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  1. moz4rt

    Bush doesn't care

    fyi bush is fluent in spanish.
  2. moz4rt

    Gov wrongly tells women abortion tied to cancer

    this makes us in mississippi look bad
  3. moz4rt

    2 more states ban gay marriage

    I know what you mean about legalized descrimination. It makes me sick. The thing you didn't say is that descrimination has been legalized for quite some time now, and I can't stand it. I am so offended that they separate mens' and womens' restrooms. It makes me want to scream. And now, with...
  4. moz4rt

    Kerry Caught in yet Another Lie

    now you're changing the subject. you said that bush lied because he said saddam had WMDs. Kerry said the same thing and yet you keep defending him. you really need to lose the double standard. either they both lied or they both didn't. i happen to think that neither of them lied because...
  5. moz4rt

    Kerry Caught in yet Another Lie

    lol, this is great. No he didn't press the "button" as you say but he would have if he had been in power. Also as a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Kerry saw the same info from the CIA that Bush did.
  6. moz4rt

    Kerry Caught in yet Another Lie

    I'm replying to the second post in the thread. I'm not sure if this has been posted yet but here ya go. "Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so...
  7. moz4rt

    Blunders by George and company.

    Tell that to USA Today.
  8. moz4rt

    Blunders by George and company.

    Here are some good ones. "The vast majority of our imports come from outside the country" "We're going to have the best educated American people in the world." "We have a firm commitment to NATO, we are a part of NATO. We have a firm commitment to Europe. We are a part of Europe." "A...
  9. moz4rt

    Friends or Seinfield?

    Seinfeld!!!111one I crapped my pants when I heard that they're releasing seasons 1-3 in November.
  10. moz4rt

    The Grammar Nazis... of DOOM!

    I hate it when people say "eXpecially" instead of "eSpecially". Every time I hear that IT MAKES ME MAD!!!11
  11. moz4rt

    Who Won the Debate: Poll Edition

    Hi everyone it's been a while since my last post but I'm back. This is a gallup poll from today's USA Today p.5A. Which presidential candidate... Agreed with you more on issues you care about? Kerry-46% Bush-49% Expressed himself more clearly? Kerry- 60% Bush 32% Was more...
  12. moz4rt

    OMG!!! Kerry's people are getting desperate!

    Ok so the Kerry campaign just gave CBS News a document from 1973 that "tells the truth about Bush's military records". This was announced by Dan Rather on CBS Evening News (which, for you foreign people, is a hugely popular news program). Here's a little excerpt from the article in the...
  13. moz4rt

    Mx Logitech mice.

    I've had my MX510 (blue, of course) for a few months now and it's the pwnage. Not a single problem. I recommend it.
  14. moz4rt

    Got some strange letter from an american who dont like Europe and soccer..

    i can't stand these arrogant people who hate folks just cause they're from a certain geographical location. even if this is a joke i didn't find it funny.
  15. moz4rt

    U.S. death toll in Iraq passes 1,000

    lol! have you been paying attention to what is happening (especially with the interest rates and all)? the economy is growing stronger as we speak. It is very surprising too- because of a little thing called 911. take a look at the canadian economy! man i'm glad i don't live there. (i'm...
  16. moz4rt

    anyone seen outfoxed?

    1. that's fine but you left out part of my argument. 2. that's good to know. 3. oreilly corrected himself on more than one occasion. he has won several polk awards (not peabody) while on inside edition.
  17. moz4rt

    anyone seen outfoxed?

    1. not sure about o'reilly but i know Michael moore lied about where he's from. he says he's from flint, but he's actually from a much richer town nearby. 2. there are so many people who say they aren't affiliated with any party (like me). I hate the whole 2 party system, like oreilly does...
  18. moz4rt

    anyone seen outfoxed?

    I don't see how people can call O'Reilly biased and say that he should be shot, but forget how biased Al Franken and Michael Moore are. O'Reilly does the EXACT same thing for the right that Franken and Moore do for the left. That's just the way it is so get over it.
  19. moz4rt

    Only things we all agree on

    hmmm... that must mean that there are 2 universal truths: 1. there is only one universal truth. 2. water is wet. this is starting to make my brain hurt... :cheese:
  20. moz4rt

    Only things we all agree on

    hl2 is gonna be the pwnage!!!111one