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  1. Lukes Wall

    Counter Strike Source Game Stuttering

    I'm led to believe that the problem is steam using your RAM and your HD, but I could be wrong, right?
  2. Lukes Wall

    New important Steam Update

    I wasn't really talking to you. kthxbye Ok, then. Sarcasm suffers through written language, no? :) I prefer the english version, myself. The differences are: vocabulary; accent (it's almost impossible for a brazillian to fully understand a portuguese, they talk REALLY fast); structure...
  3. Lukes Wall

    New important Steam Update

    Portuguese is the language from Portugal, which is an european country. Here in Brazil (I can't talk about the whole south america), we do have eletricity and some of us go as far as having our own copies of HL2, I shit you negative. But the translation sucks for us brazillians, our...
  4. Lukes Wall

    Headcrab vs. Facehugger

    Yes, it's plausible. The headcrab is a parasite, but it has bodly resources for the "alien baby" to feed off. Of course I can. The egg. The chicken as we know it is an evolution from a "less" evolved chicken. The evolutionary step was taken when one of these "less" evolved chickens laid an...
  5. Lukes Wall

    isnt it WIERD?

    I didn't put the can in the trash nor did I kill him. I threw it on his face and when he came over me, I walked around him and went on my way.
  6. Lukes Wall

    custom sprays request thread

    what's the maximum size for a spray image? In KBs, I mean.
  7. Lukes Wall

    Did the last patch fix your suttering problems?

    How did you do that?
  8. Lukes Wall

    LOL. Pistol has a secondary fire mode. :D

    I think it's a bug. Maybe they'll make it official and shorten the hold time.
  9. Lukes Wall

    Valve > Pirates

    People who get the warez version create a different account for it. They're not stupid enough to have it in the same account as their regular games.
  10. Lukes Wall

    A fix for the stuttering is on the way!

    September, 30, 2005: here we go. :sleep:
  11. Lukes Wall

    the highly popular security for hl2!!

    Steam can't stop pirating. Simply can't.
  12. Lukes Wall

    Anyone else feel sick?

    bring down the console. sv_cheats 1. fov 90. no more sickness for you.
  13. Lukes Wall

    Half-Life 2, left alone feeling (spoilers! dont read if you haven't completed it)

    Yes, those spoiler things would be great for those kind of people like me, who didn't play yet, you know? damn...
  14. Lukes Wall

    what settings have you used for best overall game play?

    You are above the recommended settings and will surely do just fine.
  15. Lukes Wall

    There won't be a "real" HL2 multiplayer.

    But it's a small, simple map and, as you said, only 6/8 people.
  16. Lukes Wall

    There won't be a "real" HL2 multiplayer.

    The reason is: It would be impossible to do it right with today's technology. Remember how CS:s physics aren't very accurate (compared to the actual game)? Now, imagine 32 players using the Manipulator, throwing barrels and stuff like crazy cows. It would be a nightmare for any regular computer...
  17. Lukes Wall

    HL2 MP Servers UP-NO JOKE

    oh, babe.
  18. Lukes Wall

    Those of you who think the GameSpot review is justified!

    Halo 2 is harder, but that doesn't mean the A.I. is better.
  19. Lukes Wall

    HELP Error 1334 while Installing!

    Oh man, be happy you it isn't the 1337 error. THAT would be give you problems.
  20. Lukes Wall

    Those of you who think the GameSpot review is justified!

    The background is HL. If you need more details, HL3 will probably give them to you. Remember, it's a planned trilogy, don't judge it without knowing everything. It would be really interesting to imagine how those U.S. Army operatives (assassins, marines) managed to enter a closed city...