work for them.
  2. The DemonWithin

    Derivative Math for MicroEconomics

    I can't really tell you without knowing the full question. Also I never took calculus. But it's definately not simplifying. =10k ^ 0.4(0.6)L ^ 0.6 - 1 =(0.6)10k ^ 0.4L ^ 0.4 They are obviously not equal so either the equation is wrong or you wrote it out wrong or I'm missing something...
  3. The DemonWithin


    In response to not noticing any difference in your muscles: When you first start working out you will notice a huge difference in muscle mass/strength for a couple months, then you'll reach a point where it is very hard to gain extra mass/strength. This is normal, you're still gaining...
  4. The DemonWithin

    NASA physics

    Don't worry, we're all physicists here. Haha, I took one physics course because it fit my major, and we never learned about apogee or perigee. No idea.
  5. The DemonWithin

    worst game system ever created?

    What about megaman!!?!? Those are the only games I liked on snes, besides some of the mario games.
  6. The DemonWithin

    worst game system ever created?

    While that may be true, Virtual boy was also a really crappy system somewhat like a gameboy, only you had a screen that was fitted in goggles to give the illusion of space age virtual reality!! I never actually tried it because when it first came out none of my friends got it and it looked...
  7. The DemonWithin

    Things you can't buy anymore

    I remember those, used to love them too. I'm pretty sure they were called garbage monsters, or something. I was living in montreal at the time though, and they screw with names of products so who knows.
  8. The DemonWithin

    This will truly amaze you..

    Hahahaha, you have no idea what you're talking about.
  9. The DemonWithin

    Random theory

    You should alert the scientific community immediately! This here is breaking news!
  10. The DemonWithin

    You can't punch LCD Monitors

    You didnt even break it in half, what a pussy!!!!1!
  11. The DemonWithin

    I have a car! GET OFF THE MOTHER****ING ROADS!

    There are tons of mx3's (precidia) where I live. Never driven one, but they dont look too bad. Was thinking of either getting an mx3 or an mx6, decided on the latter.
  12. The DemonWithin

    I have a car! GET OFF THE MOTHER****ING ROADS!

    My first car (That i bought myself, not that i've driven) is a mazda mx6 ls. 164 hp v6. 9 days after i bought it some guy in a truck decided to run a stop sign and slam into my drivers side.
  13. The DemonWithin

    Irony and why jealousy never works

    So you flirted with some girl who was already attached. When you found that out, you stopped showing interest because you wanted to give her space, but she took that as you really werent interested in trying and so she actually lost interest in you and stopped putting forth any effort at all. So...
  14. The DemonWithin

    Am I sick?

    You're growing. If you're that concerned, ask your doctor. He'll tell you the same thing. About your insect story: I'm no entomologist, but I'm pretty sure this has nothing to do with anything. Since that was a couple weeks ago, it's def not going to kill you and unless the bite site is...
  15. The DemonWithin

    Hair Styles!

    I havent cut my hair in about a year. I actually have an afro. It looks pretty good on me and It gets me alot of attention at work/bars so it's a win win. An afro wont work for you though cause you're not me, I'm sorry.
  16. The DemonWithin

    How to get around Muzak

    They'll fire you if you tamper with it.
  17. The DemonWithin

    Having parties sucks

    Not at your place: small gatherings with some friends < full blown party with people you've never seen before At your place: small gatherings with some friends > full blown party with people you've never seen before
  18. The DemonWithin

    Having parties sucks

    Haha, yeah I remember though parties, shitty. After that we just got our big friends to bounce the shitheads (they worked as bouncers at clubs too.)
  19. The DemonWithin

    What has been the happiest day of your life?

    Hahah, well thats easy. Whenever I take ecstasy. That doesnt really count though so other than that, when I first hooked up with a girl I had liked for quite a while.
  20. The DemonWithin

    Got a new car!

    Different people have different points of view and interests.