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  1. Z

    A New Mystery Unfolds...

    Crazy thought for the day. Could the resonance cascade have somehow caused one of these vortigaunts to kind of fuse with gordon?
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    Fable Continues To Break Records

    I'm guessing that's not the figure he's pointing out. There are actually two figures there, the second (I think) being the number of units sold, which quite clearly shows pokemon outselling Fable.
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    Crazy next month or so..

    This is going to be quite possibly the greatest lineup of games being released in Q4, that I can remember.
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    nintendo have done a few collaborations with some companies this generation.
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    blaarrghh i cant decide between psp and ds

    Both handhelds seem interesting. I've seen some of the PSP games running and Metal Gear is beginning to impress me. I wasn't too keen on the idea of a card based Metal Gear game, but after seeing it in action it seems to play alot like some of my favourite pc games(Silent Storm and Jagged...
  6. Z

    Devil May Cry 3

    Yeah a few people on another forum who played the demo said it was as good as if not better than DMC1. I'm getting excited about this game. I read a preview in a magazine where they talked about some of the weapons in the game that Dante would get. They said that apparently Dante's gets to dual...
  7. Z

    Why Halo 2 might sell more than Half-life 2

    Are you sure? I thought that Vice City had sold like 8 million copies(rough guess, so I probably will be wrong on that) on the ps2. I'd be impressed if Halo had that many pre-orders
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    Games like C&C Generals

    But they did introduce a sort of resource for GC2 though didn't they? I mean you capture points and get money for it, which you can use to buy more soldiers and stuff, so it's almost a typical RTS mechanic.. At least that's what I vaguely recall from the demo. I didn't like the demo that much...
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    Games like C&C Generals

    In that caes I'd recommend Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War, it's one of the most fun RTS games I've played in ages. It's got tanks, you build bases and you kill each other :E "It is better to die for the emperor than live for yourself" "I have awoken"
  10. Z

    Why Halo 2 might sell more than Half-life 2

    Welll I quoted yourself, and the bit of your post that I quoted seemed to suggest that you thought everyone loved Halo. My apologies, I thought you were serious, obviously I totally misunderstood what you were trying to say. After all I don't think there will ever be anything that everyone in...
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    Why Halo 2 might sell more than Half-life 2

    I've said it so many times before but I'll say it again. I don't love Halo and I'm not the only one either. I know plenty of people who played it and don't like it that much. I'm not saying it's craptacular or anything so don't get your knickers in a twist. I just thought it wasn't as good as...
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    halo killer?

    I thought Halo singleplayer was quite crap really aside from the first few levels(Silent Cartographer being my favourite out of the bunch). It has what is in my opinion the worst FPS level ever plus I hated the Flood. The only thing that made it above average was the multiplayer, IMO. I...
  13. Z

    X-Men Legends?

    It's basically an Xmen version of the Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance games i.e. it's an action-RPG( or a hack and slash game with a few levelling up elements thrown in). You can have a party of four x-men at any one time but you only directly control one of them(though you can switch between any...
  14. Z

    Wanda and Collosus - For Fans of Ico

    I do agree that this game makes owning a ps2 worthwhile 'cos ICO was brilliant. I don't agree that it's one of the few games that make a ps2 worth owning. There are plenty of games worth owning for the ps2 and plenty more still to be released.
  15. Z

    Post your Amusing Dawn of War Pics :)

    I normally don't play many RTSs in multiplayer usually 'cos I'd get my ass kicked. However I've thoroughly enjoyed the demo and I'm now looking forward to the full game. I thought the campaign mission in the demo was quite fun, but also the skirmish mode was brilliant. IMO I think it's worth...
  16. Z

    Post your Amusing Dawn of War Pics :)

    you can play as the orks in the demo as well, through a mod. Though I don't suppose it matters much to US players since the game is coming out tomorrow IIRC.
  17. Z

    Mario Tennis :)

    I'm looking forward to this, surprising as it may seem this is probably one of my most awaited games for the gamecube. I only hope it fares better in the transition between N64 and GC than the Mario Kart series fared IMO. I can't recall how many hours I've spent with family and friends playing...
  18. Z

    Game Cube

    Ikaruga, Super Monkey Ball, Pikmin, Viewtiful Joe, FZero GX, Mario Golf and Metroid Prime. Mario kart : Double dash was my most awaited game for the GC. To be honeset I was bitterly disappointed with the end product, I like the racing and everything but one of the main reasons I buy Mario...
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    Deus Ex 2

    I don't understand what you mean by "made it less of an RTS" because it had nothing to do with that genre of game in the first place. I suspect you were supposed to say FPS, which if it is true(I'm making a big assumption here) I would totally disagree with. If anything the removal of the skill...
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    Doom 3 VS Halo 2

    I didn't like Halo that much except from the multiplayer. I thought the singleplayer was boring and repetitive(The Library is the worst level ever in any game!!) plus I hated the flood, they were just so boring to fight, all they did was charge at you, no dodging in and aout of cover like the...