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  1. C

    Question about making your own t-shirt.

    What type of iron-on paper is best?
  2. C

    Funny video archive.

    It's not the sticky, so it must not be this place's. But someone here linked to it a long time ago...
  3. C

    Funny video archive.

    I think I remember you guys having a funny video archive. What is the url?
  4. C

    I killed Lamar the headcrab!

    I did "impulse 101", and to my surprise, I found I could kill him! The funniest part is that the scene was so scripted, that it went as usually, with nobody noticing! LOL! Here's a pic:
  5. C

    Favorite Propaganda Poster

    My favorite is this one: The dove stands for two things: it is universally known as the symbol for peace, and in The Bible, it symbolizes God.
  6. C

    Chronicles of Riddick on the PC?

    Actually, this game surpasses the movie!
  7. C

    Anyone else think the E3 2003 binks looked better than the final game ended up?

    I said in terms of moodiness, not graphics!
  8. C

    Anyone else think the E3 2003 binks looked better than the final game ended up?

    Just wanted to see if anyone else agrees with me.
  9. C

    What an abuse of Next gen engine

    I know a lot of people that disagree with you...
  10. C

    Cable internet not efficient.

    The download rate is usually less than your actual connection is. My DSL is at 384 k/s and the highest I've seen my download rate is at 45 k/s.
  11. C

    Game Performance

    I've heard this game is terrible, performance-wise.
  12. C

    Half Life 2 on Doom3 Engine !!

    This is important because it poves that the Doom 3 engine can produce high-res textures, and that the only reason that id hasn't got any is because of performance hits. (The guy at said that he drops to 30 fps)
  13. C

    Doom 3 expansion to have rip-off of HL2's gravity gun.

    As I said, this might be a good thing! Try to look on the bright side! :)
  14. C

    Doom 3 expansion to have rip-off of HL2's gravity gun.

    According to Computer Gaming World magazine, it's called the "Grabber", and can "allow you to hold and launch just about any imaginable object in the game." My first thought was "What a rip-off!." But this might not be such a bad thing. I'm all for having a gravity gun in every game! :)
  15. C

    The Last Chapter, something i didn't get

    I believe that HL1 and HL2 have differrent voice actors for Eli.
  16. C

    Have a question... ?

  17. C

    Its The Retailers fault, not anyones else!

    I've heard that they get fined $10,000 every time they sell HL2 before Nov. 16.
  18. C

    new weapon

  19. C

    Lets talk about the soundtrack

    Does anyone know what track is the one in the "Striders" bink, or if it's even in the soundtrack?