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  1. chrisuk27

    Movies you could watch several times

    Any of the following series: star wars, Alien, indiana jones, matrix, lotr, Star trek, Terminator,xmen,lockstock',blade... One offs; well Donni darko, gladiator, saving private ryan, shaun of the dead, the goonies, napoleon dynamite, a bridge to far, kellys heros, ah the list goes on...:)
  2. chrisuk27


    Ah i remember that trailer now...after watching it again it gives you a better idea as to 'who's - who'
  3. chrisuk27

    24 Season 1

    i want bear powers! <random as hell, and funny. click it!> xlucidx sig Man that is wierd as!!!!???
  4. chrisuk27


    whats it about ??
  5. chrisuk27


    All good stuff Im trying very hard not to watch the following episode in E4 each night so I can look forward to the next one!
  6. chrisuk27

    shaun of the dead

    If you get the DVD, on the extras bit its shows these plot points in graphical fashion (done by edgar wright the director). Loved this film and i urge people to check out their 2 season sitcom SPACED if they liked shaun then theyll love SPACED! :)
  7. chrisuk27

    Growing Meat

    Cant see it working in the Developing world tho...what will all those farmers do then?
  8. chrisuk27

    3rd Ashes Test

    Yeah, its another one of those games we spread with the 'Empire'. Played in all those small countries youve never hear heard of. Whats India's population again? American football = Poor version of Rugby for p@ssys wearing body armour and helmets. ;)
  9. chrisuk27

    3rd Ashes Test

    Man how close was that! great play all round, this has to be one of the best ashes series of all time! :) :) :)
  10. chrisuk27


    Well I watched it last night along with a crew room packed with about 25 Engineers and we loved it! Most watched the second episode and some even the next one on E4...although I had work to get back to by then. Looks to be one of the greats along with the likes of Twin Peaks, the new battlestar...
  11. chrisuk27

    Cross your fingers...

    I think im right in saying that they have landing 'windows', in that times when they can 'de-orbit' to coincide with landing strips etc. Its simular to the launch when the windows can be as little as 30 seconds to meet requirements. But yeah good to see its back safe, heres hoping they get the...
  12. chrisuk27

    I was bored, made a shirt in MS Paint.

    Great stuff! got any more on the way?
  13. chrisuk27

    24 Season 1

    I've watched 24 on DVD as im usually away when its on tv. Season one was great, a personal story...whereas season 2 was more global, great stuff. Im partway through season 3 seems good so far! :)
  14. chrisuk27

    Cross your fingers...

    Discovery begins de-orbit burn and is aiming to land in California around 13:12 (BST) :)
  15. chrisuk27

    A manual?

    Box? they still sell them in boxes? :upstare:
  16. chrisuk27

    Cross your fingers...

    Just heard the landing is delayed for 1.5 hours
  17. chrisuk27

    Cross your fingers...

    Discovery is on its way back to Earth this morning. Here's hoping all goes well :D
  18. chrisuk27

    star war (just one)

    hehe nice one! :)
  19. chrisuk27

    August 6th, 2005 -- Nukes planned to Detonate in America

    Bah you lot still here?...thought i would have the boards for myself ;)
  20. chrisuk27

    August 6th, 2005 -- Nukes planned to Detonate in America a car,truck,boat,backpack...big mac!? :eek: