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  1. N

    Odd feeling when playing Half Life 2

    same, i havent finshed it yet. its strange, im going to continue in a few mintues but geez.. games ive been half interested in i i havent been able to turn off, putting off sleep, yet past four days ive only progressed a little, after playing for a bit i exit to do something else, when im still...
  2. N

    Quick Questions.

    yeah it plays hl2 but steam is running in the background. i only want this to happen when i want to play online.
  3. N

    Any know if there is a console commmand to make allies shootable?

    why did they cut this out? it was a cool feature. In hl1, did you kill the first barney for his gun?
  4. N

    Quick Questions.

    how can i play without steam? at the moment it starts when i run the hl2 shortcut.
  5. N

    Where are the Hydras?

    the reason its looks so cool is because youre looking from a different perspective. in first person view its hard to distinguish what the tentacle is doing.
  6. N

    Quick Questions.

    I cannot shoot any npc's, resistance etc, is this normal? (im on my way to eli) no gibbing or blood after death? can i play without steam running? does steam take up much resources? thanks
  7. N

    Elephant was right.

    He guessed November.
  8. N


    which year?
  9. N

    Who had the original idea's?

    they all borrow ideas from each other, just like eveything else.
  10. N

    Does Gordon have a helmet in HL2?

    as i keep on saying, its retractable.
  11. N

    Does Gordon have a helmet in HL2?

    the hev suit is like a convertable, the helmet is retractable.
  12. N

    Valve's Internal Memos leaked!

    you understood it, right? and youre not a genius, right? and once they got there they discover that macho boy randy savage is doing gordons voice!! quick email gabe!! hey its youre perogative not to click a link likewise when i ask you to kiss my arse. you dont have to defend these morons.
  13. N

    Valve's Internal Memos leaked!

    i dont know why i bother. seriously
  14. N

    Valve's Internal Memos leaked!

    anyway im still reeling in shock, this week ive learned that santa and jeffk are fictional characters. damn you cruel world, whats next? wwf is staged???
  15. N

    Valve's Internal Memos leaked!

    where from my post did you get the idea that i didnt know that? apart from announcing in size 24 "i know this is a joke and i am posting this so everyone else can have a laugh", how could have made it clearer?
  16. N

    Valve's Internal Memos leaked!

    JeffK the hax0red valve's intersite. thanks
  17. N

    Widescreen Source vs. Fullscreen Source (PICS inside)

    those pics arent a good comparison if you want widescreen on a normal lcd or crt.
  18. N

    Halflife storyline

    i had way more fun in half life a few months ago than i did in far cry. play it man, if you dont youre missing out on one of the best games of all time. If you haven't been to Black Mesa, you haven't lived.
  19. N

    Delay movies.

    what does "10 char" mean and where did it come from?
  20. N

    valve hl2 mod box. update

    i think you should change that ignore to this guy ^ above <RJMC> you still havent looked and youre still bitching. he has got a valve in it. dont comment on what you havent seen. *grabs child and smashes face into screen, you see there goddammit!!*...