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  1. Quality.mE

    Post a pic of your favorite t-shirt!
  2. Quality.mE

    Rambo 5

    that was quake III rambo version
  3. Quality.mE

    Creationists turn to peanut butter to disprove Evolution

    ok he convinced me... no more evolution, no more science... i found god... buhuahhahaa wtf...? how come i didnt figure it out by my self? i saw the stone in my garden for years.. it never turned to life.. it didnt evolved
  4. Quality.mE

    Cheerleading Bloopers

    man the second one was realy hard... lol
  5. Quality.mE

    Ghetto trash beats up 91 year old man, people watch.

    well if the police is trying to protect him making his name public sure did the job hahaha
  6. Quality.mE

    gezelle run

    was quite nice... i like the screams
  7. Quality.mE

    what made you play half life

    i started with counter strike.. then i tried hl, i liked the story the gameplay and ambience. then i got through all the expansions mods and stuff of hl1 and hl2..
  8. Quality.mE

    Why Fanboys Hate Xbox.

    lol i love the cat at 2:06... ;)
  9. Quality.mE

    Why Fanboys Hate Xbox.

    im not ignorant... i actualy have two 360s... and if u go on some game trailes or guides u must pay to see them... and spendig a lot of money to buy a 360 and 2 or 3 weeks after it brokes and u have to send it to germany and w8 like 3 or 4 weeks to get it fix i think its more than a valid reason...
  10. Quality.mE

    Why Fanboys Hate Xbox.

    no to mention that all my friends xboxs broke (except one), u need to pay to stay online?? why? i pay my internet connection why do i have to pay extramoney for xbox live? and when i get on xbox live guess what? i need to pay even more, for stupid things like images, videos or trailers?? wtf...
  11. Quality.mE

    Gman Squad!

    the dj part made mE laugh... ;)
  12. Quality.mE

    Reporter owned by sled

    cool... source physics ;)
  13. Quality.mE

    Kung-fu just got obscene

    i do.... ;)
  14. Quality.mE

    Kung-fu just got obscene

    this is so stupid... who the hell wastes his time to do this???
  15. Quality.mE

    The Most Spoiled Girl In The World?

    i wanna slap her to death.... ^^
  16. Quality.mE

    I have just experianced my first car accident :D

    my first car accident was like 2 years ago. it was snowy and my dad was driving on a slippery road. we were talking when we turn a curve and right at the end we saw this thing (on the moment we didnt realized wtf was) in the middle of the road. i was like "what the fu...." and buuuumm we hit an...