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  1. Cthrag Yaska

    Pyro question

    Salmon bat FTW!
  2. Cthrag Yaska

    Connection failed after 4 retries

    Try updating the video drivers, if thats the only thing youve changed.
  3. Cthrag Yaska

    Teams- What that Spy Does For You

    When not playing the spy, if i see a spy on my team i always act as if its an enemy. It really helps the spy rather then running along shouting "here is our teams spy" ;)
  4. Cthrag Yaska

    Sudden death and Spies

    Depends on map if i go spy, some of the hydro routes with the tiny paths are a pain in the ass, i would rather play a soldier then risk trying to squeeze passed un hit. I'm too inpatient really thats the problem if i justed waited a little till half the team were dead... sigh.
  5. Cthrag Yaska

    "The Fortress" Series

    "I get all my information from China, theyre smart people" - Lol'd
  6. Cthrag Yaska

    Pyro question

    Lol, the wierdest thing ive seen from someone lagging out was when a medic was ubering an soldier and he timed out. The soldier could still move, but the uber was perminant until the server kicked the timed out medic, now thats annoying! As for the video, sure it cant be detected by Valve but...
  7. Cthrag Yaska

    Team Fortress 2 Custom Sound Pack

    Yeah i'm with you Hamsocks aswell, there is nothing more annoying then waiting an age to download loads of sounds i dont want. As for the original topic i hadnt really thought about it tbh, i associate the sounds in the game with the items so its never been an issue. If you did a sound pack i...
  8. Cthrag Yaska

    Pyro question

    Ive not heard of any, i'd imagine it would be quite hard to make a Hack as each of the classes are totally different. If someone was going to make a class specific hack my first guess would be one for the sniper. Pyro would be one of the last as its primarily a close range weapon. Unless you...
  9. Cthrag Yaska

    What happened to the #2 server?

    Not sure :(
  10. Cthrag Yaska

    How to play the Pyro

    If youve not seen the one about on the Spy you should difinatly watch it, really helped me :)
  11. Cthrag Yaska

    Pyro question

    Not to mention the best and most hilarious weapon out of them all :D
  12. Cthrag Yaska

    Best Designed Class.

    Scouts are far from hilarious that are annoying as hell!
  13. Cthrag Yaska

    Portals on glass contradiction!

  14. Cthrag Yaska

    Cubes changing mass?

    Why doesnt someone use Garys mod to move the cubes between levels and test which cubes work on which buttons (nice project for someone although i doubt it would prove much):laugh:
  15. Cthrag Yaska

    Life-size weighted companion cube

    I browsed your Deviant Art zombieturtle01, bugger me i'm impressed VERY nice work with the headcrab sculpture.
  16. Cthrag Yaska

    Portal 2 Speculation?

    Surweet! Weve got a lot of custom maps to look forward to in the mean time no doubt :D
  17. Cthrag Yaska

    When do the Plushie Wushies and Car Cubes come out?

    Its spotless reviews by just about EVERYONE would tell a different story.
  18. Cthrag Yaska

    Aperture Laboratory Holiday Greeting Card

    I'll 2nd that flame killer, its not a bad price (although i do wonder about teh quality).
  19. Cthrag Yaska

    GLaDOS computer images.

    Eh? I think ive missed something here.
  20. Cthrag Yaska

    Cube Shirts

    Aww its cute, ive seen better tees but i wouldnt say know :D