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  1. entity


    you might not want to use a white background for white objects :P
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    Half-Decent Gordon Freeman model!

    cannonfodder made a better one
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    face...2nd try.

    then mindless moder will be my new hero :P
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    WIP: male character

    you're wasting a lot of polygons, especially on the legs. Usually, an 8 sided cylinder is enough, even pushing it. And try to add some loops to the shoulders, for better deformation.
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    [WiP]Char - Ratman - 56k warning -

    shoulder wires look messed up though, would deform really bad. The eyeballs look dense
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    Where to start?

    Agreed, back when I didn't have an internet connection..I learned everything from there. Definately the best place to start
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    HL2 character rig for 3DS MAX?

    but painting is just so awesome
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    ok what the hell

    stfu with the app war >: (
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    completed new models

    meh, from the look of the huge poly wastage there, I don't think that's valve's model
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    completed new models

    ripping models = bad (even if it's just a head)
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    WIP DOD:S skins

    some serious stretching there
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    WIP: M3A1 Tank for 1944: D-Day

    maybe it's for in-game cinematics? of course if the tank only uses only diffuse + spec, it won't be that much of a problem even for in-game
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    WIP: M3A1 Tank for 1944: D-Day

    The game i'm working for uses 5000-6000 polys for a normal character, and 7000-8000 for bosses, with 3 maps diff, spec and normal. ue3
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    early character wip

    post some wires
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    WIP: M3A1 Tank for 1944: D-Day

    10 000 is definately not low poly, even for next gen games
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    Damn what hot key did i hit!

    hmm..that usually happens when you have an object that is too small. Have you tried scaling it up? I'll look into this
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    Skin Texturing Tutorial

    the only advantage I see to a tablet is the pressure sensitivity, better brush strokes and speed.
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    Skin Texturing Tutorial

    lol yeah, there's nothing bad about using mouses..I mean the old guys used them and still managed to produce good art.
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    Skin Texturing Tutorial

    check polycount, there are some skinning vids there, don't know if they're still available. Also, has an excellent vid tut on skinning.
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    Stormy's 3d max class!

    ouch, those cushions look sharp